
To make matters worse, Taishan was full of wounded soldiers, Pato sought medical treatment, the 20-year-old rising star was injured in training, and there were 3 foreign aides left

author:The vision of the small gold sports world
{"info":{"title":{"content":"雪上加霜!泰山伤兵满营,帕托就医,20岁新星训练受伤,剩3外援","en":"To make matters worse, Taishan was full of wounded soldiers, Pato sought medical treatment, the 20-year-old rising star was injured in training, and there were 3 foreign aides left"},"description":{"content":"尽管中超联赛仅仅开赛6轮,但山东泰山似乎早早退出了争冠梯队,6轮仅取得2胜2平2负的战绩,距离榜首已经有8分的差距了。而...","en":"Although the Chinese Super League only started 6 rounds, Shandong Taishan seems to have withdrawn from the championship echelon early, with only 2 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses in 6 rounds, and there is already a gap of 8 points from the top of the table. Whereas..."}},"items":[]}