
The gap between people is inseparable from these three points

author:Book and Newspaper Digest

Many times, people with the same background and the same starting point end up with very different results.

So, how is the distance between people widened?


Cognitive gaps

The famous esthetician Zhu Guangqian once used Honka as an example to make this statement:

The carpenter sees its value as a timber, the botanist thinks of it as a subject and an attribute, and the painter perceives it as its form and structure.

The same thing will have different results depending on people's cognition.

As the saying goes, "Your cognitive level determines the upper limit of your life." ”

A person's cognition guides his behavior, which determines the direction of his life.

Mr. Liu Run, a self-media person, once told the story of two breweries.

The first brewery, because of its good location, affordable prices, and thriving business.

Later, with the rapid development of online shopping and logistics and transportation, the brewery's business was greatly affected, and its turnover dropped significantly.

Faced with such a situation, the brewery owner thought that "the trend of the times" and that it was useless to struggle, so he sat back and waited, and finally had to close his doors.

Another brewery, albeit also facing the same problem.

But the boss seriously thought about his product positioning and looked for shortcomings.

After some investigation and investigation, he decided to take the initiative to sell wine with the help of Internet marketing while developing new products.

Eventually, the brewery not only regained its former prosperity, but also doubled its revenue.

I've read a passage:

People who can see through things in a second are destined to have a completely different fate from those who spend a lifetime not being able to see the essence of things clearly.

Differences in cognition directly affect our judgments and practices, and different practices will lead to completely different lives.

The lower the cognition, the easier it is to be trapped in the square inch in front of you and not see the wider world outside.

The higher the cognition, the more you can see through the essence of things, make rational analysis, see farther, and go further.

How can we raise our awareness? We might as well work on three aspects.

1. Continuous learning: Broaden your horizons and enhance your understanding and cognition of different things by reading, attending seminars, watching documentaries, or visiting cultures in different places.

2. Cultivate critical thinking: learn to ask questions and question, not blindly accept information, but analyze, evaluate and judge through critical thinking.

3. Diverse communication: Communicate with people from different backgrounds, professions and fields, listen to their views and experiences, and enrich your own knowledge.

There is such a sentence in "Cognitive Awakening": All the leaps that people can achieve are, in essence, cognition that has completed the awakening and improvement.

The focus of competition is mostly on mental resources.

Only by letting cognition prevail can we win in the end.

The gap between people is inseparable from these three points


Mindset gaps

The importance of mindset is not only reflected in health, but also in work.

At work, we all complained to a greater or lesser extent. Whenever these times, have you noticed that your mentality will become very bad, and even affect the efficiency of your work?

On the contrary, when you have a good attitude, your work will get better and better.

In a book, I read a very touching story.

After graduating from university, a man who wanted to become a manager in a bank, but when he couldn't find a suitable internship, he went to work as a financial assistant at a foundation.

There are a lot of things, he is so busy every day that he doesn't talk about it, and he is often criticized by the leaders.

Once, he confided in a colleague that the work was too hard and his boss was difficult to serve.

After hearing this, my colleague said:

"Sober up, have you ever asked yourself if you're really trying? No, you're just complaining. ”

This sentence woke up the man, and he began to reflect on his attitude towards his work and try to work the job.

Since then, he has done his best to cooperate with his boss's arrangement.

Not only that, but he also used his spare time to learn about funds and continuously improve his business level.

In just a few dozen days, he has successfully changed from a low-level intern to a person who is proficient in finance.

At the end of the internship period, the man achieved his ambition by joining a local bank with his excellent resume.

Mentality often hides a person's pattern and wisdom.

No matter what kind of work in life, there will be times when people are difficult to cope with, and no matter what kind of workplace, there will be times when people feel suffocated.

People who are careful about everything often do not have a good life because they only focus on the immediate gains and losses, but cannot see the future situation clearly.

With the right mentality, being humble, being able to humbly accept the criticism and opinions of others, and then silently improving their own strength, can they win a better life.

An excellent person will cultivate his mentality from these three aspects.

1. Exercise a positive attitude: Cultivate an optimistic, tenacious and confident mindset, and actively respond to difficulties and challenges.

2. Do a good job of emotion management: Learn emotion management skills, such as deep breathing, meditation, etc., to cope with stress and adversity.

3. Set reasonable goals: Set clear, achievable goals and make sustained efforts to achieve them, thereby enhancing self-efficacy.

As one psychologist put it:

"Mindset is a two-way door on the road of life, and people can turn it to one side and enter success, or they can turn it to the other side and enter failure. ”

A good attitude can benefit you for life and become a bigger winner.

The gap between people is inseparable from these three points


Learning gaps

We often envy others for achieving financial freedom and crossing the ladder of life, but when we look back at ourselves, we still seem to be the weaker who is powerless.

But many things are not as simple as they seem, and most successful people have excellent skills.

Writer @王耳 told such a story.

There was a rich man in the county town who suddenly died in a car accident.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, the rich man did not leave a will, and the two sons divided the family property equally.

It stands to reason that the rich have real estate, a company, and millions of savings, and so much financial support, they should live comfortably.

But 7 years later, when the reporter went to pay a return visit, he found that the fate of the two had changed dramatically.

The eldest son dropped out of school early and spent all day hanging out with the little gangsters in the county.

The brothers around him instigated him to gamble and take drugs, and he soon became addicted, and finally lost his family fortune.

On the other hand, the youngest son's life path is just the opposite.

After receiving his father's inheritance, he first entrusted the business to his father's trusted old subordinates.

Then he went to study for a master's degree in business administration and studied abroad to learn the latest management concepts.

When he returned to the company after graduation, he overhauled the company and worked hard to transform the family business.

Within a few years, he was making his mark in the business world.

The more excellent people are, the more they will use their time to learn, enrich themselves, and improve their abilities.

And ordinary people who give up learning, after leaving school, stop lifelong learning.

But in these unpredictable times, your complacency is a kind of regression, and once you are attracted by the comfort in front of you, you will live a lazy and slack life.

A person who is good at learning will work hard from these three aspects.

1. Make a study plan: Set clear learning goals, make a specific study plan, and stick to it.

2. Master diversified learning methods: combine different learning methods, such as reading, listening, practicing, discussion, etc., to improve learning efficiency and effectiveness.

3. Be good at reflection and summary: Regularly reflect and summarize the learning content, consolidate the knowledge learned, and find out your own shortcomings and ways to improve.

Maupassant once said in "Pretty Friends": "Life is like a hillside, when you go up, all you see is the peak, and your heart will be full of hope." ”

Although the uphill road is not easy to walk, when you continue to learn and break through little by little, you can become the person who is envied.

The gap between people is inseparable from these three points


Napoleon once said:

"There is only a small gap between people, but this small gap makes a huge difference. ”

Many people think that life is unknown, and even blame the success or failure of life on the arrangement of fate, but it is not.

The difference between people is more about the gaps in cognition, mentality and learning, which largely determine our way of thinking, behavior patterns and future development.

May we all improve our cognition, temper our mentality, learn for life, and reap a happy life.

About the author: Xiang Cheng, a young woman wandering in the world of literature and art, is a signed author of readers, a signed author of books, and the original creator of Night Listening.