
A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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The warm spring sun finally penetrated the cold of winter, and Wang Lihua easily took out the mat that had been pressed for a winter from the locker.

She muttered while washing: "It's really good weather, bask in the mat, bask in the mood." Wang Lihua, a 58-year-old retired secondary school history teacher, is full of twists and revelations.

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

Just as Wang Lihua took the cleaned mat to the roof to dry, she ran into her neighbor Lao Zhao, who had just been discharged from the hospital. Lao Zhao suffers from chronic bronchitis, and the two chatted about health.

"Lihua, I heard that your health has not been good lately, is it true?" asked Lao Zhao with concern.

Wang Lihua sighed, "Yes, the doctor said that I had terminal cancer, and I blamed myself." ”

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

It turned out that Wang Lihua was diagnosed with stomach cancer because of her bad habits for a long time.

This habit is to drink more than 3 cups of espresso a day. Although many people think that drinking coffee can be a refreshment, for Wang Lihua, her coffee intake far exceeds that of the average person.

Long-term caffeine intake not only affects sleep, but also stimulates gastric acid secretion, and in the long run, her gastric mucosa suffers serious damage and eventually develops gastric cancer.

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

According to statistics, the incidence of gastric cancer is closely related to dietary habits. A large number of studies have shown that although some compounds in coffee have antioxidant effects, excessive caffeine is the "enemy" of the gastric mucosa.

Excessive intake of caffeine can significantly increase the secretion of gastric juice, leading to excessive gastric acid, which can easily cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa and increase the risk of gastric cancer in the long run.

"I drink at least 3 cups of coffee a day, a habit that has been maintained for many years, and this year it has been counted more than a thousand. Wang Lihua said to Lao Zhao with a wry smile.

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

In the doctor's office, facing Wang Lihua, the doctor sternly pointed out: "Wang Lihua, you drank too much coffee, which is the direct cause of your current situation." You must quit this habit completely now to reduce the burden on your stomach. ”

The doctor also made a point of mentioning the case of another patient. This patient also suffered from health problems caused by long-term excessive coffee consumption.

They have seen significant improvements in their condition by reducing their coffee intake and adjusting their diet and lifestyle habits.

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

In the follow-up treatment, Wang Lihua began to strictly control the intake of coffee and actively cooperated with the doctor's treatment recommendations.

She also began to realize that healthy living is not just about curing diseases, but also about self-management and prevention in daily life.

At the end of the story, Wang Lihua looked at the sun-lit mat on the roof of the building, and her mood gradually brightened. She is determined to share this story in the hope that more people will pay attention to their daily habits.

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

Wang Lihua's case shows the risk of stomach problems caused by excessive coffee, so what should be the scientific coffee intake for the average person?

The general recommendation for scientific coffee intake for most adults is no more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, which is roughly equivalent to 4 standard cups (about 8 ounces each) of coffee.

This recommended amount is based on multiple studies that take into account the effects of caffeine on the heart, nervous system, and digestive system.

A 58-year-old aunt with terminal cancer, the doctor scolded: This habit should have been quit a long time ago!

This recommended intake comes from a comprehensive study by multiple health regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Studies have shown that a daily intake of 400 mg of caffeine is safe for most healthy adults, with a high probability of not causing adverse heart effects and not increasing the risk of heart attack or irregular heartbeat.

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