
The humble did not dare to forget the country

author:The boss of the Xiao family
{"info":{"title":{"content":"位卑未敢忘忧国","en":"The humble did not dare to forget the country"},"description":{"content":"位卑未敢忘忧国吴可读,字柳堂,号冶樵,甘肃皋兰(今甘肃兰州)人。吴可读先世为浙江处州人,明代初年,肃庄王朱楧到兰州的藩王...","en":"The humble did not dare to forget the worries of the country Wu can be read, the word Liutang, the number Yeqiao, Gansu Gaolan (now Lanzhou, Gansu) people. Wu Keyu's ancestors were born in Chuzhou, Zhejiang, and in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Ao, the king of Suzhuang, went to the vassal king of Lanzhou..."}},"items":[]}