
Nine years ago, in order to avoid Alzheimer's disease, I started to stick to these 6 habits, and now I have gained a lot

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Lao Ye said something

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Text: Li Huiping

In the past, I always felt that Alzheimer's disease was far away from me, and I also thought that only those who had nothing to do all day long were more likely to get this disease.

However, nine years ago, when I organized a class reunion for the 55th anniversary of my high school graduation, I didn't dare to think so.

At that time, I found that 5 classmates had Alzheimer's disease and could not go out, and there were 3 others with mild dementia, although they were accompanied by their spouses or children, they still felt a little silly, many things could not be remembered, and some of them were confused.

When I saw the symptoms of those classmates, I thought of my own mother, who also had Alzheimer's, and I was afraid that I would do the same.

And I feel that dementia is a disease that drags people down more than other diseases, because if a person loses his sense of self and can't remember things clearly, he will not only make his life unhappy, but also make his children suffer with him.

Therefore, since 9 years ago, in order to avoid Alzheimer's disease, I began to adhere to these 6 habits to delay and avoid Alzheimer's disease:

Nine years ago, in order to avoid Alzheimer's disease, I started to stick to these 6 habits, and now I have gained a lot

1. I will go out to exercise every day

According to doctors and relatives, many elderly people with Alzheimer's disease often stay at home, do not like to go out, do not like to exercise, and thus get sick.

In addition to bad weather, I will insist on going out for a walk in the morning and evening, going to the park to do sports, and if I can't run, I will take more walks, stretch my waist, move my muscles, and then expand my horizons, breathe some fresh air, so that I don't feel bored.

2. Actively participate in various social activities

In order to let myself go out every day and have something to do, I also went to participate in several clubs, including ballroom dance troupe, singing troupe, mahjong group and so on.

Every morning, I either go ballroom dancing or singing, and in the afternoon I go to play mahjong. Going out of the house every day, going outside to participate in various social activities, entertaining with a group of elderly people, talking and laughing, not only allows me to have something to do and not be bored, but also makes me get a lot of happiness and feel that this kind of retirement life is more meaningful.

Nine years ago, in order to avoid Alzheimer's disease, I started to stick to these 6 habits, and now I have gained a lot

3. Pay attention to your eating habits

It is said that Alzheimer's disease, most of which are caused by cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, in order to normalize the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, I began to pay attention to my diet 9 years ago.

In the past, I especially liked to eat all kinds of offal, especially pork noodles, pork liver, fish intestines, etc., but later, I quit and began to eat less meat, more vegetarian, and less oil, less salt and less sugar. At first, I felt uncomfortable eating, but after a while of getting used to it, I got used to it.

I saw that my body had improved a lot because of my diet, and I was more convinced that this habit was good.

4. Regularize your own work and rest

It is known from the Internet that the elderly do not get enough sleep, or sleep too much, or have irregular work and rest, which will also affect brain health, resulting in Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, I also began to have a regular routine, insisting on sleeping for 8 hours every night, having to turn off the lights after 10 o'clock at night to go to bed, and then getting up around 6 o'clock in the morning, not staying up late or sleeping lazy. Then at noon, whether you are sleepy or not, you will lie down an hour after eating, close your eyes and recuperate if you can't sleep, and sleep for an hour if you can sleep.

Under this regular routine, I feel that I sleep well every day, I don't feel very tired when I wake up, and I feel a lot more energetic.

Nine years ago, in order to avoid Alzheimer's disease, I started to stick to these 6 habits, and now I have gained a lot

5. Activate your brain more

If the brain is not active, it will be easy to dementia, this is what I feel. Therefore, in order not to get demented, I will exercise my brain every day, such as reading novels, writing short articles, going out to play mahjong, and chatting with a group of people.

Or keep learning, such as watching short videos to learn to cook, make desserts, learn some foreign languages, learn some health knowledge, life tips, etc., and keep your brain active every day.

To be honest, I did it, and it not only enriched my life, but also taught me a lot.

6. Try to look down on everything and relax your mind

Some people say that people who are depressed, anxious, and love to lose their temper are prone to dementia, because they can't think about anything, they are very entangled in everything, or they lose their temper at every turn, which will affect mental health problems, and if the psychology is not good, it will also affect the brain.

In order to avoid dementia, I try to look down on everything, relax my mind, stop arguing with others, stop worrying too much about my children's affairs, and don't worry about some things.

Although the process of change was difficult, I kept doing it, and it really gave me a new version of myself.

Nine years ago, in order to avoid Alzheimer's disease, I started to stick to these 6 habits, and now I have gained a lot

I have been doing the above six habits for 9 years, and now I am 80 years old, and I feel that I have gained quite a lot. Although I still have some health problems over the years, I am still good when it comes to brain health. And the memory is also normal, sometimes forgetting, it is also within the normal range.

I hope that after reading my 6 habits, you can also pay attention to your brain health, prevent it as soon as possible, and don't wait until you have a little dementia to save it.