
When people reach middle age, do they run?

author:Idle talk

#人到中年锻炼身体跑步适合吗#人到中年, the pressure of life and the busyness of work often make people neglect physical health, and the risk of various chronic diseases also increases, so exercise is essential. So, do people exercise and run in middle age?

When people reach middle age, do they run?

Benefits of running

The benefits of running are numerous, and here are just a few rough points for middle-aged people.

First, aerobic exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, enhance the heart's pumping ability, improve blood circulation, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Second, running can consume a lot of calories, reduce excess body fat, and have a good effect on weight loss.

The third is that the brain releases endorphins when running, known as "happy hormones" and "runners' highs", which can relieve stress and improve quality of life.

When people reach middle age, do they run?

Fourth, running is a simple exercise, which is not limited by time and venue. It is OK to run for 20-30 minutes in the community, which takes less time, is easy to adhere to, and has a good effect.

Precautions for running

While there are many benefits to running, here are a few things to keep in mind before you start running:

1. Physical examination

According to the recommendations of the American Academy of Sports Medicine, people over the age of 40 should consult a doctor and do a comprehensive examination of their physical health before doing any exercise to see if they are suitable for exercise.

2. The right running shoes

Choose a pair of running shoes with good support and cushioning to reduce the impact on your knees and ankles and protect your joints. It is best to try on and buy them at a professional sporting goods store. Remember, the shoe size must be 1-1.5 sizes larger than the normal size.

When people reach middle age, do they run?

3. The way to get started

For middle-aged people who are trying to run for the first time, it is recommended to start with a brisk walk, followed by a jog, gradually increasing the speed and increasing the distance. Start with a brisk walk of 20-30 minutes a day, jog for 5-10 minutes, whether it's 30 meters or 1,000 meters, and gradually increase to 30 minutes or more as you get used to it.

4. Warm up and stretch

To avoid sports injuries, warm up for 5-10 minutes before and after running, and stretch for 5-10 minutes. Warming up improves muscle temperature and joint flexibility, while stretching helps relax muscles and reduce muscle soreness.

When people reach middle age, do they run?

5. The right amount of frequency

Middle-aged people have a relatively weak physical recovery capacity, so they should follow the principle of moderation when running and avoid overtraining. You can start with 5-30 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a week, and gradually increase the frequency of exercise to 3-5 times per week. The frequency is moderate, and the relaxation is moderate.

6. Heart rate control

When middle-aged people are running, they must control their heart rate. It's best to keep it between 60% and 70% of your maximum heart rate and no more than 80% of your maximum heart rate.

The maximum heart rate can be calculated using the formula "220-age".

For example, a 45-year-old middle-aged person has a maximum heart rate of 175 (220-45). His target heart rate for running should be between 105 (175x60%) and 123 (175x70%), with a maximum of 140 (175×80%).

When people reach middle age, do they run?

7. Diet and hydration

Running depletes the body of energy and water, so it's important to eat and hydrate before and after running. Choose foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins, as well as moderate amounts of water or sports drinks.

In general, when people reach middle age, choosing running is a very suitable form of exercise. Not only does it improve cardiorespiratory fitness and weight control, but it also improves mood and relieves stress. I started at the age of 45.

Running is an innate instinct, and there is no such thing as "suitable or inappropriate" (except for special physical conditions), only "action and inaction". Get moving, run. Over time, your physical condition and health level will have unexpected effects, and the harvest is to enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Friend, are you running? What age did you start? Tell us in the comment section!

When people reach middle age, do they run?