
If a person has true feelings for you, he will look like it, and he can't pretend to be it

author:Good night Moran

Text/Mo Ran

In the world of feelings, many times when you get along with each other, it is easy to fall in love for a long time.

From a person's attitude towards you and the details of getting along, you can judge a person's heart, after all, love can't be hidden.

There is a kind of magic in love, which makes people unconsciously reveal their true emotions.

Sometimes, it may not be so obvious, but you can feel it with your heart.

If a person has true feelings for you, it will be like this, and he can't pretend to be like this.

If a person has true feelings for you, he will look like it, and he can't pretend to be it

I don't consciously care about you

People's emotions can't be restrained, and they will always unconsciously pay attention to the person they like.

When a person will unconsciously care about you and focus on you, in fact, he has already moved true feelings for you.

You know, in this society, everyone is busy, and no one will waste time and energy on unworthy people.

But anyone who can take the initiative to care about you and care about how you are doing is someone who truly loves you.

Love doesn't need to be deliberately expressed, it will be given unconsciously.

Especially when getting along with the opposite sex, a person will always unconsciously care about you and do everything to you, and it is obvious that he has special feelings for you.

People are only willing to give to the people they love.

Therefore, the person who will take the initiative to care about you, care about your emotions and health, and give you love is really moved by you.

If a person has true feelings for you, he will look like it, and he can't pretend to be it

Look for opportunities to get close to you

You can't hide your likes, and even if you don't say it, you will show it in other ways.

When a person is always looking for various reasons to approach you, it is obvious that he has special feelings for you.

Love will unconsciously want to get closer, and the person who will take the initiative to get close to you is actually sincere to you.

For ordinary friends, they will only avoid suspicion, and they will not have any special feelings, and they will not have the urge to meet all the time.

A person is always looking for all kinds of reasons to get close to you, and when he comes into your life, it is obvious that he wants to be with you.

Everyone's energy and time are limited, and people who can waste time and energy on you will naturally have real feelings for you.

People will not get close to a person for no reason, they will only try their best to get close to the person they like, and want to express their hearts and let you know his sincerity clearly.

If a person has true feelings for you, he will look like it, and he can't pretend to be it

Extraordinarily attentive to your affairs

A lot of times, you can't see some people without experiencing something. From the degree to which a person cares about you, you can know his true heart.

If you want to know how sincere a person is for you, you need to see how much he cares about you.

When you encounter something, the person who rushes out at the first time must be the person who cares about you very much.

As the saying goes, adversity sees true love, and only people who are really interested in you will care about you and take the initiative to help you.

When a person encounters something, he can best see a person's sincerity, the more nervous you are, the person who cares about you, it means that he has regarded you as the person he cares about the most.

Affection is a thing, love and not love is obvious. From the degree to which a person feels sorry for you, you can know your place in his heart.

The more they pay special attention to you, the more people who care about you, they are sincere to you.


Love is something that can't be hidden, as long as there is love flowing, it will always be revealed through the details.

When a person has true feelings for you, in fact, as long as you feel it with your heart, you can feel his heart through the details of life.

It's not easy to meet someone who really cares about you, so please cherish it when you meet.