
5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

author:Knowledge TNT

Not long ago, China Mobile said that it would launch the world's first 5.5G commercial deployment in Hangzhou. In 2024, China Mobile will build the world's largest 5.5G commercial network.

When that time comes, everyone will be able to leapfrog from the 5G era to the 5.5G era, isn't it exciting?

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

Speaking of which, many people may ask, what is this 5.5G, and what are its advantages compared with 5G?

The 5.5G era is coming

5.5G, also known as the fifth and a half generations of communication technology, is a transition between 5G and 6G. Compared with 5G, 5.5G has significant performance improvements in terms of speed, latency, and positioning.

The first is speed. 5.5G relies on frequency band splicing to achieve a three-carrier aggregation. In this case, the user device can achieve an uplink gigabit and downlink 10 gigabit effect. In other words, 5.5G is 10 times faster than 5G.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

Of course, just talk about it, don't practice fake tricks. Some engineers have conducted a network speed test under the 5.5G base station. Judging from the test results, the network speed of 5.5G reached 4-8G/s.

According to engineers, the theoretical peak of 5.5G network speed can reach 10G/s. In other words, an ultra-clear Blu-ray 3D blockbuster can be downloaded in an instant. With such a speed against the sky, isn't it exciting to think about it?

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

In addition to fast network speeds, 5.5G can also achieve centimeter-level positioning. This means that when you share your real-time location with your girlfriend in the future, she will immediately know which seat you are in at the bar. Isn't it exciting?

In addition, 5.5G can also achieve millisecond-level latency. Regarding the anti-weather performance in this regard, we will introduce it later. In short, 5.5G is like a high-end version of 5G, allowing you to experience an epoch-making communication experience in minutes.

In fact, as early as May 2023, Beijing opened the first 5.5G experimental base station in Changping District for the construction of an international information port.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

In June 2023, Huawei announced at the Mobile World Congress in Shanghai that it would release end-to-end 5.5G commercial products in 2024. Once these commercial products are rolled out, commercial operations will begin in Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and other places, allowing people around the world to enjoy the high-quality services brought by 5.5G.

5.5G technology is in full swing

By 2025, 5.5G technology will affect all walks of life. Whether you make a phone call or send a video, you can borrow the power of 5.5G to improve efficiency like never before.

Speaking of which, some people may ask, after all that, what can this 5.5G be used for? Is it just as simple as improving network speed?

Before we do that, let's take a look at the effects of 5G speeds. On Chinese New Year's Eve last year, Chengdu Tianfu New District held a large drone show.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

At the show, 3,000 drones hovered in the air. They rely on the control of algorithms to form a grand picture with a span of 800 meters, known as the shining Chengdu drone show.

During this period, pictures such as Tianfu Picture Scroll, Flower New Year's Greeting, Hibiscus Blossom, Dragon Sky and other pictures appeared one by one, and a large number of drones used their excellent posture to show the audience what it means to change life with science and technology.

And the performance of this drone show relies heavily on the support of 5G technology. After all, in terms of network speed, latency, and the number of device connections, only 5G technology can hold the whole audience.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

Now it's different, with 5.5G, the scale of this drone show will be even larger. At that time, Chengdu Tianfu New Area may operate a larger number of drones, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, in order to create a more gorgeous picture.

From another point of view, if a drone equipped with 5.5G technology is used in warfare, it will be absolutely amazing. It is equivalent to having a whole swarm mecha team, which can annihilate the enemy army in minutes, while our army is in a state of zero casualties.

Of course, the mainland is peace-loving and will not easily use these weapons of destruction in war. Unless anyone sins against me, he will be punished.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

In addition to being used in drones, 5.5G technology can also be used in glasses-free 3D. An immersive device like this allows you to wander around the virtual world.

Now everyone plays naked-eye 3D, either it is too card, or the picture is blurry, and there is no sense of experience at all.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

What exactly is 5.5G used for?

But with 5.5G technology, it will be able to empower the naked-eye 3D project. Under such circumstances, people's spiritual life can be further enriched.

With the increasing development of network communication technology, there will be more and more such immersive virtual experience scenes. At that time, you can use glasses-free 3D technology to have an immersive experience with your favorite TV series female characters. Isn't that exciting?

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

In addition, autonomous driving, like autonomous driving, also belongs to a category of 5.5G coverage.

Since 5.5G technology can achieve low-cost interconnection of 100 billion yuan, it can connect to countless sensors. With these sensors, the car can collect more road data and vehicle data, just like radar. This reduces the occurrence of collisions.

In addition, because 5.5G technology has a relatively short latency, it can make the driving system react in a timely manner. When to stop, when to turn, all these operations can be done in a very short time. In this case, autonomous driving is no different from human driving.

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

Nowadays, there are a large number of unmanned sightseeing buses in Hefei. In these buses, there is no cab and no steering wheel. All you have to do is type in a specific program and it will be able to roam the streets.

With the rollout of 5.5G technology, including private car drivers, there will be a real liberation. At that point, things like driver's licenses and traffic violations will cease to exist. After all, the car is driven by a robot, so is it difficult to find a robot fine?

5.5G will be commercialized around the world and can be used by ordinary people?

In general, the market for 5.5G technology is vast and the vision is ambitious. When 5.5G technology achieves full coverage, people's living standards will be raised to a new level.