
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?

author:Yaya is a little fat man

It is a pity that the purchase of the "Thunder" was given up and the F16 fighter was introduced.

According to foreign media reports on April 16, Argentina and Denmark reached a final agreement on the purchase of 24 F16A/B fighters. It is reported that the total contract amount is 650 million US dollars, including 338 million US dollars of bare metal and 312 million US dollars of supporting weapons, including AIM-9 "Sidewinder" close-range combat missiles, AIM-120 medium-range air-to-air missiles, etc.

The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?

Screenshot of the report

According to public information, the Danish Air Force has previously purchased a total of 77 early F16 fighters. Since the initial batch of F16s did not have over-the-horizon air combat capabilities, in the mid-90s the Danish Air Force modernized some of these fighters, called the F-16AM/BM. Currently, the Danish Air Force has 2 squadrons of 30 single-seat F-16AMs and 1 training squadron of 11 two-seat F-16BMs.

These F16 fighters have been in service for more than 40 years, and although they have been upgraded in the medium term, their combat power is very difficult to meet Argentina's future defense needs. Therefore, after the news broke, it immediately "fried the pan", and heated discussions followed.

The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?
The agreement was signed to purchase 24 F16s from Denmark, and Amin cried: why not buy the "Thunder"?

To sum up, it can be seen from the words of the foreigners that they think that this deal is very worthless, and Argentine netizens are even more disappointed.

It is undeniable that the F16 is a relatively good fighter. However, with the exception of the latest batch of F16, none of the other models is a match for the Thunder fighter. You say, can foreigners calm down after hearing the news?

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