
This painting has a faint willow breeze, and the wind is warm

author:Shen County Media


Source: China Central Radio and Television

Name:Qing Zhu Henian "Mr. Huaxi's Small Portrait Scroll"

Dimensions: 74.5 cm long, 93.5 cm wide

Collection unit: Jinan Museum

"Reading is not aware of the deep spring, every inch of time is an inch of gold"

Meditate by the water

Cherish the spring breeze that warms people

Let's take a look at "Mr. Huaxi's Small Portrait Scroll"

This painting has a faint willow breeze, and the wind is warm

01 A faint picture A clear sight

This painting has a faint willow breeze, and the wind is warm

"Mr. Huaxi is a jade photo, the year of the Zhu He"

The two lines in the upper left corner of the screen indicate this

This painting was painted by the Qing Dynasty calligrapher and painter Zhu Henian for "Mr. Huaxi".

Although the subject is Mr. Hanake's jade photo

But the painter seems to have followed the principle that "if you want to paint people, you can't just paint people".

I also painted the spring water rise

Kishigami Aookusa

The willows are fluttering on the embankment

This painting has a faint willow breeze, and the wind is warm

The painter's portrayal of the characters is meticulous and realistic

Mr. Huaxi sat cross-legged with clear eyebrows

Dressed in a moire brocade robe, holding a goose feather fan

Personable and elegant

The willow tree occupies a large part of the painting

The willow branches are light and sway in the wind

The thickness of the branches is both

The penmanship is vigorous and heroic, and the wet pen accumulates ink

The green of the foliage is different from the verdant dripping of summer heat

The shades are suitable, revealing the lightness of spring

The lines are fine and powerful

Make the willow branches full of three-dimensional and layered sense

Although it is a moment of stillness, it also depicts a warm spring breeze

The depiction of the gentle slope and the shore shows a simple, bright and moist effect

Three poems are also inscribed on the screen

Different from the "barrage" of collectors on other paintings

The authors of the poems should all be friends of "Mr. Huaxi".

It seems that the requirements for composing poetry are also relatively "strict":

The first, second, and fourth lines of the three poems

They are all "crying", "west" and "hoof" respectively

(Isn't this a "Flying Flower Order" more than 200 years ago?)

02 The subtlety of the willow tree makes people nostalgic and cherished

Spring willows have their own set of aesthetics

It's always faint

Beijing Grand View Garden in spring

Not so hot green -

Even if it's hot

The floating catkins make you have to squint

Lower the "saturation"

This is the subtle beauty of the willow tree

It is full of spring and is the characteristic of spring

Beijing Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony Performance "Folding Willows"

People fold willows and give goodbye

The homophonic "stay" expresses a reluctance

Plug the willow and chase away

It is a commemoration of the ancestors

And when it comes to "Yongliu"

The most representative is He Zhizhang's famous article

The title is too blunt

But there is no word "willow" in the text, it is all details

The jasper is made into a tree high, and ten thousand green silk ribbons hang down.

I don't know who cut out the thin leaves, and the spring breeze in February is like scissors.

——Tang He Zhizhang "Yongliu"

"In the past, I went back, and the willows were still there"

The willow tree does not protrude from its strong branches

But in the swaying, it shows thousands of weather

03 The willow color is fresh and the spring color is lovely

The vitality of spring is the faint green of the willow tree

It is also "the river water is as green as blue in spring"

It's a clear blue sky

Azure Planet

It is an intoxicating spring breeze

Blow over the shy face

I want spring to come to the bowl

So there is a pond of spring

Where is spring

In our hearts

The picture of spring is faint

So we cherish it even more

I'm always afraid of rushing by accidentally

What are some spring memories do you have?

Producer|Tang Yi

Producer|Wu Huifeng


Vision|Zhu Lingmeng

Guided by: State Administration of Cultural Heritage

The article is reprinted from the CCTV news client "Wenbo Calendar".

Editor in charge: Wang Yuhan

Forward: Sun Yan

Review: Hao Lin

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