
The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

author:Shijin Akino

Recently, a video of a "wife suddenly splashing boiling water on her husband" spread quickly on the Internet, causing a strong reaction from netizens. What is the story behind this heinous domestic violence incident, what is the follow-up progress of the incident, and what is the situation of the person concerned at the moment?

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

The cause of the incident: money entanglement caused family conflicts

According to the revelations, the fuse of this incident stemmed from the financial entanglement between the husband and wife. It turned out that the man had a good income and better economic conditions, but his wife was very fond of giving money to her younger brother. The husband was very dissatisfied with this, and the two parties often argued about this issue.

Recently, the wife wanted her husband to provide 1 million yuan to help her younger brother buy a house, but her husband refused. The two had a fierce verbal altercation, which eventually caused the wife to lose control and spill boiling water.


Leaving aside the cruelty of the act itself, the couple's disagreement over financial management does lead to serious family conflicts. On the one hand, the husband believes that his money should be prioritized for his own family and should not support his wife's relatives unconditionally.

On the other hand, the wife thinks that the husband is inconsiderate of his family and lacks a sense of family responsibility. This difference in values, combined with the stubbornness of both sides, ultimately led to a tragic result.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

Aftermath: The husband suffered severe burns and needed skin grafting

After the incident, the husband, who was attacked by his wife splashing water, was seriously injured. According to insiders, he suffered extensive burns from head to arm and needed skin grafting. It is conceivable that the pain and torture suffered by this man at this moment is unimaginable.

As can be seen from the video, the 100-degree boiling water was instantly poured from the top of the man's head, running down his hair, neck and arms, causing extremely serious burns. This kind of heat burn will not only cause severe burns to the skin, but may even cause unexpected complications, such as infection, shock, etc., which brings huge hidden dangers to the patient's life safety.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

In order to recover from his injuries as soon as possible, the man was determined to get a divorce. Regrettably, his wife was reluctant to agree. According to the revelations, the woman quickly fled the scene after her husband was attacked, without any thoughts of rescue or regret at all. Since then, she has been even more determined to divorce, and entered a-for-tat wrestle with her husband.

After hurting her husband, the wife not only showed no remorse, but tried to evade legal responsibility and even prevented her husband from getting out of this heinous marriage. Her behavior is so outrageous that one can't help but wonder what kind of intentions she has in mind.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

Voices of the people: Such behaviour will not be tolerated

This heinous incident of domestic violence has aroused widespread social concern and heated discussions. Netizens expressed their anger and condemnation, believing that the wife's behavior was too cruel and unacceptable.

Some netizens pointed out that this kind of violence between partners not only damages the physical and mental health of the victim, but also seriously undermines the harmony and stability of the family and society. They called on all sectors of society to actively pay attention to and attach importance to this issue, and to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of victims and curb the occurrence of such acts by improving laws and regulations and strengthening law enforcement.

Some netizens said that the wife should be given the legal punishment she deserves. They believe that this kind of deliberate act of injuring others is of a heinous nature and has constituted the crime of serious intentional injury, and should be investigated for corresponding criminal responsibility. Only by severely punishing others can those who attempt to harm others take a warning and uphold social fairness and justice.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

Some netizens also proposed that before family conflicts escalate into violent conflicts, all sectors of society should strengthen psychological counseling and care for family members. Through marriage counseling and family education, we help couples resolve conflicts and enhance understanding, so as to prevent family disputes from turning into heinous violent incidents.

This incident has attracted widespread social attention. People have expressed their anger and concern, calling on relevant departments and the general public to take joint action to effectively curb the occurrence of such domestic violence and maintain the harmony and stability of the family and society.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

Aftermath of the incident: The marital relationship deteriorated, and the legal proceedings were difficult to end

This incident not only brought great trauma and loss to the lives of the parties, but also buried hidden dangers for the future of the entire family.

This serious incident of domestic violence will inevitably lead to a complete breakdown of the relationship between husband and wife. It is said that the husband was determined to divorce, but the wife refused to agree, and the two sides entered into a-for-tat wrestle. This stalemate will undoubtedly further deteriorate the relationship between the two and bring irreparable rifts to the marriage.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

This incident has already involved legal aspects. On the one hand, the serious burns suffered by the husband have constituted the crime of intentional injury, and the wife must bear the corresponding legal responsibility; This will undoubtedly put the couple in a long-term litigation entanglement, bringing a heavy burden and pain to their lives.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

More importantly, the incident of domestic violence may have a profound impact on their children. When children witness violent conflict between their parents, it can easily lead to severe psychological trauma that adversely affects their future growth and development. If the two parties cannot reconcile in the end, the children are likely to face the fate of their parents' divorce, which is undoubtedly worse for them.

This heinous incident of domestic violence not only destroyed an otherwise happy family, but also seriously harmed the physical and mental health of the participants, and may even endanger innocent children. This damage is not limited to the present, but also casts a heavy shadow over the future of the entire family.

The poisonous woman poured boiling water on her husband and followed: the husband needed skin grafting, and the wife ran back to her parents' house and refused to divorce

Society should attach great importance to it, and effectively protect victims and curb the occurrence of such incidents by improving the legal system and strengthening social assistance. Only in this way can we maintain the harmony and stability of the family and society.