
Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian


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Recently, I saw that Ma Boyong once said that he learned an effective method from the "heartthrob" Su Dongpo by "stealing teachers" - "enemies on all sides" calligraphy.

Su Shi gave a detailed introduction to his reading method in "The Book of Wang Zhen": "I want a young man to be a scholar, and I have read every book. Books are as rich as entering the sea, and there are all department stores, and people's energy cannot read them all, but they can get the ears of those who ask for them. Therefore, I wish scholars, every time I do it, I want to ask for it. If you want to seek the rise and fall of the past and the present, the role of sages and sages, and only seek it with this intention, do not give birth to any thoughts. Don't do it again, ask for deeds, and the same is true for canonical relics. He did the same. Although this is dull, and he learns day by day, he is attacked on all sides, and he is not the same as those who dabble. ”

Roughly speaking, people's energy is limited, and every time you read a book, you don't want to be greedy for what you want to get, just focus a little bit at a time. It can be said that the enemy is attacked from all sides, and they are broken one by one.

Ma Boyong praised him, "When endless books and knowledge come to you, what should you do? I stare at a book first, and I don't read all of this book, in this book I just stare at a point I want to read, and I read this point thoroughly before I look at anything else. A good book often has many connotations and directions, and every time you read it, you only specialize in one field. In this way, the book can be read with purpose. Have a goal first, and then go to study, and get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't know what you're reading a book for, you won't be able to collect and remember a lot of things. ”

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

But in fact, what I want to talk about today is not reading, but my Sichuan hometown Su Shi.

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

Lin Yutang said: With all due respect, my favorite poet is Su Dongpo.

Su Dongpo is indeed worthy of people's preference. He is an incorrigible optimist, no matter what kind of difficulties he encounters, he can enjoy himself;

He is proficient in poetry, calligraphy and painting, is a food maker, a winemaking experimenter, an engineer, he also cultivates immortals and alchemy, and has longed to see immortals all his life.

Someone once drew Su Shi's footprints into such a picture:

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

It can be clearly seen from the picture that Su Shi traveled all over the world throughout his life, covering most of the territory of the Northern Song Dynasty.

It can be said that one-third of Su Shi's life was on the road to being degraded and exiled.

Su Shi traveled to 11 provinces and 14 cities in his life, with a life mileage of about 23,000 kilometers and 8,058 works. Thousands of years later, it still shines brightly.

Su Shi's life of exile

In the third year of Jingyou (1036), Su Shi was born in Meizhou (Meishan, Sichuan).

In the sixth year of Jiayou (1061), he entered the official career at the age of 26, and served as a judge of Fengxiang (now Baoji, Shaanxi) for the first job in his life, and was forced to leave Beijing at the age of 36, escorted back to Beijing at the age of 44 by Wutai poetry, degraded to Huangzhou at the age of 45, exiled to Huizhou at the age of 59, and exiled to Danzhou at the age of 62, during which he experienced 16 job transfers, spanning 11 provinces and 14 cities of the motherland. He was pardoned at the age of 66, and on the way back to Beijing, he died of illness in Changzhou at the age of 66. According to the author's rough calculation through the map, the total land distance of Su Shi's life to find a job and degrade an official is about 23,000 kilometers.

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

Su Shi's life history is sorted out

How far is 23000 km?

What is the concept of 23000 km?

23,000 kilometers is equivalent to the distance of 10 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao expressways combined;

Equivalent to 3 times the distance of the land Silk Road;

It is a round-trip distance for Xuanzang to learn scriptures from the west;

It is 1.4 times the maximum range of the Dongfeng-41 intercontinental missile;

It is the full length of China's land boundary.

It takes 262.5 hours to complete Su Shi's turbulent life in the way of modern transportation and self-driving.

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

Su Shi's 23,000 kilometers of life mileage is compared with different references

I hate this body for a long time, when will I forget the camp

The biggest turning point in Su Shi's life may be from being imprisoned.

Previously, although there were small twists and turns in his career, there have been no major storms.

But since then, his life has been full of ups and downs, winds and waves, and it has been constant.

Compared with Suzhou and Hangzhou, Huangzhou is just a poor town, and Su Shi at this time is middle-aged, and his official position is just an empty shelf with no real name and no money.

When he first arrived in Huangzhou, he lived in a monastery, with monks as his companions, and treated him with enthusiasm and often invited him to drink.

Huangzhou is rainy and the weather is dim.

When it rains, he can't get out of bed, and when dusk is approaching, he goes for a walk, and sometimes a friend looks for him, so the two of them go to the mountains together.

When his family arrives and the money is running out, he doesn't know how to live in the future.

He often has bamboo canes and shoes, goes out to play, a small boat, and fishermen, is pushed and shoved by drunks, or scolded in foul language, he is not angry, and "self-congratulatory gradually unknown." ”

He doesn't look like an official, and he has no official pretensions.

As the days went by, he became poorer and poorer, and a friend worried about his livelihood, so he helped him get dozens of acres of land on the slope of a hill hundreds of meters east of the city, and he built a house on the slope, calling himself a monk of Dongpo.

Like the peasants, when it doesn't rain or there is a drought, he worries, and when it rains, he rejoices like all the peasants. ”

When he planted the land, he wore a hat on his head and held a plow in his hand, and he ploughed the fields on the side of the mountain, and when the seeds were planted, he jumped up with joy when the child came to tell him that the green seedlings had grown.

He watched the rice grow well, and his heart was proud and satisfied.

It's not like Bachelor Su at all, but like an old peasant.

In the time of the ploughing, he went to the city to drink, and when he was drunk, he lay down on the grass by the roadside and slept, until he was awakened by the good peasants at dusk.

When he was late drinking, and the gates were closed, he climbed over the wall and went home.

Sometimes the night is beautiful, so he goes on a boat, drinking alone on the river, drinking and singing:

I hate this body for a long time, when will I forget the camp.

The boat passed away, and the river and sea sent the rest of his life.

The next day, there were rumors that Su Dongpo wrote this poem and committed suicide, so frightened that his face changed greatly, and he hurried to Su Dongpo's house to see it, but saw Su Dongpo snorting and thundering, and fell asleep.

In Huangzhou, his concubine Chaoyun gave birth to a son, and Su Dongpo wrote a poem saying:

Everyone has adopted a son to be smart, and I have been mistaken by being smart all my life.

I hope that the child will be foolish and reckless, and there will be no illness and no disaster to the minister.

He traveled to Chibi and wrote "Former Chibi Fu" It was not enough, and later he traveled again and wrote "Later Chibi Fu".

At this time, Su Dongpo's mood is becoming more and more peaceful, his mind is becoming more and more open-minded, he never complains about the injustice of fate, and he faces the hardships of life calmly.

He became the Su Dongpo we know.

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

Foodie Su Dongpo

The ancients said that a gentleman is far from cooking.

Su Dongpo disagreed.

As a native of Sichuan, Su Dongpo is a genuine foodie.

Su Dongpo is good at cooking, and he is also willing to cook by himself.

Huangzhou pork is cheap, but he thinks that rich people don't eat it, and rich people don't know how to do it.

He bought pork, put some soy sauce, and simmered for a few hours, which is Dongpo pork.

He is also very particular about making fish.

Choose a carp, wash it with cold water, rub a little salt, stuff the cabbage heart in the belly of the fish, put it in a pot, add a few shallots and white, do not turn it.

When the fish is half-cooked, put a few slices of ginger, pour a little salty radish juice and add a little rice wine.

When the fish is almost ready, add a little orange peel.

Serve hot on the table.

He also invented a kind of Dongpo soup, and also recommended it to monks to eat, the method is simple.

In a double-walled pot, the rice is steamed on a broth with cabbage, radish, raperoot, mustard greens, a little ginger, and some rice in the soup.

In this way, the meals are cooked at the same time.

This kind of life made him feel that he was like Tao Yuanming, and said that Tao Yuanming might be his predecessor.

He turned Tao Yuanming's "Words of Return" into a folk song and taught it to the peasants, and when he sang, he temporarily put down the pear rake, picked up a small stick, beat it on the horns, and sang it with the farmers.

Even if he is more difficult, he is still kind-hearted, and there is a local custom of infanticide, and people only raise two boys and one girl as usual, and kill them when they have more births.

When Su Dongpo heard about it, he was heartbroken, so he came forward to set up a children's rescue association, collected donations from the rich, went deep into the village to investigate the poor pregnant women, and gave her some money, food, and clothes if she promised to raise a baby.

When he was in Huangzhou, Su Dongpo also went to the Taoist temple to retreat for 49 days, lived in seclusion, and practiced fasting and qigong.

He studied Buddhist scriptures and discussed Zen with monks.

He also made alchemy, and in order to refine the pill, he also wrote a letter to Taishou to ask for alchemy recipes.

He also wrote two articles on alchemy, one "Yang Dan Decision" and one "Yin Dan Jue", and after that, until the end of his life, he always wanted to seek the true elixir and achieve immortality.

He believed that those who have immortality have the possibility of immortality.

Someone asked him for the secret recipe for longevity, and he told people that there are four essentials for longevity:

It is said that nothing should be precious.

Second, go to bed early to be rich.

Three, Anbu to be a car.

Fourth, it is said that the evening is eaten as meat.

Su Dongpo is so cute, so funny, and so talented.

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian
Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

There is a saying: In this life, Su Dongpo only does himself, not a man.

To be a man, you have to talk about gains and losses, and you have to think about how to get along, he doesn't do it, and he has never done it in his life.

He is in the officialdom, never flatters, says what needs to be said and does what should be done, never looks forward and backward, and lives a chic life.

He was born as a human being, he has friends and enemies, for friends, he is frank and interesting, for enemies, he does not hold grudges, Wang Anshi is his enemy, but after Wang Anshi went into the wilderness, Su Dongpo also visited Wang Anshi, the two great writers talked for a long time, not bound by hatred, and lived frankly and honestly.

He has had highlight moments in his life, but for him, it seems that he is just ordinary and ordinary, just doing things in a different way, which is free and easy.

He has suffered a lot, but he faces it calmly, and his hopelessly optimistic personality is simply endearing.

Lin Yutang said:

Society, culture, learning, reading the lessons of history, and external responsibilities can only hide the true face of man.

If you strip away all the vanities that a person has been given to him by time and tradition, that person's true nature will be revealed before you.

When he was an official, it was Su Shi;

When he was for the people, he was also Su Shi.

When we read Su Dongpo, we read his boldness, his spaciousness, his wisdom, and his freedom.

Life will inevitably encounter all kinds of storms, unsatisfactory life, work bottlenecks, emotional bonds, etc.

Time is a journey with no return, and it can only go forward.

And Su Dongpo walked 23,000 kilometers.

23,000 kilometers of road, leaving him with the heroic chic of "the east of the great river to the waves, the eternal romantic figure";

23,000 kilometers of road, leaving him "picking up all the cold branches and refusing to perch, lonely sandbar cold" gloomy loneliness;

23,000 kilometers of road, leaving him with his affectionate sorrow of "ten years of life and death, without thinking, unforgettable";

23,000 kilometers of road, leaving him with the ambition and pride of "holding the bow like a full moon, looking northwest, and shooting the wolf";

23,000 kilometers of road, leaving him with the open-mindedness and detachment of "bamboo canes and mango shoes are lighter than horses, and a cloud of smoke and rain is his life";

After all the ups and downs, he is still detached and free, and he is still uninhibited after all the ups and downs;

Time has passed through thousands of years, and his optimism and infinite talent still illuminate the progress of our generation.

Su Dongpo: Life is like a reverse journey, and I am also a pedestrian

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Yoyo-chan, likes to read, likes to travel, likes cats and dogs, and likes all good things. Serious lover of hot pot. It's not cold, but it's very attitude. The world may be cold, but the heart is still warm. Official account: Accompany you through the long years (ID: sunshine_phuket). Please contact the author in the background for reprinting.