
DNF: The second batch of featured CP weapons were revised, and the official website issued an emergency announcement on 4.17, and the specialized stream was saved

author:Gaming Esports Express


Since the discussion about CP weapons and specialized streams, it has attracted the attention of players. After all, the Mist God Regiment would have produced new weapons, and there was once a talk of CP weapon elimination and the decline of specialization, and the official website also issued an emergency announcement, with three core contents:

1. The Fog God weapon is compatible with the Battle of Victory weapon.

2. The national server will be updated with exclusive weapons for the battle of victory and defeat.

3. The national server will be adjusted for the balance of CP weapons.

The detailed announcement is shown in the picture: In the announcement, DNF officials made it clear that they will continue to pay attention to and adjust the unique weapons of the national server. In addition, there will be an optimized balance adjustment for CP weapons. This undoubtedly reassured the majority of players, and further consolidated the position of the specialized stream.

DNF: The second batch of featured CP weapons were revised, and the official website issued an emergency announcement on 4.17, and the specialized stream was saved

[First of all, the fog god weapon is compatible with the weapon of the battle of victory and defeat]

To put it bluntly, 99% of the Phantom God professions and super first-line professions in the national server are specialized streams, and CP weapons are the core matching equipment of specialized streams. You must know that now Bai Wang Ye is a national sword stream, and as a son of the national service, he will naturally not allow the decline of CP weapons and specialized streams.

DNF: The second batch of featured CP weapons were revised, and the official website issued an emergency announcement on 4.17, and the specialized stream was saved

[Secondly, the national server will have an exclusive weapon update for the battle of victory]

The official website directly promises to continue to pay attention to and update the weapons of the exclusive victory and defeat of the national server, the second batch of 10 professions will join, and the national server will be launched in version 5.9 at the earliest, it can be said that a new round of characteristic phantom gods is about to be launched, take a look at the lightning dance CP weapon of the Martial God, and directly make it the absolute first sister, the version is unique, which profession will the next CP weapon private customization be?

DNF: The second batch of featured CP weapons were revised, and the official website issued an emergency announcement on 4.17, and the specialized stream was saved

[Finally, the national server will be adjusted for the balance of CP weapons]

It is said that it is balanced, and the CP weapon planning of the Martial God is not mentioned at all, but it is mentioned that the assassin's CP weapon data is too low, too high is not weakened, the conventional is not strengthened, and the too low is mentioned, is this called balance?

In general, DNF's official emergency announcement this time not only stabilized the status of CP weapons and specialized streams, but also allowed the majority of players to see the future development direction of the game. We look forward to DNF continuing to bring more exciting gaming experiences to players."

DNF: The second batch of featured CP weapons were revised, and the official website issued an emergency announcement on 4.17, and the specialized stream was saved

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