
The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

author:Lively maple hAI

As a medical practitioner, I encounter a wide variety of cases every day, from simple colds and fevers to complex chronic disease management. Each patient's story is like a mirror that reflects the profound impact of lifestyle on health. Today, I'd like to share a case that stood out to me, as well as some perspectives on why it's not just aging and disease that determine the length of our lives, it's more about the choices we make every day. Michael is a middle-aged sales manager who has been suffering from high blood pressure since he was in his thirties and has been gaining weight. His routine consists of long working hours, irregular diets, and little physical activity. A chance physical exam revealed that his cholesterol levels were abnormal and he was at increased risk of heart disease. Michael, frightened by the result, worries that he will suddenly collapse and not be able to provide protection for his two young children.

The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

I had an in-depth conversation with Michael about his lifestyle habits and possible options for change. We have a wellness plan that includes a wellness plan that includes a well-defined diet, regular physical activity, and seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Michael began to adjust slowly, and although it was difficult to get used to at first, he persevered. Six months later, Michael had lost 15 kilograms and his blood pressure and cholesterol levels were back in the normal range. He told me that he felt like a different person – more energetic and enjoying life more. All these changes are not only the efficacy of drugs, but also the radical adjustment of lifestyle.

Understanding and Practice

This story is one of many similar examples, but it clearly shows that lifestyle changes are better than curing diseases. Healthy lifestyle habits can prevent up to 80% of early deaths and heart attacks. Compared with genetic factors and force majeure diseases, our daily choices are the key to longevity.

The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

The importance of eating habits

Composition of a balanced diet: Adequate protein: Protein is the building block of the body and is essential for muscle repair and growth. Adults need at least 0.8 grams of protein/kg of body weight per day. Good sources include chicken, fish, beans and nonfat dairy products. Essential fats: It's often misconcepted that fats are a source of unhealth, but "good" fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, are extremely beneficial for heart and brain health. A moderate intake of olive oil, fish oil, and nuts can provide essential healthy fats. The right amount of carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, but the choice is crucial for the type. Complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, brown rice and legumes provide more long-lasting energy and help control blood sugar levels than refined white bread or sweets. Avoid overly processed foods and diets high in sugar: Limit processed foods: Overly processed foods are often high in unhealthy additives and high in salt, which can increase the risk of diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes in the long term. Reduce sugar intake: Excessive sugar intake not only promotes weight gain, but can also cause blood sugar fluctuations, causing fatigue and anxiety. It is advisable to reduce the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages and snacks and choose natural sources of sugar such as fruits.

The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

Recommend natural ingredients:

Vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are key elements in maintaining physical function and preventing disease. At least five servings of vegetables and fruits a day can help the body be healthy from the inside out. Integrate food diversity: Different types of foods provide different nutrients, and a varied diet ensures that the body gets all the essential nutrients. Regular physical activityWhy regular physical activity is essential In modern society, many people work on the desktop and lack adequate physical activity, which directly affects our physical and mental health. Not only does regular physical activity reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, it also helps maintain weight, strengthen bones and muscles, improve mental state, and enhance quality of life.

Weekly activity suggestions

According to the World Health Organization, adults should get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week, or at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity, or a combination thereof. Moderate-intensity activities include brisk walking, dancing and aqua gym, while high-intensity activities include running, swimming, fast laps and competitive ball games. Examples of moderate-intensity activities: Brisk walking (100-120 steps per minute)Average-intensity bicycle ridingParticipating in group dances or dancing machinesExamples of high-intensity activities: jogging or runningSwimming (fast laps)Competitive ball games (e.g., basketball, soccer)Proper allocation of sports When doing regular physical activity, the correct allocation of the type of exercise and its duration is key. An effective weekly exercise program can include: Strength training: at least two days a week, involving major muscle groups (such as legs, arms, back, and abdomen), training with dumbbells, resistance bands, or your own body weight. Aerobic exercise: At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, which can be divided into 5 days, with 30 minutes of moderate-intensity or 15 minutes of vigorous-intensity each day.

The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

Practical benefits of the activity

The benefits of regular physical activity far outweigh the reduction of disease risk: Mental health: Exercise can significantly reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, improve mood and sleep quality. Cognitive function: Especially in older adults, regular physical activity can improve cognitive function and slow memory loss. Social interaction: Team sports or fitness classes can enhance social connections and increase life satisfaction. Getting startedStarting with regular physical activity can be challenging, but there are a few simple steps to help you get started: Set realistic goals: Start with small goals, such as adding 1,000 steps a day. Choose the activity you enjoy: Doing the sport you're interested in will make it easier to stick to it. Create a fixed schedule: Set a fixed time for exercise in your daily routine. Take advantage of technology: Use your smartwatch or health app to track your progress.

The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

Good sleep patterns

The relationship between sleep and health Sleep is more than just a way to rest after a tiring day, it is the basis for the body to recover, integrate memories and maintain vital activities. A good night's sleep can regulate our endocrine system and maintain immune function, while also having a non-negligible impact on our emotional state and daily performance. Adequate and high-quality sleep can effectively prevent a wide range of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and many chronic diseases. Sleep quality optimization suggestionsTo ensure sleep quality, you need to start from the following aspects: Regular work and rest: Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends and holidays. The human biological clock likes regularity, and irregular sleep patterns can disrupt the body's internal rhythm and affect the quality of sleep. Create a comfortable environment: Temperature and light: Keep the bedroom at a comfortable temperature (around 20-22 degrees Celsius) and use blackout curtains to reduce interference from outside light. Noise control: Use earplugs or a white noise machine to mask external noise and create a restful sleeping environment. Pay attention to the choice of bed: choose a mattress and pillow that suits you, a mattress that is too hard or too soft may affect the quality of sleep, and a proper mattress should be able to support all parts of the body and avoid low back pain.

The doctor finally told the truth: it is not aging and disease that determine the length of life, but these points

Optimize your bedtime routine

Reduce stimulants: Avoid caffeine and other stimulants within 6 hours of bedtime. Avoid heavy meals: Don't eat heavy foods, especially spicy and greasy foods, within two hours of bedtime, as they can overload your digestive system and interfere with sleep. Relaxation: Engage in relaxation activities such as yoga, meditation or reading paper books before bedtime, and avoid using electronic devices such as mobile phones and computers, as blue light can inhibit melatonin production and affect sleep initiation. Drink plenty of water before going to bed: Drinking a moderate amount of water can avoid waking up at night due to dry mouth, but also be careful not to drink too much water, so as not to get up frequently at night to go to the toilet. Check your health regularly: If you have trouble sleeping, such as falling asleep for a long time, waking up frequently at night, etc., it could be a sign of a sleep disorder or other health problems. Seek medical attention in time to find the root cause of the problem and prescribe the right medicine. By implementing these specific steps, you can significantly improve the quality of your sleep and thus your overall health. Remember, a good night's sleep is an important part of a healthy life, and it will keep you energized every day to meet every challenge in life.

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