
Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

author:Xiangxiang ......


Recently, a news about veteran Li Bin has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. According to reports, Li Bin found out that his adopted son was not his own after being discharged from the army, a discovery that hit him hard and sparked a lot of controversy and discussion. Faced with such a situation, Li Bin chose to make the incident public, hoping to get the support of public opinion, and also hoped to expose the truth of the facts through the power of public opinion.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

1. Li Bin's discovery that his adopted son was not his own caused controversy

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

The experience of veteran Li Bin, who lived separately from his wife during his service, paid his youth and sweat for the security and peace of the country. However, just when he retired from the army and stepped into ordinary family life, he found out that the son he adopted was not his own, which was a huge blow to any man.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

Faced with such a situation, Li Bin did not choose to remain silent and escape, but bravely stood up and made his experience public. He said that he didn't want to hide such a thing, nor did he want to hurt innocent children because of such a thing, but hoped to be able to expose the truth through the power of public opinion.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!
Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

Second, Li Bin hopes to expose the truth through public opinion

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

In the face of such an incident, Li Bin's courage and strength are admirable, and everything he does is to hope that he can be treated fairly, and he also hopes to be able to expose the truth of the facts through the power of public opinion. He understands that such a decision may cause controversy and discussion among all parties, and may also bring some pressure to himself and his family, but he still chooses to face it bravely without hesitation.

In the depths of his heart, there may be unspeakable pain and grievances, but he did not choose to sink and complain, but chose a positive and optimistic attitude, and also chose to believe in the warmth and justice of society. He hopes to get more people's understanding and support, and also hopes to find his biological son with the help of the power of public opinion, leaving a glimmer of hope for his family and future life.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

3. The court did not find that the crime of sabotaging a military marriage caused controversy

For Li Bin's experience and everything he did, I believe that most people will choose to give understanding and support, but in real life, such incidents are often not treated fairly by society and the law. Recently, the relevant departments have investigated Li's report, but they believe that the situation reflected by him is not enough to constitute the crime of sabotaging a military marriage, and they have not given corresponding characterization and treatment.

Such a result undoubtedly hit and disappointed Li Bin, and also aroused the dissatisfaction and doubts of many netizens. In their view, Li Bin's experience and the situation he reported were clearly treated unfairly, and the legal ruling did not fully take into account the special circumstances and protection needs of military families.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

Fourth, more attention should be paid to the protection of military families and the protection of the law

In the face of such incidents, we should not simply pay attention to and discuss them, but should reflect on and deepen our understanding of the protection of military families. Military personnel have made great sacrifices and contributions to the country and the people, and their families also need the care and protection of society, and they need to be upheld and treated fairly by the law.

In real life, we rarely hear about the protection and protection of the rights of military families, and we rarely see the refinement and concretization of relevant policies and laws. Perhaps, it is precisely because of such shortcomings and deficiencies that similar incidents occur repeatedly, and military personnel and military families will not be able to receive effective help and support in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to and care about the military personnel and military families around us, and we should also call on the society and relevant departments to comprehensively think about and improve the protection of military families, so as to prevent similar incidents from happening again, and also allow military personnel and military families to live a stable and happy life under the protection of the law.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

Fifth, the law should be more detailed and concrete

In addition, we should also have more thoughts and suggestions on the maintenance and fairness of the law. In the current social context, certain changes have taken place in both moral concepts and family concepts, and the law should follow up and adapt to such changes in a more timely manner, and should also be more detailed and concrete, so as to deal with various complex social contradictions and disputes.

For similar crimes of sabotaging military marriages, the law does not clearly stipulate the constituent elements and handling procedures, which gives the relevant departments a certain amount of discretion and will also make it impossible for the rights and interests of military families to be effectively protected. Therefore, we should call on the relevant departments to fully take into account the actual situation of society and the demands of the public when formulating and amending laws, and should also listen to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, and work together for social justice and harmony.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!

6. Rationally and calmly face the incident

Finally, whether in the face of similar incidents or in public opinion discussions, we should remain rational and calm, and avoid emotional and over-amplified events. Behind every incident there are complex reasons and internal circumstances, which also require us to understand and think rationally and objectively, and such rationality and calmness are also the greatest support and help for society and fairness and justice.

Perhaps, in Li Bin's experience, we only saw the tip of the iceberg, and we couldn't really understand everything behind it, and we couldn't easily blame and judge others. Therefore, we should be tolerant and understanding, and we should also believe in social and legal justice, and believe that through the efforts and attention of all parties, we will be able to find the most just way to deal with it, and we can also give the warmest care and help to military personnel and their families.

Accident! After 16 years of retiring from the Navy and returning home, he was shocked to find that his son was not related to him!


The experience of veteran Li Bin makes people feel distressed and helpless, and it also makes us think more deeply about the security of military families and the warmth of society. Perhaps, such an incident cannot be perfectly resolved overnight, but through the efforts and actions of each of us, it will definitely be able to bring a glimmer of hope to it, and it will also be able to make similar incidents less and less until they finally disappear from our field of vision.

In the future life, whether we encounter difficulties or see injustice, we should stand up bravely, and we should face everything with reason and care, and believe that through sincere exchanges and efforts, we will be able to resolve the contradictions, and also be able to contribute to the progress and harmony of the society.

What do netizens think about this matter?