
Cheating man's self-report: If you love your wife, why would you cheat on other women?

author:Jiaxin emotion

Cheating man's self-report: If you love your wife, why would you cheat on other women?

Many women who have been cheated on like to ask Jiaxin this question: Does the cheating man still love her?

If you analyze it objectively for her, most men cheat, they just don't love their wives anymore,

But the original partner couldn't listen to this kind of analysis, and couldn't accept the reality that men didn't love her.

I have to firmly believe that the cheating mistress, the man who did not hesitate to hurt her for the sake of the mistress still has feelings for her.

I think the man is just confused by the mistress, and sooner or later he will wake up,

Realize that the favorite is still the original partner, and then live a good life with the original partner,

Such an original match is hopeless, because she doesn't want to save herself, how can others save her?

Cheating man's self-report: If you love your wife, why would you cheat on other women?

Jiaxin had previously come into contact with a cheating man who had cheated for three years and cheated four times.

This cheating man has always been caught cheating, so he shows that he loves his wife very much and has no feelings for the mistress.

Because he and the original partner are childhood sweethearts, they grew up together.

So the original partner believes that this man still has feelings for her, and the cheating man loves the original partner.

Even if he has been cheated on a few times, the cheating man has always been unrepentant,

The original partner still gave the opportunity again and again, and felt that the cheating man was confused by the mistress.

But what about reality? The truth of this cheating man is that he is taking advantage of his wife's this.

Because the relationship between husband and wife is very deep, he clearly knows how to behave so that the original partner can be because of his feelings for her.

Don't divorce for the time being, as long as he is willing to break off the relationship with Xiao San, the marriage can be resolved.

So when the extramarital affair was discovered, the man broke up with the mistress and turned back to ask his wife for forgiveness.

Once the wife forgives, the man again looks for a cheating target to continue the affair.

Why did this man cheat, is he completely emotionless for his wife?

Actually, it's not, after all, it's been a friendship for decades, even if it's not love, there are still feelings,

But the extramarital affair brings enjoyment to the cheating man, and he finds it very exciting and fresh.

The first time I cheated, I was instigated by a friend and went to try it.

During that long period of time, I quarreled with my wife, and the husband and wife had conflicts, and often slept in separate rooms was also the fuse.

Before the cheating man and the mistress were found together, he was also very scared.

But when I really found out, I wasn't so scared.

Because the wife's attitude gives the cheating man the confidence, the wife doesn't want to divorce at all.

He won't do anything about the cheating man, as long as the cheating man breaks off the relationship with the little three,

The cheating man didn't love the mistress much, and the freshness was almost experienced.

Naturally, it is still based on marriage, so it is easy to break off with Xiao San.

Cheating man's self-report: If you love your wife, why would you cheat on other women?

The cheating man's attitude towards the mistress makes the cheating man feel that he has no feelings for the mistress.

After the cheating man went home, he coaxed the original partner in various ways to please the original partner,

made the original partner feel that this man still loved her, so the original partner forgave the cheating man,

And easy forgiveness, in exchange for another betrayal, the cheating man feels that there is no price for extramarital affairs.

As long as you are willing to break off with Xiao San, as long as you can coax the original wife, you will not pay the price.

When making mistakes without any cost or price, you can still get what you want,

Even some physical needs, psychological comfort, are very tempting.

Every time a cheating man quarrels with his wife, he wants to cheat and find a mistress,

Every time I feel that marriage is boring, my wife is bored and still wants to cheat,

This is the reason why many men are addicted to cheating, because extramarital affairs have no price,

There will always be situations where couples live and let men have cheating thoughts.

So the man cheated again and again, and the wife slowly gave up.

This cheating man came to ask for help, and it was nothing more than that he had finally exhausted his wife's feelings for him.

It took three years for his wife to forgive him three times, and she was unwilling to forgive him a fourth time.

Once a woman has no feelings for a cheating man, everything she does will become neat and tidy.

The original partner collected evidence, and the cheating man did not agree to divorce by agreement, so she found a lawyer to sue.

The parents of both sides knew for the first time that they were still persuaded to make peace, but so many times,

The cheating man is unrepentant, everyone is very disappointed in him, and they all support the divorce of the original partner.

The cheating man's own betrayal and divorce will end up being divorced,

I really started to be scared, and I wanted to save my marriage, but it was too late.

Cheating man's self-report: If you love your wife, why would you cheat on other women?

So the question of whether a cheating man still loves his wife or not.

Jiaxin hopes that the original partners will be sober, and the man who loves you will not hurt you.

The man who keeps hurting you and makes you miserable repeatedly just doesn't love you,

He doesn't love you, and if you continue to love her, you will be pinched by him, this is human nature and reality,

Of course, many original partners ask this question, not because they firmly believe that the cheating man still has feelings for her.

In fact, I want to find a reason to redeem the cheating man, save the marriage, and persist in a betrayed marriage.

But cheating men are not worthy of forgiveness, and there is actually no reason for marriage to be saved.

It may be a better choice for wives to choose to divorce in time to stop losses and start over.

If you encounter similar emotional confusion and need to answer questions, you can follow Jiaxin and chat about your situation in private messages.

I'm Jiaxin, a marriage defender who focuses on the separation of third parties.