
A Chinese patent medicine to make up for the loss of yin and yang

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

Guifu Dihuang Pill, a well-known Chinese patent medicine, has been widely used to treat the symptoms of kidney yang deficiency. However, did you know the secret behind this drug? By carefully dissecting its ingredients and effects, we may be able to better understand the uniqueness of this drug.

A Chinese patent medicine to make up for the loss of yin and yang

First of all, the main ingredients of Guifu Dihuang pills include cinnamon, prepared aconite, rehman, dogwood, peony bark, yam, zexiao, and poria cocos. The careful combination of these medicinal materials makes Guifu Dihuang Pill a Chinese patent medicine that can not only warm and replenish the kidney yang, but also nourish the yin and nourish the blood.

Cinnamon and aconite, as the main medicinal materials of Guifu Dihuang pills, have the effect of warming and replenishing kidney yang. Cinnamon, taken from the bark of the tree, and aconite, the lateral root of Aconite, both have warming properties that add fire to the kidney yang and help the body dispel the cold. Cinnamon also has the effect of restoring fire to the source, which can guide the yang energy in the body to the kidneys, so that it can be fully nourished.

However, Guifu Dihuang Pill does not only focus on the replenishment of kidney yang, it emphasizes the concept of yin and yang balance. Therefore, on the basis of cinnamon and aconite, six flavor medicinal materials are added, such as rehmannia, dogwood, yam, peony bark, poria cocos, and Zexiao, which form the basis of Liuwei Dihuang pill and have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney.

Rehman, as the preferred medicinal material for nourishing yin and tonifying the kidney, has the characteristics of black color entering the kidney, and its yin nourishing power is strong, which can fill the kidney water and provide sufficient nutrients for the kidney. Yam and dogwood can assist in the cultivation of the ground and enhance the effect of nourishing yin. Yam can also enter the lungs, and the purpose of tonifying the kidney can be achieved by tonifying the lungs. Dogwood has sour properties, which can help the kidneys seal and prevent the loss of kidney yin.

While nourishing yin, Guifu Dihuang Pill also takes into account the balance of kidney yang. Poria cocos and Ze Epsom have the effect of dampness, which can remove dampness from the body and create conditions for the growth of kidney yang. The peony skin can relieve fire, remove heat evil from the body, and maintain the balance of kidney yang.

A Chinese patent medicine to make up for the loss of yin and yang

It is worth noting that the yin and yang medicinal materials in Guifu Dihuang Pill do not exist in isolation, but are integrated and interacted with each other. The fiery nature of cinnamon and aconite is combined with the yin-nourishing properties of herbs such as rehmannia to form a yin and yang relationship. This relationship makes Guifu Dihuang Pill not only warm and replenish the kidney and yang, but also nourish the yin and nourish the blood, and achieve the effect of yin and yang balance.

After understanding the ingredients and efficacy of Guifu Rehmannia Pills, we can't help but be impressed by the wisdom of the ancients. Through the careful selection of medicinal materials and clever combinations, they have created this Chinese patent medicine with the dual tonic effect of yin and yang. This is also the charm of traditional Chinese medicine, which not only focuses on the surface of the disease, but also pays more attention to the balance of yin and yang in the human body, so as to achieve the purpose of curing the disease.

For the dosage of Guifu Dihuang Pills, generally speaking, the specific number of grams needs to be determined according to the specific situation of the patient and the doctor's advice. Different groups of people and different conditions will require different doses of medication. Therefore, when using Guifu Dihuang Pills, you must follow your doctor's advice and do not increase or decrease the dosage of the medicine by yourself.

In addition, we also need to note that although Guifu Dihuang Pill has the effect of both yin and yang, it is not suitable for everyone. For patients with hyperactivity of kidney yang, yin deficiency and fire prosperity, the use of Guifu Dihuang pills may aggravate the condition. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor before using it to find out whether your constitution and condition are suitable for using Guifu Dihuang Pills.

A Chinese patent medicine to make up for the loss of yin and yang

In short, as a Chinese patent medicine with the dual tonic effect of yin and yang, the unique composition and efficacy of Guifu Dihuang Pill provides us with a new way of thinking and method to regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body. However, we also need to pay attention to the dosage and scope of application of the drug when using it to avoid adverse reactions. Only by using Guifu Dihuang pills correctly can we truly appreciate the charm of traditional Chinese medicine. #中医##清风计划#