
The man was diagnosed with kidney failure, broke down and cried: he had already found out that something was wrong, and he thought it was a trivial matter and didn't care

author:Mingjie Health Chinese Medicine
The man was diagnosed with kidney failure, broke down and cried: he had already found out that something was wrong, and he thought it was a trivial matter and didn't care

Wang Qiang, a 35-year-old IT engineer, is usually busy with work and irregular life, he often stays up late and works overtime, and his diet is mostly takeout and fast food. Gradually, Wang Qiang found that his body had some abnormalities: easy fatigue, loss of appetite, and increased frequency of urination.

The man was diagnosed with kidney failure, broke down and cried: he had already found out that something was wrong, and he thought it was a trivial matter and didn't care

However, instead of getting better, these symptoms became more and more serious, and finally one day, Wang Qiang suddenly felt dizzy and unsteady on his feet while at work, and his colleagues rushed him to the hospital.

In the hospital, Wang Qiang was arranged to do a series of examinations, and when the doctor walked into the ward with the test sheet, Wang Qiang saw the doctor's solemn expression. "Mr. Wang, your renal function test results are very unsatisfactory, the indicators of creatinine and urea nitrogen are much higher than normal, and the preliminary diagnosis is chronic renal failure. The doctor said.

The man was diagnosed with kidney failure, broke down and cried: he had already found out that something was wrong, and he thought it was a trivial matter and didn't care

Hearing this, Wang Qiang felt the world spinning, and he asked in disbelief: "How can this be? I usually feel that my body is okay, but there is a little problem." "

The doctor patiently explained: "The early symptoms of chronic kidney failure are not obvious and are often ignored by patients. However, as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced, and your previous fatigue, loss of appetite, and abnormal urination are typical manifestations of kidney failure. "

"Then what should I do now, can it be cured?" Wang Qiang asked eagerly.

"Your kidney function is now severely impaired and you need to start treatment as soon as possible. We will develop a personalized treatment plan for you, including medication, dietary adjustment, lifestyle modification, etc., and if the condition continues to worsen, dialysis or kidney transplantation may be required, but as long as you actively cooperate with the treatment, there is still hope to delay the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life. The doctor encouraged.

The man was diagnosed with kidney failure, broke down and cried: he had already found out that something was wrong, and he thought it was a trivial matter and didn't care

Wang Qiang listened to the doctor's words, his mood calmed down a little, he realized that his usual neglect of his body led to the current situation, and his heart was full of remorse.

Wang Qiang's experience is a wake-up call for us: physical health is our most valuable asset, but we often ignore its importance in our busy lives, many chronic diseases such as chronic renal failure, the early symptoms are not obvious, but if we can develop the habit of regular physical examination, we can detect problems early and intervene in time.

At the same time, unhealthy lifestyle is also an important cause of chronic diseases. We must learn to arrange work and life reasonably, pay attention to a balanced diet, exercise moderately, and give the body a healthy environment.

The man was diagnosed with kidney failure, broke down and cried: he had already found out that something was wrong, and he thought it was a trivial matter and didn't care

Wang Qiang's story tells us that health is a responsibility that we need to take the initiative to care for and maintain. I hope that through his experience, more people can realize the importance of their bodies, take action to love themselves, cherish the present, and live a healthy and wonderful life.

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