
On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

author:Red History
On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

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On April 9, Beijing time, the Chinese embassy in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, was surrounded by local marchers, who were very emotional and dissatisfied with China's attitude on the South China Sea issue, and demanded that China abide by the results of the "South China Sea Arbitration".

A few days later, Marcos Jr. drew a red line in the South China Sea, and as long as China crossed the line, he would unite with the United States and other countries to fight with China. For this reason, the mainland is noncommittal, and the mainland is only safeguarding its rights and interests in the South China Sea in accordance with the law, and the Philippines' move is undoubtedly a farce.

In addition, the mainland continues to strengthen its deployment and influence in the South China Sea, and a new type of AI water cannon independently developed by the mainland came out a few days ago. So what impact will AI water cannons have on the situation in the South China Sea?

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

Disputes in the South China Sea have arisen one after another

In recent years, the Philippines has been making a big fuss about the beached vessels at Second Thomas Shoal, trying to stabilize the hull by transporting building materials to the ships and establishing a post on Second Thomas Shoal through the ships, but the Philippines' repeated actions have been stopped by the mainland coast guard by professional means.

When nothing happens, the Philippines has made another move, and they have again begun to create disputes on Scarborough Shoal, Mischief Reef, and other islands and reefs, threatening the mainland's legitimate rights and interests, and distorting and reversing the mainland's legitimate rights protection behavior in an attempt to confuse the public.

Now the Philippines is preparing to join forces with the United States, Japan and other countries to jointly target China's rights protection in the South China Sea. The Philippines is well aware that it cannot confront China on its own, and can only rely on the strength of the United States to contain China, after all, they have a "mutual defense treaty" with the United States.

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

The mainland has not only condemned the United States for interfering in the mainland's internal affairs and threatening the mainland's legitimate rights and interests. He has also warned the United States on more than one occasion not to deliberately stoke the fire and instigate the Philippines to provoke China's authority.

However, the United States and the Philippines have ignored the mainland's warnings and continue to increase their influence on the situation in the South China Sea, and the current Philippine government, under the leadership of Marcos Jr., has become an out-and-out pawn of the United States, allowing the United States to control it.

Marcos Jr. has also become the person who manipulates Philippine public opinion behind the scenes, leading the anti-China forces in the Philippines to be infinitely active, almost filling the pages of major Philippine media, and bringing his hatred of China to the extreme, thus arousing national public opinion.

Marcos Jr.'s move is also very fruitful, and many people in his country have been deceived by him and joined the anti-China camp, making the situation in the South China Sea more and more unstable, and the demonstration on the 9th of this month is the result of this kind of public opinion fermentation.

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

Regional stabilization and the role of water cannons

On the 9th of this month, outside the mainland's embassy in the Philippines, people in the Philippines who did not know the situation gathered here to express their dissatisfaction with the mainland's South China Sea issue.

Once this is the case, it will be a catastrophe for the Filipino people, who will inevitably worsen their situation as a victim of the great power game, which will not only be detrimental to regional stability, but also put the people in a difficult situation.

China is well aware of this reasoning, so it has always exercised restraint in dealing with the South China Sea issue, and will give corresponding warnings if the Philippines repeatedly crosses the line of the mainland. For example, the water cannon on a coast guard ship was used to warn the illegal Philippine vessels.

The water cannons equipped by the mainland coast guard ships have caused the Philippine ships to change their color, and this effect has been caused by the Philippine side ignoring our warnings again and again.

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

For example, the Philippine side has repeatedly ignored the mainland's warnings and transported materials to the beached vessels at Ren'ai Jiao, but the Chinese side can only counterattack and intercept the Philippine side's illegal acts with water cannons, and the Philippine ships will inevitably suffer heavy losses and flee.

Since then, there have been many clashes between the Philippine side and our side at Ren'ai Jiao, and our side has used high-pressure water cannons to intercept them in accordance with the law, thus smashing the Philippine side's conspiracy again and again. Water cannons are also regarded by the mainland as a defensive weapon that can influence the situation in the South China Sea.

The reason why the mainland admires water cannons is mainly due to two reasons: First, water cannons are not weapons of mass destruction and will not cause much damage to personnel; second, they have a good driving effect on ships and can form a certain striking effect, but they will not detonate the regional situation.

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

The success of AI smart water cannons

Thanks to the practicability of water cannons, the mainland has also continuously increased its research on water cannons, and finally ushered in an epoch-making breakthrough in mainland water cannon technology not long ago.

Previously, the water cannon was limited by technical factors and could not solve the problem of accurate aiming and shooting deviation, but with the maturity of the mainland's AI technology, this problem has been well solved, and the application of AI intelligence to the water cannon technology has also ushered in a qualitative breakthrough in the mainland.

AI water cannon is to apply artificial intelligence to the water cannon, and through advanced sensor technology, automatically identify, track and correct the target, reduce the error to a minimum, and greatly enhance the hit rate of the water cannon.

The most powerful thing about the intelligent water cannon is that it can still ensure the hit rate in extreme environments, according to the test and actual combat case analysis, even in the face of four or five meters high waves, the shooting deviation of the water cannon can be reduced to about 2 meters.

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

It is undoubtedly of epoch-making significance that the breakthrough of this new AI intelligent water cannon technology marks that China's marine science and technology has been at the forefront of the world.

Once the AI intelligent water cannon is put into mass production and equipped with coast guard ships, it will play a vital role in safeguarding the mainland's legitimate rights and interests in the South China Sea and ensuring regional stability.

The use of AI smart water cannons has two major advantages: first, it can ease tensions in the South China Sea, and China can better promote regional harmony, establish a dominant position in the South China Sea, and better safeguard the territorial integrity of the motherland.

Second, relying on such advanced technologies can dispel the impatience of some countries and become a powerful weapon for safeguarding regional development, and can also enable China and its neighboring countries to enjoy the dividends of marine development in a more harmonious manner and jointly safeguard their respective maritime rights and interests.

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten


It is believed that with the implementation of the new water cannon in the near future, the situation in the South China Sea may usher in a new turn, which not only reflects China's strength as a maritime power, but also reflects China's determination and will to maintain regional stability.

China has never given up the idea of sitting down with the Philippines and having a good talk and resolving disputes through peaceful dialogue, and hopes that the Philippines will wake up in time and stop being used by people with ulterior motives to act as pawns.

Reference: Jiemian News "Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Says the Philippines Will Maintain Dialogue with China at All Levels to Avoid Escalation of the Situation in the South China Sea, China Responds";

"Chinese Embassy in the Philippines: Urge relevant Philippine parties to stop inciting anti-China sentiments";

International Online "Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines: Oppose Philippine Politicians' Instigation of Suspicion and Hatred of China";

Phoenix Network "Chinese mainland research and development of "smart water cannon", called "Philippine happy cannon" by netizens, handsome people: let you take a good bath".

On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten
On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten
On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten
On the fifth day of the siege of the Chinese Embassy in the Philippines, AI water cannons were born, and the Philippines was about to be beaten

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