
"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

In life, do you always meet this kind of person?

If you have a little ability, you will be arrogant, if you have a little talent, you will put on a show, and if you have a little money, you will think of yourself as superior.

always thinks that he is a character, he doesn't take anyone in his eyes, he is arrogant and rude in dealing with people, and his words and deeds are arrogant and disgusting.

There is a saying in "Ordinary World" that says it well:

"Fate will one day hang the sword of retribution over the heads of those now carried away. ”

The sky is mad and there is rain, and the people are mad and woe.

If you are too rampant, you will definitely offend people, and sooner or later you will get into trouble and bury yourself.

No matter how capable a person is, he must remain sober.

Don't do these three crazy things, otherwise, sooner or later, you will fall to pieces.

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

Rely on your talent and speak wildly

Xiao Yingshi, a literary scholar of the Tang Dynasty, was brilliant since childhood.

He was admitted to the champion at the age of 18 and became the first champion in the history of Changzhou.

His talent is famous all over the world, and countless people admire him to learn from him, respectfully calling him "Xiao Fuzi".

The talented Xiao Yingshi should have a bright future.

But he relied on his talent and was wild, which led to the obstruction of his career, and he was only a petty official who did not enter the stream all his life.

Xiao Yingshi often took wine and food to the suburbs to drink and chant poetry.

Once, when he was caught in a rainstorm, he went to shelter under a tree, and saw that an old man who was also sheltering from the rain was very embarrassed, so he made sarcastic remarks.

Soon, when the wind and rain stopped, a large group of chariots and horses came to them and picked up the old man.

Xiao Yingshi hurriedly inquired and found out that the old man who was despised by himself just now was actually Wang Qiu, the secretary of the ministry.

The next day, he wrote a long letter anxiously apologizing to Wang Qiu.

And the king called him unto him, and said unto him,

"You are so arrogant, you can be a jinshi in this life!"

Sure enough, Xiao Yingshi has been depressed in the officialdom and has been a petty official for a lifetime.

When people are too conceited, they will look above the top.

I look up to myself too much, and I look down on others too much, I speak too much to myself, and I am disrespectful to others.

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

Shakespeare once said:

"A proud person will always destroy himself in pride. ”

Xiao Yingshi is too proud and proud, and Shengsheng plays a good hand of cards to a pulp, which is really embarrassing.

It must be known that there is heaven above Mount Tai, and there is earth under the sea.

If you don't know how to be modest and low-key, if you have some ability, you will go around and make a lot of nonsense, you will only be rejected by others, and even cause unnecessary trouble.

As the saying goes, there's still a long way to go, don't be too crazy.

The world is impermanent, and life is unpredictable.

Smart people know how to restrain their edges and stay humble, so that they can go further.

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

Raise your own value, and if you are developed, you will float

Lan Yu, the founding general of the Ming Dynasty, was brave and good at fighting, followed Zhu Yuanzhang from birth to death, and made great achievements.

He once single-handedly broke the Yuan army, which made the Mongols frightened, and the "History of the Ming Dynasty" commented that he "has the talent of a general".

But such a dazzling general star ended very tragically.

He was stripped of his skin and filled with grass, and exterminated the three tribes.

is only because he is proud of his achievements, and frequently touches Zhu Yuanzhang's bottom line.

After defeating the Yuan army in a battle, Lan Yu saw the color and forcibly seized the concubine of Emperor Yuan Shun, who was supposed to report to the imperial court.

made the strong concubine commit suicide, which made Zhu Yuanzhang extremely dissatisfied.

When he returned to the pass in victory, because it was too late and the city gate was closed, Lan Yu did not listen to the dissuasion of the guards, and ordered the soldiers to forcibly attack the city and enter the city, and he was quite proud.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very annoyed, and in order to warn Lan Yu, he changed the title "Liang Guogong" that he was originally going to give him to "Liang Guogong".

But Lan Yu not only ignored it, but became even more unscrupulous.

He privately promoted his cronies in the army, connived at the tyranny of his domestic slaves, and boasted at banquets that no one could command his own soldiers except him.

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

Once, Lan Yu was even dissatisfied with the position of crown prince and concubine given to him by Zhu Yuanzhang, and openly questioned:

"Can't I be a master?"

In the twenty-sixth year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had endured for a long time, finally attacked.

He initiated the famous "Blue Jade Case", a military star, and it came to an abrupt end.

There is a saying in the Book of Rites:

"A gentleman is not arrogant, and he is not self-serving. ”

No matter how capable a person is, no matter how great his merits are, he should not get carried away and be arrogant and rebellious.

If you act recklessly once you gain power, you will only be jealous and will be destroyed sooner or later.

Lan Yu didn't understand this truth, he thought he was high, and he didn't even pay attention to Zhu Yuanzhang.

As everyone knows, the master of high merit is the most feared by the king, and if he is above the king, he is not far from a dismal end.

Confucius once said:

"If you know it, you can't keep it, and if you gain it, you will lose it. ”

Meritorious deeds can be achieved by ingenuity, but if you can't keep them with virtue, sooner or later you will lose this meritorious service.

The higher the position, the more you should devote yourself to cultivating virtue.

Maintain humility and low profile, let yourself stand and stand firm, in order to continue to prosper.

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

Pretentious and looks down on people

Zeng Shiqiang, a master of Chinese culture, once said:

"No one can harm you, no one can save you, everything is self-inflicted. ”

As the so-called gun shoots the first bird, being too arrogant, with no one in his eyes, sooner or later he will get into trouble.

The show girl in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" in Xia Dongchun believes that her family background is good, and she is arrogant and domineering in the palace.

At the draft scene, An Lingrong, who is also a show girl, accidentally knocked over the tea on her.

Xia Dongchun looked down on An Lingrong from a remote area, not only openly mocked her, but also insisted that she kneel down and kowtow to ask for guilt, which attracted a lot of side eyes.

"The sky is crazy and there is rain, and people are crazy and woe", no matter how capable you are, don't do these 3 crazy things, remember!

As soon as he entered the palace, Xia, Dongchun was named a permanent position and received many rewards.

The queen also sent her aunt to personally bring her clothes.

She thought that she had won the favor and climbed up to the queen, but she was even more arrogant, and she didn't even pay attention to Concubine Hua, who was fighting against the queen.

She said arrogantly:

"No matter how good Concubine Hua's things are, they are not as good as the queen's. ”

Not long after, when she made disrespectful remarks in front of Zhen Huan and her party, she was bumped into by Concubine Hua, and Concubine Hua casually rewarded her with "a piece of red".

In the summer and winter of punishment, his body was crippled, and he finally died in the cold palace.

Compared with most show girls, Xia Dongchun's family background and appearance are good.

When you enter the palace, you will receive titles and rewards, and you will be favored by the emperor and queen, and the starting point is already quite high.

It's a pity that she was pampered and arrogant, and trampled on the dignity of others unscrupulously, and as a result, she was counterattacked.

The life of driving high and walking high has not yet begun, and it has come to an abrupt end.

In life, some people always think that they are superior to others, so they have no fear, words and deeds, and do whatever they want.

As everyone knows, if the sky wants to die, it will be made mad, and the end of madness is the end.

Really powerful people are quiet.

They don't like to make a big deal about themselves, they are humble and polite in their dealings with others, and they don't leak anything in what they say and do.

Because they know that thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river.

People who look down on them may turn over and become people they can't provoke, and there is nothing to show off for a moment of pride.

There's a good saying:

"Those who fall heavily usually climb high, and those who die miserably are often shaken by majesty. ”

Lowering one's stature and respecting others is not only a kind of cultivation, but also a kind of protection for oneself.

Life is a long road, please put away your sense of superiority and don't be pretentious.

Learn to be full of ears, bend over and keep your head down, and be humble and prudent.

In this life, the biggest enemy is often not others, but oneself.

Many people think they have the ability to do it, but they don't know how big the world is.

When you are in a high position, you get carried away, and if you have superior conditions over others, you have no one in your eyes, but in the end you bury yourself with your own hands.

Teacher Zhao Lirong once said a classic line in the sketch:

"You're crazy, it's no good to be crazy!"

People are too arrogant, and there are endless disasters.

No matter how capable a person is, he must be cautious in his words, prudent in his deeds, and humble.

In this way, we can hold on to blessings, make life smooth and smooth, and make people's lives rise steadily.

I hope that we can all converge our minds and concentrate on cultivating virtue at the highlight moments, stabilize this glory, and create greater brilliance.

Author | Ziqiao Sweet Tea is not sweet, a post-90s text creator, perceptual life, rational thinking, using the pen as a lamp, illuminating oneself and transmitting positive energy.

Picture | Submitted by Ziqiao photography enthusiasts