
Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

author:Fashion love
Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

In the face of the ruthless polishing of time, people have been looking for a way to keep themselves young on the outside and still full of vitality on the inside, which is the so-called "frozen age" way. Recently, a 51-year-old mother shared her recent photos and photos of her girlhood on social platforms, attracting many netizens to watch and like, because she was considered "not 51 years old at all".

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

1. Reasons for maintaining beauty and "frozen age".

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

So, what is the reason why this mother can maintain such an amazing youthful appearance? In fact, the real beauty and "frozen age" are not only the deep care of the skin and the creation of the external image, but more importantly, it comes from the inner temperament and external demeanor.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

1. Looks young and has a strong sense of blood and energy

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

As can be seen from the photo, the mother's face line is very soft, there are no obvious signs of age, she looks at least about 10 years younger than her actual age, and her complexion is very good, and the vitality and distinctiveness exuded by the whole person make people involuntarily feel that she is an energetic girl.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

In fact, in order to maintain such a temperament and sense of vitality, it is not only dependent on skin care products and maintenance methods, but more importantly, there needs to be enough "sense of qi and blood", only when the internal body of women is in a good state, can they exude a beautiful brilliance that does not match their age in appearance.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

2. Good body shape and demeanor, better temperament

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

In addition to the factors of facial appearance, body shape and demeanor are also important factors that affect the effect of a woman's ageing. In the photo, the mother is wearing a white top and jeans, and her whole person has a very good demeanor, and her tall posture and natural smile make her look very young.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

It turns out that maintaining a good body shape and demeanor can not only make women look slimmer and younger, but also subtly affect their temperament and appearance, making them exude more charming charm, which is why many successful professional women look very energetic and young.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

3. Aesthetics are online, and dressing is not old-fashioned

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

In addition, aesthetic renewal and clothing matching are also the key to maintaining frozen age. Nowadays, fashion trends are constantly changing and updating, and if women want to maintain a youthful image, they need to keep up with the trend and choose fashion outfits that suit them, which can highlight their personality without making people feel too old-fashioned and conservative.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

Only when women have a heart that is always fresh and curious, can they constantly try new things, including clothing and accessories, so that their outfits exude youthful vitality in line with their age, and it is precisely because of this that this mother can be considered "not 51 years old at all", and is praised by many netizens as a sister.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!
Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

2. How to truly achieve "frozen age"

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

Through this mother's "frozen age" experience, we can clearly see that in fact, it is not very difficult to have real beauty and "frozen age", as long as women can adjust and change from the inside out, they will definitely be able to have their own youth and beauty.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

1. Skin care + internal adjustment, improve the sense of qi and blood

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

If you want to have a good skin condition, the use of skin care products is important, but it is more important to carry out "skin care" from the inside out, through a reasonable diet and work and rest habits, so that the internal organs of the body can be comprehensively conditioned and cared for, so as to improve the "sense of qi and blood", so that the skin naturally exudes a healthy luster, with such a "sense of qi and blood", even when not wearing makeup, women can maintain a good complexion and state.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

2. Proper makeup to brighten the face

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

Of course, proper makeup can also become a magic weapon for women's frozen age, through some simple makeup skills, you can make the contours of the face more three-dimensional, and the complexion is more fair and spiritual, but in the process of makeup, you must pay attention to "just right", don't overly heavy makeup, but make yourself look "old-fashioned", you should choose a clear and natural makeup, just just brighten the face and modify the contours.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

3. Control diet + proper fitness to maintain body shape

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

In addition, controlling diet and exercising properly are also important ways to maintain frozen age. In today's society, many people's life rhythm is very fast, diet and exercise may be affected to a certain extent, and they are prone to obesity and poor metabolism, so female friends must pay attention to their physical condition, maintain a proper diet and exercise, so as to maintain a slim body shape, and make themselves look younger and more energetic.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

4. Dignified demeanor and good dressing

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

Of course, the success of the frozen age also needs the blessing of manners, no matter what kind of dress, you need to have a dignified and atmospheric temperament, only in this way, can you not only make your outfit look very fashionable and individual, but also be able to exude elegant charm in line with age, so female friends must usually practice more, from sitting, walking, expression and other aspects to pay attention to, so that their demeanor is more and more perfect and charming.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

5. Only with a young mentality can we truly freeze our age

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

Finally, it's important to stay young. In fact, the reason why the real frozen age is so commendable, one of the most important factors is the "mentality", only when women have an eternally youthful heart, full of curiosity and vitality, both the appearance and the heart will exude a charm that does not match the age, such a woman is the real "frozen age goddess", and will become the object of envy and admiration of the people around her.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!
Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!


Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!

The gears of time have been turning, and people's pursuit of beauty has never stopped, in this era full of aesthetic diversity, every woman has the possibility to become the "goddess of frozen age" in their own life, as long as they have worked the external image and internal cultivation, know how to find the true meaning of beauty from daily life, I believe that they will be able to glow their own unique light, become the envy and admiration of the people around them.

Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!
Age 51 years old, height 155cm, praised by the whole network: too young!