
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

author:Fish Entertainment

The Aesthetic Dilemma and the Beauty of Diversity In recent years, the aesthetic standards of the entertainment industry seem to be becoming more and more narrow, pushing female stars to a deformed aesthetic bias.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Fair-skinned and slender became the mainstream, while other characteristics were often overlooked or ridiculed.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

However, behind this aesthetic trend, some actresses still dare to assert themselves and show diverse beauty.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

At the 2024 China Film Big Data Honor Night, a group of unique female stars each showed their charm, giving people inspiration and thinking.

Redefining Beauty: The Story of Zhang Xiaofei, Gao Ye, Ma Li, and Ye Tong

Zhang Xiaofei with a national character face

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Zhang Xiaofei became popular with her unique Chinese character face, and although she was at odds with the mainstream aesthetics, she did not follow the crowd.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

The success of "Hello, Lee Hwan Young" has put her in the spotlight, and her confidence and charm transcend any aesthetic constraints.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Strong tall leaves

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Gao Ye, who has a strong body, can hardly find a replacement in the domestic entertainment circle. Her appearance broke the aesthetic mainstream of white, young and thin, showing the beauty and strength of different body types.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Gao Ye's success proves that acting skills and personality are more important than appearance.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Slightly blessed Ma Li

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Ma Li has never been a slender typical, but her strength and charm make her stand out in the entertainment industry.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Her smile and confidence are what makes her most charming, and her success proves that physical appearance is not the only factor that determines fate.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

White-haired leaf boy

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Ye Tong chose to face the traces of time calmly, her smile was as warm as the sun, and her confidence was as free as the wind.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

Her beauty comes from inner firmness and love of life, and her success tells us that age is just a number, and true beauty comes from the heart.

Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!
Who said that only white and thin are beautiful? These actresses use their strength to tell you: There are many possibilities for beauty!

The power of acting, real beauty In the entertainment industry, appearance is important, but more important is inner charm and acting skills.

The success of actresses such as Zhang Xiaofei, Gao Ye, Ma Li, and Ye Tong tells us that true beauty comes from inner firmness and love for life, and acting is the best way for them to show themselves.

Let's re-examine the definition of beauty together, so that more different types of beauty can bloom in the entertainment industry.