
24043 Lotto five trend charts, after the merger of the bottom of the area continues to consider the number of one yard

author:Double-gun fixing method

In the journey of life, we will always encounter all kinds of setbacks and difficulties, but it is these failures that shape our tenacity and perseverance. Every failure is a valuable experience. It allows us to reflect deeply and find out the root cause of the problem, so that we can adjust our course and avoid falling again. Every failure is also an opportunity to grow. It allows us to learn to face difficulties, learn to draw strength from setbacks, and become stronger.

The road to success is often not easy. It requires us to keep exploring and trying in the midst of failure. Every fall is to get up better, and every failure is to get closer to success. Therefore, we should cherish every failure and be grateful for the growth and harvest they bring us. Let's be brave enough to face failure and embrace every setback. I believe that in the near future, those failures will become our stepping stones to success. Cherish failure, welcome success, and make our life more exciting!

Next, let's take a look at the five trend chart data of the 24043 lottery to be drawn today.

Lotto Regular Chart:

24043 Lotto five trend charts, after the merger of the bottom of the area continues to consider the number of one yard


043 Lotto Historical Trend Chart:

24043 Lotto five trend charts, after the merger of the bottom of the area continues to consider the number of one yard


Wednesday Lotto Historical Chart:

24043 Lotto five trend charts, after the merger of the bottom of the area continues to consider the number of one yard


April 17 Lotto Historical Chart:

24043 Lotto five trend charts, after the merger of the bottom of the area continues to consider the number of one yard


Early March: Nine Lotto Historical Charts:

24043 Lotto five trend charts, after the merger of the bottom of the area continues to consider the number of one yard


Next, the numbers of the four issues to be studied are summarized together for easy sorting and analysis:





There are only two repeat numbers in the last issue, and it is to be expected that all of them will be killed.

There are a total of four numbers in this issue, and the following are the specific details:

The four repeat numbers in the last issue were all successful, and if there are no other ideas in this issue, they can continue to be used as a kill number for reference, but there is a group of tail numbers 2 and 12 in this issue, and there was a period of time, the same tail number in the repeat number is relatively easy to open, so if you consider the number of the repeat number in this issue, you can focus on these two same tail numbers.

The following is the historical data of the recent red ball duplicates, you can compare them for reference:


Issue 24040: 30 Lore



The number of the rear area is summarized

The following is a summary of the historical data in the back area of the five trend charts in the previous periods:





There are a total of six numbers in the back area of this issue, of which the duplicate number is 01.08. Here are the details:

Recently, the red ball summary will open a number in most cases, so these six numbers in this issue will continue this reference idea.

The number of the front area is summarized

In the last period, the 18-yard front area merged outsole really as we reminded, and three numbers were drawn from it, and the specific numbers were 8.23.35.

The combined outsole of this issue is a total of 16 yards, and here are the specific details:

Recently, we through the five trend charts to get the big lotto before the area merge the bottom of the number is still relatively stable, generally a period of more and a less, according to this trend, this period of 16 yards of the bottom only need to consider the number of two yards or one yard.

Friendly Reminder:

There are no absolutes, refer to others, and believe in yourself.