
At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

author:Qihan Round Table Pie
At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

The Russia-Ukraine issue is one of the most concerned issues in the international community, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has lasted for more than two years, has brought tremendous pressure to the international community.

However, according to recent reports from various sources, through the joint efforts of many countries in the world, both Russia and Ukraine have expressed no objection to resolving the issue through peaceful negotiations, which shows that the Russia-Ukraine issue may stop in the near future.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

But just when the international community is waiting for good news from Russia and Ukraine, the United States has announced another news, and this news is likely to bring the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has just eased a little, into a tense atmosphere again.

According to relevant media reports, on April 15, local time, Mike Johnson, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, said that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives will vote on bills to aid Ukraine and Israel this week.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

You must know that since the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian issue, the reason why Ukraine can engage in a prolonged armed conflict with Russia is because of the NATO organization led by the United States standing behind it.

Members of the organization have repeatedly provided military weapons assistance to Russia under the pretext of humanitarianism to ensure that Ukraine can continue to contain Russia.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

It can be seen that the United States is using Ukraine to fight a proxy war with Russia, but Ukraine is bent on joining NATO, so it has been used as a pawn.

However, later, due to many international events, the United States suspended its arms assistance to Ukraine, and other NATO countries followed the United States in suspending their assistance.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

You must know that an armed conflict is very serious about the consumption of arms, so after Ukraine loses aid from NATO, it quickly depletes its arsenal.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has repeatedly condemned the US side's suspension of aid, but in the end he has not received an accurate response, so he has been repeatedly disappointed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

It may be that it is precisely this behavior of the United States that makes it impossible for Ukraine to insist on continuing to confront Russia, so it has repeatedly publicly stated that it wants to solve the problem through peaceful means.

The Russian side has also made relevant remarks, saying that it is acceptable to solve the problem through peaceful communication, but it must be fair, not an agreement imposed on the Russian side.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

However, there was news recently that the United States would hold a vote on whether to continue to aid Ukraine, and such behavior of the United States instantly made the international community nervous again.

You must know that the reason why the United States has previously suspended aid to Ukraine is because Speaker of the US House of Representatives Johnson is an ally of Republican presidential candidate Trump, and it was he who blocked the aid bill.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

But according to the latest reports, there are also two voices within the Republican Party in the United States, and Johnson also passed a bill to continue to aid Ukraine.

Johnson's behavior has aroused strong dissatisfaction among some members of the Republican Party in the United States, and according to NBC, because of the serious divisions within the Republican Party in the House of Representatives, plus other reasons, it is likely that Johnson will lose his position as speaker.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

According to relevant reports, the U.S. House of Representatives will hold a final vote on whether the United States will continue to aid Ukraine on the evening of April 20 local time (April 21, Beijing time).

And the U.S. vote this time will also determine whether to continue to support Ukraine, which will also affect the future direction and fate of Russia and Ukraine.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

In the past, Zelensky said in a NATO online meeting that Ukraine needs to be assisted with at least seven sets of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, as well as other related advanced weapons.

The United States has already prepared arms worth $1 billion and transported them to the arsenals of various European countries, and as long as the results of this vote come out, these weapons will be sent directly to the Ukrainian side after the victory of the support aid to Ukraine.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

Then we can also imagine that after the Ukrainian side has these advanced weapons, will he choose to reconcile with the Russian side?

Especially in recent days, it has been rumored on the Internet that Russia's previous air raid decapitated the No. 2 real power figure on the Ukrainian side, so will Ukraine choose to retaliate against Russia after obtaining weapons from the US military?

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot

Therefore, judging from the current situation, if the United States chooses to continue to assist Ukraine, it is impossible to conclude what the future outcome of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be.

According to the time difference, the final time for the United States to show the results is 1:30 a.m. Beijing time on April 21, and the future fate of Russia and Ukraine may be determined in less than four hours in the last hour.

At half past 1 a.m. tomorrow, the battle of the fate of Russia and Ukraine: the American giant ship sent a large number of weapons and filled the ammunition depot


Global Network - April 18, 2024 "The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the bill to aid Ukraine, lawmakers: who is in favor must go to the battlefield in person"

Jimu News - April 16, 2024 "After being shelved for several months, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote again on whether to continue to aid Ukraine and Israel" - April 13, 2024 "Trump: Aid to Ukraine "is not a gift" and can only be in the form of loans"

China Economic Net - April 18, 2024 "Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives: Will Vote on Ukraine Aid and Other Foreign Aid Bills on the 20th"