
has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?


Wu Junru and Chen Kexin, this "unmarried couple" with a lot of stories, their love journey has become a good story in the entertainment industry. Between traditional ideas and modern values, they have chosen a path that few people have taken.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

The 2004 movie "The Thirteen Sisters of Hongxing" not only achieved their professional success, but also forged a deep relationship between them. The relationship has been going on for nineteen years, and although they are not officially married, their relationship is as sweet as fresh love.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

In the eyes of many people, marriage means a formal commitment between the two, but for Wu Junru and Chen Kexin, marriage is more than just a piece of paper. They chose a freer and more equal way to get along with each other, and their love was full of freshness and passion throughout.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

Wu Junru once expressed her opinion that she did not want to be Chen Kexin's "color supporting role", and she wanted to maintain her independence. This view may be different from the traditional concept of marriage, but it does reflect her deep thinking about marriage and love.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

However, the road to their relationship was not all smooth sailing. In her early years, Wu Junru's love life experienced several ups and downs, especially the relationship with Du Dewei attracted much attention. The end of this relationship may also make Wu Junru cherish the relationship with Chen Kexin even more.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

The story of Wu Junru and Chen Kexin provides us with a new perspective that allows us to re-examine the definition and meaning of marriage. They chose a different way to maintain their relationship, which also makes us think, is marriage really just a piece of paper, or should it be more reflected in the emotional exchange and mutual respect between the two people?

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

In today's diverse and changing society, the stories of Wu Junru and Chen Kexin remind us that tradition and modernity can coexist in harmony. Their love story may not be for everyone, but it does give us a new direction to think about, and make us cherish and understand the meaning of true love and marriage more.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

Looking at the stories of Wu Junru and Chen Kexin, let us think about whether true love and marriage should be limited by traditional definitions? In this era of constant change and progress, we should encourage everyone to find the most suitable way of love for themselves, rather than being bound by stereotypes.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

Wu Junru and Chen Kexin chose a more free and equal mode of getting along, and they did not weaken each other's individuality and independence because of the constraints of the law. Instead, their choices demonstrate a more mature and rational view of love, emphasizing mutual respect and understanding rather than formal commitment.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

In the definition of marriage, we often hear the words "monogamy" and "unswerving", but do these traditional concepts really apply to everyone? The examples of Wu Junru and Chen Kexin show us that there can be many forms of marriage, and it is important to find the one that can make both parties feel happy and satisfied.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

Through their own lifestyle, this "unmarried couple" shows us the diversity and complexity of love. Their stories remind us that we should not be bound by stereotypes and traditions, and that we should be brave enough to pursue the life and love we truly want.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

In these challenging and transformative times, we should be more open and inclusive, respecting everyone's right to choose their own way of life. Whether it is a traditional marriage or the way chosen by Wu Junru and Chen Kexin, as long as it is based on mutual understanding and respect, it is worthy of our respect and recognition.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?

Overall, the love story of Wu Junru and Chen Kexin gives us a fresh perspective and makes us rethink the true meaning of love and marriage. Their choice is not only the pursuit of personal freedom, but also an in-depth exploration of the true meaning of love, reminding us that true love cannot be defined and limited, it requires us to feel and experience it with our hearts.

has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?
has lived with a big director for 19 years, gave birth to a daughter but is not married: she is so popular, what is she trying to do?