
was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

author:Jie Fei follows the shadow
was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

In the entertainment industry, every new season of the show is a unique feast, and the arrival of "Sister Lang" arrived as scheduled, setting off a new topic storm in the heat of summer.

This time, the program team not only carefully selected the lineup, but also carried out a unique treatment of the theme song, requiring the sisters to give full play to their personal strengths and carry out explosive changes to attract more attention and publicity effects.

In this process, all the sisters showed their own characteristics, especially the actor Zhang Yuxi and the dancer Miao Miao, who added a storyline and choreographed a unique dance respectively, injecting new vitality and charm into the theme song.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

Han Xue's performance this time can be said to have aroused great interest among netizens.

Everyone knows a little about her previous image, as a sister who is passionate about high-tech, she has always shown a low-key and glamorous image.

However, this time in the "Sister Lang" program, she tried to integrate the cutout technique into the theme song, trying to show her unique style, which can be described as unique.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

However, it backfired, and the problem of technical unproficiency led to a series of goofs and unnatural images.

After seeing these pictures, netizens said: This picture can really be a bit of a dog.

It seems that my sister's high-tech field still needs more practice.

Could this be the so-called technological progress? These ridiculous comments can't help but make people laugh.

Some netizens commented: Seeing this paragraph of Han Xue, I suddenly became full of confidence in my PS skills.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

I used to think that I was poor at cutting out pictures, but now I know that there are people who are more powerful than me.

These humorous comments make people laugh, and they also reflect a relaxed and humorous attitude of netizens towards Han Xue.

Of course, some netizens expressed some understanding and support for Han Xue's performance.

They believe that their sister's intentions can be felt, although the technology is not proficient, but the courage to try is also worthy of recognition.

Although it's a little embarrassing, at least my sister dares to show her true self, which is still worthy of respect.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

These positive comments also added a touch of color to Han Xue's performance.

In general, although Han Xue's performance this time triggered a series of complaints and ridicule, it also showed her courage to try and dare to challenge.

Whether it is the lack of technology or the goofs, it cannot hide her hard work and sincerity.

I believe that in the future shows, she will continue to improve and show more outstanding performances.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

Han Xue's background and image have become the focus of attention of netizens, and as an older sister from a military compound, she has always had a special status in the entertainment industry.

However, with the hint of superiority she showed in the variety show, the attitude of netizens began to change, and they began to ridicule and criticize her.

Some netizens said: Han Xue always talks about her background, as if everyone has to bow down to her.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

Her house is a military compound, do we have to cheer her up?!These questioning voices express the dissatisfaction and disgust of some netizens for Han Xue overemphasizing her background.

Other netizens started from another angle, thinking: Although Han Xue has a good background, she can't always talk about this, ability is the most important thing.

If she really has the ability, she doesn't have to always rely on the background to show off.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

These remarks reflect the dissatisfaction of some netizens with Han Xue's reliance on background and not focusing on strength.

However, there are also some netizens who have given understanding and support to Han Xue's background.

They believe that Han Xue's background is indeed special, but this does not mean that she should be belittled.

She is qualified to show her background, after all, it is also a part of her.

These voices show the tolerance and understanding of some netizens for Han Xue's background.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

In addition to Han Xue's personal performance, the comparison with Xi Mengyao has also become the focus of attention.

The dialogue between the two in a certain program revealed their completely different attitudes to life, which led to the comparison of the consumption concepts of the two and the questioning of their attitudes towards Han Xue.

Some netizens commented: The contrast between Han Xue and Xi Mengyao in the show is really stark, and at first glance they are two different lifestyles.

Xi Mengyao is an ordinary girl, and she usually doesn't have any flowers, but Han Xue always has to show off her high technology.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

These remarks expressed their recognition of the two sisters' attitude towards life and their dissatisfaction with Han Xue's show-off.

Other netizens think from another angle: Although Xi Mengyao has a simple life, it cannot be said that she is nobler than Han Xue.

Han Xue has her own pursuits and lifestyles, and there is no need to be compared.

These voices reflect the understanding and support of some netizens for the respective lifestyles of the two sisters.

However, some netizens expressed puzzlement about the comparison between Han Xue and Xi Mengyao.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

They think: What is the comparison between two people? Everyone's lifestyle is different, and there is no need to make a fuss about it.

Truth be told, this comparison is a bit boring, no one is better than the other.

These statements express an antipathy to contrasting behavior and a respect for individual choice.

But in fact, Han Xue is also a very good person, on May 13, 2019, the news that Han Xue was hired as the anti-fraud public welfare ambassador of Jiangsu Province sparked heated discussions among netizens.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

This news spread quickly on the Internet, attracting widespread attention and discussion.

A netizen commented: As a public figure, Han Xue can become an anti-fraud public welfare ambassador, which is undoubtedly a positive contribution to society.

This sentence represents the affirmation and support of some netizens for Han Xue's move, believing that she has the ability and responsibility to play this important role.

Another netizen held a different view, saying: I am a little skeptical about Han Xue as an anti-fraud ambassador, and it will take time to prove whether her public welfare image can be recognized by the public.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

This sentence reflects the doubts and worries of some netizens about Han Xue's move, and believes that she really has the conditions and qualifications to hold this position.

On the Internet, some netizens expressed their expectations and hopes for this matter.

They believe that Han Xue, as a public welfare ambassador, should lead by example, make more practical actions for the anti-fraud cause, and transmit positive energy to the society.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

These words reflect some netizens' expectations for Han Xue and their expectations for her future actions.

However, some netizens expressed their appreciation and support for Han Xue in this position.

They believe that Han Xue's move reflects her commitment to social responsibility and is a responsible public figure.

These words represent the recognition and encouragement of some netizens for Han Xue to serve as an anti-fraud public welfare ambassador, believing that she will make a positive contribution to this cause.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

There are also some netizens who are neutral on this matter.

As a public figure, it's normal to be an ambassador for public welfare.

We should give Han Xue a chance to see what she can contribute to the anti-fraud cause.

These netizens believe that although Han Xue's joining has caused some controversy, it may also bring some positive impacts, and she needs to be given a certain amount of time and space to prove herself.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

To sum up, the news that Han Xue was hired as the anti-fraud public welfare ambassador of Jiangsu Province has aroused different opinions and comments from netizens.

Whether positive or skeptical, these voices reflect the public's concern and reflection on the appointment.

In general, Han Xue's image on the Internet has gradually changed from a cold lady in Kochi to the object of ridicule, which has raised questions about her low-key image.

Perhaps, her performance is indeed because she is too low-key.

was ridiculed 30,000 times in one night! Han Xue pretended to fail, and this time she didn't want to mention her grandfather?

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Note: It is not easy to be original, and plagiarism must be held accountable. The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted.

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