
G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

author:Xiaowu Sports Association

When Malone was 20 years old, he met Xia Lu. At that time, Ma Long was already a rising star in the table tennis world, known as the "Anshan Pony", and was burdened with extremely high expectations and pressure. And Xia Lu, like a warm light, inadvertently shone into his life.

Their encounter was not accidental, as if it were arranged by fate. Xia Lu's enthusiasm and cheerfulness made the introverted and sensitive Ma Long feel novel and vivid. Her appearance, like a clear stream, injected new vitality into his boring training life. Although Ma Long was extremely restrained emotionally, Xia Lu's uniqueness made him feel like he wanted to cherish and care for him for the first time.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

Affectionate companionship and co-growth

As time passed, the relationship between the two gradually warmed up. Xia Lu has not only become an important partner in Ma Long's life, but also a strong backing in his career. During the trough period of Ma Long's career, and he had no results in the three major competitions for many years, Xia Lu was always by his side, giving him endless encouragement and support.

During that time, Malone was under tremendous pressure. In the past, there were strong opponents such as Zhang Jike, and then there were young players who fought to catch up, and his heart was full of torment and pain. But it was Xia Lu's gentleness and understanding that helped him resolve the confusion and confusion in his heart again and again.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

Stand together through thick and thin and firmly guard

However, when Ma Long jumped up at the Suzhou World Table Tennis Championships and finally defeated his demons and won the championship, his relationship with Xia Lu encountered unprecedented challenges. The public's attention and the pressure of public opinion put Xia Lu in a difficult situation, and even suffered from depression.

In the face of all this, Malone chose to stand firmly by Xia Lu's side. He said on Weibo: "Eight years are not easy, we are fine. These few short words are not only an affectionate confession to Xia Lu, but also a powerful response to the doubts of the outside world. They held their wedding in the most low-key way, and Malone hoped to protect this hard-won relationship.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

The transformation of family life with new expectations

After marriage, although the rhythm of life of Ma Long and Xia Lu is still affected by the characteristics of their profession, the two often get together less and leave more, but this has not affected the deepening emotional bond between them. Xia Lu became Ma Long's solid backing, creating a warm harbor for him, so that he could devote himself to the table tennis career he loved.

With two new babies in his family, Malone has gradually shifted his focus from the field to his family, immersing himself in the precious time he spends with his children and wife. The laughter of his children and the gentle gaze of his wife have become indispensable elements of warmth in his life.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

Today, the 36-year-old Ma Long has made brilliant achievements in the field of table tennis and won the attention of the world. Behind this achievement, he began to plan his future more seriously, thinking about how to find the best balance between family and career. He longs to have more free time after retiring from the army, to accompany his children to grow up together, and to participate in the bits and pieces of their lives. Whether it's picking up and dropping off children from school, or taking them on weekends for biking, camping, and exploring the mysteries of nature, Malone looks forward to becoming an integral part of children's childhood memories.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

In Ma Long's imagination, the ideal life is full of the warmth of home and the fireworks of love. He looks forward to spending simple and wonderful time with his family, even if it is arguing about tutoring his children's homework or racking his brains to protect his little son's little secret of stealing candy, these small and ordinary moments constitute a real and precious picture of their family's happiness. For Ma Long, these seemingly trivial things contain endless love and warmth.

The power of love and the future outlook

Looking back on the love story of Malone and Xia Lu, we can't help but be moved by their firmness and perseverance. They have experienced the years of being in the same boat through thick and thin, and they have also reaped sweetness and happiness. The power of love makes them stronger and braver, and it also makes them cherish each other and their lives now.

Looking forward to the future, Ma Long and Xia Lu will continue to move forward hand in hand. No matter what challenges and difficulties they face, they will support each other and face them together. We believe that with their joint efforts, their lives will get better and better. And this extraordinary love will also become the most valuable treasure in their lives.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

The water of love flows forever

There is a kind of love, which is not a vigorous momentary burning, but a warm accompaniment of a long stream. This is the case with the love between Malone and Xia Lu. They don't have too many romantic stories and earth-shattering vows, but they interpret "companionship is the most affectionate confession" with practical actions.

In their love story, we see the importance of mutual understanding and support. Whether it is the low or high point of Ma Long's career, Xia Lu has always stood by his side to give encouragement and support, and similarly, when Xia Lu faced difficulties, Ma Long did not hesitate to shelter her, and it was this spirit of mutual support that made their relationship deeper.

In addition, we also see the importance of family to a person, Malone once admitted that he cherishes the time with his family very much, and hopes to be able to accompany them more in the future, this kind of attention and cherishing of family also makes us feel his sense of responsibility and responsibility as a husband and father.

G brother Ma Long: Guarding his depressed and beloved wife, only for you for the rest of his life!

Conclusion: May love be eternal

The love story of Malone and Xia Lu has brought us many inspirations and insights, allowing us to understand what true love is - not a vigorous moment but a long-term companionship and support, and at the same time, it also makes us cherish the time with our family more and understand the importance of family to a person.

Finally, I hope that the love story of Malone and Xia Lu can be passed on forever and become an eternal story, and I hope that each of us can have such a sincere love and happy family.

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