
"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

author:Aru talks about popular science

Text丨Aru talks about popular science

Editor丨Aru talks about popular science


With the development of society and people's attention to the living environment, more and more people have begun to pay attention to home feng shui, believing that home feng shui can affect the fortune and blessing of family members.

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

For example, some people think: If you don't put a broom in 3 places in your home, your family will always be rich. So, where exactly do these three places refer to? Let's take a look.


It is said that the best feng shui level in the home is the door, because the door is the place where yang energy enters the home, and it is also the place where the fortune of the family begins, so special attention should be paid to the feng shui layout at the door. Moreover, the feng shui layout of the door is also very simple, you only need to keep the door clean and tidy, and you can ventilate it frequently.

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

Many people place some plants in front of their homes, believing that plants can bring good luck and can also be transported, such as some auspicious green plants, such as spider plants, tiger pill orchids, and so on.

There are also some feng shui ornaments placed at the door, believing that this will bring good luck, such as some money trees, fortune trees, and some consecrated cornucopias.

Therefore, the feng shui layout at the door is really important, so everyone must pay more attention to it.

Living room

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

The living room is the main aura of the home, and it is also the place that represents the fortune of the family, so the feng shui layout of the living room is also very important.

The feng shui layout of the living room should be simple and elegant, but also keep it bright and airy, and don't have some dark corners.

Moreover, in the feng shui layout of the living room, you can also put some crystal ornaments appropriately, thinking that crystals have the effect of dissolving evil qi and can also bring good luck.

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

The sofa in the living room is also very important, and it is best to choose a position to place the sofa against the wall, so that there is the support of the backer, and it can be stable and there will be no accidents.

There is also the decorative painting of the living room, and the decorative painting should choose some auspicious paintings, such as some landscape paintings, and paintings of the fish leaping over the dragon gate, so as to bring good luck to the family.


"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

The bedroom is a place for people to rest, and it is also an important private space for themselves, so the feng shui layout of the bedroom is also very important, which is related to the relationship and health fortune of the couple.

The bed in the bedroom should be placed in a good position, not directly facing the bedroom door, nor facing the bathroom door, which will affect your luck and health.

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

And the bed in the bedroom is also best to choose a solid wood bed, so that you can stabilize your relationship and bring yourself good luck.

The decoration of the bedroom is also very important, you can put some plants appropriately, such as some couple trees, and some peach blossom trees, so that you can transfer peach blossoms and bring good luck to your feelings.

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

In fact, there are still many feng shui sayings about not putting a broom at home, and the family has always been rich, so don't be superstitious, you can refer to it appropriately, but the most important thing is to be down-to-earth and work hard, so that you can get real wealth and happiness.

"There are 3 places in the house that don't put brooms, and the family has always been rich", where are these 3 places?

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can have a good home feng shui, and the family will be healthy and happy, and the wealth will be abundant.