
Does the bus on the south line of the West Lake Scenic Area need to be further optimized and upgraded? Expert: The construction of a distribution center can be considered

author:Tide News

Chao News client reporter Teng Yitao, Zhang Ran, Chen Wei, intern Ding Shujin

Recently, Chao News and Qianjiang Evening News have continued to pay attention to the problem of traffic congestion in the West Lake Scenic Area, and put forward feasible suggestions on how to control the congestion.

On April 9, in the summary of the public solicitation of opinions on the "Hangzhou City's Implementation of the West Lake Scenic Area Traffic Management and Service Guarantee Plan" released on the official website of the Hangzhou Municipal Government, Chao News and Qianjiang Evening News provided a total of 9 suggestions, 5 of which were partially adopted and 3 were adopted.

Among the adopted suggestions, "there is no transfer space in the southern area of the scenic spot, resulting in serious congestion on the southern peripheral roads" The suggestion has received continuous attention, and many netizens have left messages through Chao News reporters: the waiting time for buses in some popular scenic spots on the south line of the West Lake Scenic Area is too long, and there is no shuttle bus from some parking lots to scenic spots;

How do citizens and tourists feel about the experience of the southern bus in the West Lake Scenic Area, and can the transfer system in the southern area of the scenic spot be further improved, optimized, and upgraded?

Recently, Chao News reporters visited the bus traffic in the southern part of the West Lake Scenic Area, and interviewed relevant professionals on how to alleviate the problem of congestion in the southern part of the scenic spot.

There is a long waiting time for buses at some stations on the southern line

The experience of the southern route is more congested than that of the northern route

Recently, the Chao News reporter practiced first-hand, starting from the Zhejiang Hotel in the south of the West Lake Scenic Area, walking all the way to the south of the West Lake Scenic Area, and experiencing the bus connection between the popular scenic spots in the south of the West Lake Scenic Area.

Starting from Damailing Bus Station, go to the southern scenic spot Huagang to watch fish, according to traffic instructions, you need to take bus No. 197, pass 1 stop, transfer to Maojiabu bus transfer to 1314 Road, and then go 1 stop to arrive at Yuhuwan Bus Station, ride 843 meters to reach Huagang Guanyu.

At 10:40 on weekdays, the southern road of the scenic spot is in a state of congestion in multiple sections. At this time, bus No. 197 is 13 stops away from Damailing bus, and due to road congestion, the mobile phone comes with software that shows that the expected waiting time is more than 30 minutes.

Does the bus on the south line of the West Lake Scenic Area need to be further optimized and upgraded? Expert: The construction of a distribution center can be considered

The 197 bus line with super traffic jam Photo by Ding Shujin

But the reality seems to be slower: Chao News reporters began to wait at the Damailing bus station at 10:40, and at 11:25, bus No. 197 arrived, and waited for 45 minutes before waiting for a 197 bus.

The reason why it is so slow, the reporter found from the bus track that the starting point of the 197 bus is the South Ring Road bus station to the Wensan branch road bus station, and the 197 bus station passes through the west line of the scenic spot from the west of the city and the south line to Binjiang Puyan. It not only undertakes the rotation function of scenic spots on the west line and south line of the scenic spot, but also undertakes the function of transporting tourists in and out of the scenic spot to the urban area, with a total length of 18.7 kilometers and 26 stations along the way.

There are many stations on some bus lines of the southern line, and once the road congestion is superimposed, it will indeed make the experience worse for many tourists.

"If you travel alone, it must be most convenient to walk, but with a baby you can only wait for the bus. On the No. 197 bus, a tourist with a child said that she also thought about riding a shared bicycle with a baby, "but it feels a little dangerous, and there is no trace of a shared bicycle nearby, so I can only take the bus, but the waiting time is too long, and the children begin to cry." ”

The reporter continued to watch the fish from Huagang to the second station Bagua Tian and the third station Liuhe Tower, and the experience was slightly improved: an average of 5 minutes can wait for a bus, and the number of buses has increased.

The last stop, starting from the Liuhe Pagoda bus station on Zhijiang Road, goes to Jiuxi Scenic Area.

Take No. 39, after two stops, you can reach Jiuxi bus station, get off at the bus stop and walk 2 kilometers to Jiuxi Yanshu.

At 12:06, the reporter waited for the bus at the Liuheta bus station on Zhijiang Road, and at 12:27, the No. 39 bus arrived, with a total waiting time of 21 minutes.

Does the bus on the south line of the West Lake Scenic Area need to be further optimized and upgraded? Expert: The construction of a distribution center can be considered

Zhijiang Road Liuheta Bus Station waiting for the bus scene Photo by Ding Shujin

Ms. Zhang, a tourist who was waiting for the bus together, told reporters that she had been traveling with a group for the first two days, and today she tried to travel freely in the south of the scenic spot, and felt that public transportation was somewhat inconvenient. "It would be nice to have a subway, the bus is easily affected by factors such as road conditions, and it will take longer than expected. ”

The bus station staff at Jiuxi Station said that the road conditions will be better on weekdays, and the bus will take over faster.

"Once you encounter traffic congestion, the bus replacement is not timely, it may cause the waiting time to be unfixed, but it is also a very helpless situation, I hope tourists can understand more. ”

On holidays, the public transport experience in the south of the West Lake Scenic Area is not ideal: on the evening of the first day of the Qingming holiday, Xiao Feng, a native of New Hangzhou, returned to Hefang Street from Liuhe Pagoda for dinner, relying on the bus to travel, 11 kilometers away, but it took 3 hours.

At that time, there were two bus routes to choose from, No. 39 or No. 500 bypassing the core area of the West Lake Scenic Area to get off at the destination, and the other was through the West Lake Scenic Area - Bus No. 4 arrived at Wushan Square Subway Station along the South Line of West Lake.

"At first, we wanted to take the No. 39 bus to avoid passing through the core area of West Lake for fear of traffic jams. Xiao Feng said that it took more than 20 minutes to wait for the first No. 39 bus, but it was full and could not get up. After waiting for more than 1 hour, a total of 5 buses from No. 39 and No. 500 came, all of which were full and couldn't get up. "As a last resort, I changed to Liuhe Tower Station to take the No. 4 bus, and the traffic jam began from Hupao Road, and it took more than 1 hour to arrive at the Wushan Square bus station. ”

Does the bus on the south line of the West Lake Scenic Area need to be further optimized and upgraded? Expert: The construction of a distribution center can be considered

Jiuxi Bus Station Photo by Ding Shujin

"I think the buses on the West Lake South Line are more congested than the North Line buses, and I have taken the buses on the North Line before, and I feel that the road is not so congested. Xiao Feng said that it was raining at the time, and the group was particularly embarrassed, and friends said that if there were exclusive bus routes between popular attractions and popular attractions, the experience would be much better.

Why is the southern piece more congested

Is it possible to set up a distribution center in the south of the scenic spot?

In the view of Wu Weiqiang, a professor at Zhejiang University of Technology, compared with the northern route, the current situation that the southern area of the scenic spot is more congested is determined by its geographical characteristics and transportation facilities.

There are two main roads to enter the West Lake from the south line of the scenic spot, one is Hupao Road and the other is Nanfu Road. Compared with the northern area, the southern route has fewer passages into the scenic spot, and a large number of vehicles enter from the entrance of the southern route, which will form a bottleneck effect.

Secondly, the density of the internal road network in the south of the scenic spot is low, and it cannot carry a large number of small passenger cars.

According to the current traffic layout of the scenic spot, the 10 nearest subway stations to the West Lake Scenic Area are mostly concentrated near the North Line and East Line of the West Lake.

The subway stations near the South Line are Shuichengqiao Subway Station and Fenghua West Road Subway Station, but they are far away from the West Lake Scenic Area, and it is less attractive to enter the scenic area by transferring to a bus by subway.

"I think that if we build a distribution center (with parking and transfer functions) close to the south line of the scenic spot, such as setting it up in the area of Fuxing Road, it may be able to alleviate some of the traffic congestion in the southern area. Wu Weiqiang said that if you want the southern bus to run fast, the key is to have fewer private cars.

In the case of narrow roads, low road network density, and few passages, the volume of public transportation and private cars will indeed cause pressure on the traffic on the southern route, and the buses will naturally not run fast.

"The state stipulates that the bus lane is generally divided on the four lanes, and the limit is three lanes, and most of the roads in the West Lake Scenic Area have only two lanes, and it is unrealistic to draw bus lanes to help bus traffic. Otherwise, other cars will not be able to drive. Wu Weiqiang said that for example, there are bus lanes in the Lingxi Tunnel in the scenic spot, because the number of lanes determines that bus lanes can be set up, and many roads in the scenic area do not have the corresponding conditions, and it is difficult for bus lanes or BRT to become the overall direction of scenic congestion.

In Wu Weiqiang's view, one aspect, the south of the scenic spot distribution center can alleviate the congestion of public transport, in addition, four public transport systems are worth considering: one is the subway, to achieve rapid access to the function, the second is the P+R bus to achieve the peripheral transfer directly into the main scenic spots, the third is the scenic bus in the scenic area is mainly responsible for the conversion function between scenic spots, and the fourth is that some buses directly connect the city and the scenic spot.

"From the perspective of the system, the bus bears the main passenger flow in the scenic spot, how to do it faster? Including the construction of the distribution center and transfer center around the scenic spot is to reduce the occupation of the ground road of the scenic spot by private cars, and enter the scenic spot in the form of large-scale and efficient public transportation to reduce the traffic volume. Wu Weiqiang said.

Hangzhou bus responded

Peripheral transfer system of the southern line

Yang Tao, vice chairman of the China Academic Committee on Urban Transport Planning, said, "As far as I know, the roads in the deep mountain scenic area southwest of West Lake are relatively sparse and narrow, and they are more likely to cause traffic congestion, especially on holidays, which are more likely to cause serious traffic congestion. ”

The spatial layout of the "two rings, ten shots and nine links" bus network in the West Lake Scenic Area is generally reasonable and necessary. The bus lines of the scenic spots in the deep mountains in the southwest are relatively scarce and the buses are slow, which may be related to the relatively sparse number and layout of scenic spots in the region.

Does the bus on the south line of the West Lake Scenic Area need to be further optimized and upgraded? Expert: The construction of a distribution center can be considered

Spatial layout of the "two rings, ten shots and nine connections" bus line network in the West Lake Scenic Area Source: Hangzhou Public Transport

"The spatial layout of the bus network only expresses the accessibility of the West Lake Scenic Area and its bus lines with Hangzhou urban area and surrounding scenic spots, but does not fully reflect the bus service capacity and service level that passengers and tourists can really obtain. The key to measuring the ability and level of public transport services that passengers and tourists can obtain is the quantity, quality, frequency, timeliness, comfort and satisfaction of each bus route for each bus route. Yang Tao said that the "Shishi" subway station to connect the scenic spots is a bit far-fetched, and does not form a connection relationship with the scenic bus network, and it is necessary to highlight the prerequisites for the priority service of public transportation, and conscientiously do a good job in the scientific organization and flow restriction control of car traffic in the deep mountain scenic spots in the southwest.

"The idea of establishing a tourist transfer distribution center in the southern part of the scenic area is very good, and I fully agree with it. Yang Tao said that it is also necessary to further study and formulate a white paper on the management policy of tourism traffic demand in the West Lake Scenic Area, and it is necessary to build a big data platform and a smart management command center in the West Lake Scenic Area.

It is also understood that the average daily tourist volume of the West Lake Scenic Area is about 198,000 on weekdays, and up to 388,400 on weekends, and the number of tourists may further increase to more than 800,000 during special holidays such as the "May Day" holiday. "With such a large number of frequent tourists, it can be said that the world is hard to find!" Yang Tao said, can consider planning and building a tourist subway around the lake, which can not only greatly alleviate the pressure and congestion of ground traffic in the West Lake, but also further enhance the tourism reception and service capacity of the West Lake scenic spot, and promote the development of the tourism economy.

Regarding the transfer space of the south line of the scenic spot, Hangzhou public transport said that it had considered this issue, "the transfer space needs to have land, or there is a transfer station, due to the particularity of the West Lake, there is no such condition at present." "In fact, compared with last year, the transfer of the southern line has added a new taxi and online car-hailing transfer point at No. 157 Litaizu Bay, and the Taishan parking lot is also being upgraded and renovated, which are the results of the joint efforts of all parties.

Regarding the long waiting time of some buses in the southern scenic area, the relevant person in charge said, "We will consider increasing the frequency of buses on the south line of the scenic spot and adjusting the density of bus departure intervals, such as the main No. 4, West Lake Inner Ring Road, Outer Ring Road, No. 139 Road, etc." ”

For the situation of the scenic spot, Hangzhou public transport has also made a lot of efforts.

Ren Wenyin, deputy manager of the passenger transport management department of Hangzhou Public Transport Group, said that from the system to cooperate with the traffic organization measures, now advocate several transfer modes, is the relevant departments to find a way to expand some diamond-shaped space outside, so as to facilitate bus transfer.

For example, the transfer of private cars is realized through the parking lot on the periphery of the scenic spot, and after the private car is parked in the parking lot, it is transferred to the bus to enter the scenic spot. If it is a bus for a tour group, try to use some social parking lots and leisure roads to transfer to the shuttle. In addition, the connecting lines of subway stations around the scenic spot have been enhanced to ensure the coverage and the density of the interval between departures.

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