
Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

author:Coconut Fun Facts
Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

Have you ever wondered why foreign friends are not so concerned about driving trams? Could it be that new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles, are just the "future of transportation" in our eyes?

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

Let's talk about it first, in recent years, China's new energy vehicles have developed rapidly, BYD, this name may be thunderous in the hearts of domestic partners. Indeed, on our new energy track, these car companies are running fast, which makes many countries envious.

But don't forget, there's a big world out there. When it comes to foreign friends, they don't seem to be so interested in this new energy vehicle. Some well-known foreign car companies announced at the beginning of this year that we will not play new energy and continue to study our fuel vehicles. This is not a small matter, which makes people want to ask: is new energy vehicles, is it really the future, or is it just a carnival of our own?

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

When it comes to data, data speaks for itself. According to a survey by Junte Business Consulting, the proportion of electric vehicles newly registered in Europe last year was not small. This shows that European friends still have a good impression of electric vehicles.

But the problem is that although they have bought trams, the total number of trams still lags far behind that of gasoline vehicles. Behind this, we have to talk about the differences between China and the West.

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

When it comes to cars, European car companies have a long history and mature technology. For them, fuel vehicles are like old friends, familiar and reliable. On the other hand, new energy vehicles have given us the opportunity to have the right to speak in the world of cars.

Let's talk about the cost, it's not easy for us to buy fuel vehicles, it's expensive. But foreign friends have to pay more out of their pockets to buy new energy vehicles from us. The reason is that none of the freight and tariffs can be run.

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

Taking BYD as an example, its price in Germany can be several times more expensive than in China. Think about it, if you're them, do you choose a familiar brand, or try a fresh electric car?

In other words, Europeans are becoming more and more interested in new energy vehicles. It can't be said that they don't want to see new energy, in fact, the number of people buying cars is still growing steadily, but it is not as fast as ours.

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

The road conditions in Europe are different from ours, they have long distances and many cars, and the distance that the electric car can run once it is charged becomes particularly important. Although the endurance of electric vehicles is slowly improving, it is still slightly inferior to traditional fuel vehicles. What's more of a headache is that there are not as many charging piles as in China, and sometimes you have to find a place to charge, which may really have to turn around, which is quite difficult.

An ordinary family may be more inclined to buy a worry-free fuel car than an electric car that often makes you worry about charging. This is why it is more difficult to promote new energy vehicles abroad than to play football.

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

Don't look at the current electric vehicles in the domestic hot mess, the foreign market environment and consumer mentality, those are really two different things. Foreign friends may not be fully ready to accept the life of "refueling" from the battery. Add to that the fact that their charging infrastructure can't keep up, how can this car go far?

We can't blame them for being conservative, after all, each market has its own characteristics, and consumer habits are slowly cultivated. However, with the advancement of technology and the enhancement of environmental awareness, the market for electric vehicles in foreign countries should gradually blossom in the future.

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

Speaking of our own car companies, it is necessary to go overseas. It's a bumpy road, though. The first is the price, we have already talked about it, and the second is the brand influence, although BYD is well-known here, it takes more time to go abroad.

But opportunities exist, especially in places where there is a high level of acceptance of new technologies. Our new energy technology is not lost to foreigners, which is evidenced by data, not blown. As long as the initial run-in period has passed, I believe that in the near future, in Paris and New York, our electric vehicles can also become a beautiful scenery.

Is it really just that foreigners don't drive many trains?

Whether at home or abroad, as long as technology continues to progress and services can keep up, electric vehicles can enter more homes sooner or later. For foreign markets, we don't need to be too anxious. The market is always changing, and so is the hearts of consumers. We just need to do our own thing, and time will give us the answer.

Do you also look forward to the fact that in the near future, we can see China's electric vehicles in every corner of the world?