
"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

author:Golden Sunshine Literature

Clever life-saving


Xu Xiangyun, Class 59 of the Fourth Primary School in Xixia County

Instructor: Yang Chuan

"Books are the ladder of human progress". I have read all kinds of books, but "Cooking Wine on Heroes" in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" impressed me the most.

The author of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is Luo Guanzhong, who was a writer of the Ming Dynasty. This book is one of the four classical classics in the mainland, and the characters in the article are all kinds of people, and now when I think about it, I will still have faces in my mind!

"Cooking Wine on Heroes" tells the story of Liu Bei and Cao Cao drinking in the mansion, they are discussing the general trend of heroes in the world, in order not to let Cao Cao suspect that Liu Bei has the heart to compete for the world, Liu Bei was questioned by Cao Cao, because he was afraid of dropping chopsticks to cover up. This incident made me feel that Liu Bei was a smart person, he knew how to improvise when he encountered things, turned evil into good fortune, and no longer made Cao Cao suspicious...... Seriously, Liu Bei has to be admired.

Let's talk about Cao Cao, on the one hand, his domineering attitude of controlling the dynasty and oppressing the monarchs and ministers makes me angry, and on the other hand, I admire his heroic spirit.

In this book, I learned to know how to improvise in what to do, not to panic, and to be a witty and intelligent person. In the future, if I encounter a problem that I don't know (don't get into the horns), I have to think about the problem differently, and when I encounter danger, don't panic, I have to find a way to deal with it, and I have to be a smart person.

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

Be a warrior in life


Xixia County urban area four primary school five nine class Wang Haoyu

Instructor: Yang Chuan

There are two kinds of people in the world. One kind of person will give up as long as there is a great difficulty, and the other kind of person will never give up and persevere, no matter how much hardship he suffers. This is how the book "The Old Man and the Sea" made me feel.

"The Old Man and the Sea" tells the story of an old man who caught a big marlin after 84 days without catching a fish, but was eaten by a school of sharks. The old man told in the book is a person who is persistent, optimistic, and self-deceiving. He was optimistic at all times, and he deceived himself into having food and goods so that he would not be discouraged. After that, he was not afraid when he was dragged away by the big marlin, and he did not give up the capture of the big marlin, but compared his own situation with the big marlin to make himself more powerful. Later, he resolutely resisted the shark's food fight, even if he would not win.

Unlike some people in life, they give up on themselves when they know that their chances of victory are small. In fact, if you think differently and think of this shark as an evil force in the world, and the old man as a messenger of justice and kill the evil force, then you will never bow to the evil force until the last moment, then an image of daring to be strong will appear in your mind.

The strength of the elderly is something that many people do not have, and some students give up if they do not do well in an exam and stop working hard, which is contrary to the spirit of the elderly. If, after failing once, you think of the old man, think about his spirit, and try again, maybe the result will be different. Therefore, I hope that everyone can be like the old man, be a brave man in life, and move forward towards victory!

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I overcame procrastination

Xixia County urban area four elementary five nine class Jin Xuyao

"Jin Xuyao, hurry up and do your homework!" Look, my mom started urging me to do my homework again, I really don't know what to urge, don't you write early and write late? So I replied impatiently, "I'll write later!"

When my mother heard this, she rushed down from the stairs in a rage, "Now! After saying that, he put away the TV remote control, tablet, etc., kicked me into the study, and asked me to do my homework.

But I really don't want to write! I slip off my chair, pile up books, pick up a paintbrush and make a mess, and I don't do my homework anyway. After a while, I felt a little bored, and thought, "Why don't you do your homework for a while?" but as soon as I sat down, I picked up my pen and wrote two questions, and then I stood on the chair and danced "Love Emergency".

"Jin Xuyao!" Mom's roar interrupted me, "You have to remember that you didn't write your homework for me, and if you don't write, the teacher will only scold you and not me!" After saying that, my mother left. Yes, I studied for a better future, not for my mother. Mom's words woke me up, and I got out of my chair and sat down, picked up my pen and began to write my homework in earnest.

In less than three hours, I finished my homework word for word, which even I thought was incredible, because it was not difficult to finish my homework early. This incident allowed me to magically overcome procrastination.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered my fears

Xixia County urban area four primary school fifty-nine class Wei Ziqing

In the process of growing up, people will always encounter some "obstacles", and only by overcoming them can we grow. I have encountered the "roadblock" of fear, and in the inner struggle, I have overcome it for the first time.

When I was in second grade, my mom said I was grown up and let me sleep alone. At first, I didn't know how challenging it was for a child to sleep alone, so I said yes.

When night fell and I was alone in bed, my mother turned off the lights, and I fell into a deep dread. I kept my eyes open and looked around vigilantly for fear that someone would come out of the room, and suddenly the ghost stories of my classmates came flooding back to me. It was as if I saw them, and everywhere there were their terrible shadows. There are ghosts hidden behind the curtains, ghosts lurking in the bathroom, and uninvited guests seem to be hidden under the bed...... I was so frightened that I immediately closed my eyes, put the quilt over my head, and said silently in my heart: "Heaven spirit, earth spirit, don't eat me!" Suddenly my feet were exposed, and a cold touch hit my feet. I retracted my feet like an electric shock, and thoughts of escape welled up in my mind. "Do you want to sleep with the light on?" "Do you want to sleep with your mother?" "Do you want to sleep without sleeping?...... Countless thoughts came to my mind, and I remembered a quote on the Internet: the best way to beat fear is to face it. I took a few deep breaths and poked my head out bravely. Oh, nothing, all I hit with my foot was the steel ruler I fell on the bed, the strange sound I heard, just the sound of the wind hitting the glass, the stone in my heart fell to the ground, it was just a false alarm, and finally I fell into a sweet sleep with peace of mind.

Sleeping alone is a path of growth that everyone must go through, and no matter how difficult it is, I will always remember that night in the future. That night gave me the strength to move forward.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered my fears

Xixia County urban area four primary five nine class Tao Junjie

Growing up, we always have to overcome many problems, such as: difficulties, setbacks...... And what I have to overcome is the fear of the night.

"You're going to sleep by yourself from tonight," Mom said and went to wash the dishes. I'm going to sleep alone from tonight onwards, and it all came so suddenly. I stood outside the door in fear, looking helplessly at my mother with little eyes. My mother pushed me and motioned for me to go in, and I pulled the corner of my mother's clothes tightly and whispered, "Can I sleep by myself starting tomorrow? Mother said without hesitation: "No, you will say this again tomorrow, go to sleep!"

"Alright then!" I was a little helpless and a little angry. Isn't it just sleeping on your own? No matter how hard it is, you can sleep by yourself.

I closed the door, ran quickly to the bed, took off my clothes, and sat down on the bed, my heart fluttering and fluttering as if it were out of control...... It was as if it was about to fly out of its body. At this time, I heard my mother urging me to turn off the lights. My heart was ruthless, and I got into the bed at the speed of light. I grabbed the quilt tightly with one hand, held it above my head, and touched the switch with the other. When I flipped the switch and quickly put the quilt over my head, the room was suddenly covered in darkness.

The fear in my heart was like a drop of ink dripping in clear water, slowly spreading. I was getting more and more scared, but then I remembered the horror video I had watched the other day. Faces of horror came out of my mind very clearly. I was so scared that I was shivering, and my breathing was getting heavier and heavier. "Knock, knock—" At this time, there was another sound from upstairs, and I didn't dare to come out. I'm afraid that if I breathe loudly, I will summon the monster. I don't know how long it took, I was sweating a lot, and the quilt became wet, I heard no sound outside, I secretly opened a small crack in the quilt to see that there was nothing outside, and I was relieved, and there was still a trace of happiness in my heart. It turns out that everything is to scare yourself.

As time went on, my eyelids got heavier and heavier...... The next day, I woke up, and although I was a little uncomfortable, I was still happy because I had overcome the darkness of the night, and I had overcome my fears.

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I won the defeat

Xixia County urban area four primary five nine class Meng Jingzin

I had an unforgettable experience when I was learning to ride a bike.

When I first started learning to ride a bicycle, I saw that my sister rode very easily, as easy as drinking water, so I smiled and said, "Riding a bicycle is so easy, I must have learned it in less than half an hour." So I got on the bike confidently.

As soon as I got my feet off the ground, the bike fell like a tumbler, and if I hadn't had my feet on the ground, I would have been crushed by the bike. Dad couldn't help but laugh when he saw me. I was not reconciled and got on the bike again. As expected, as soon as my feet left the ground, the bike leaned to the left. I tried again, this time trying not to tilt myself to the left, but this time I slanted to the right again. I tried several more times to keep my balance, but the bike was either leaning to the left, or to the right, or it didn't get it right. I threw my bike aside in a fit of rage and sulked.

Dad saw him and said, "Don't you notice?" If my sister wants to lean to the left when she is riding, she will try to lean to the right as much as possible, and if she is leaning to the right, she will try to lean to the left. The main thing is to keep a balance, you try it according to my method, and you will definitely succeed. ”

So I tried it according to my father's method, and it worked. But every few rides I got to the bike I fell over again, but I kept practicing and didn't give up. Finally, I was about to throw up.

After a short break, I reloaded, slowly mastered my balance, rode faster and more proficiently, and finally, with my strong perseverance, I learned to ride a bike!

I learned how to ride a bike, and my heart was as sweet as honey, not only because I could ride a bike, but also because I had overcome failure.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered my fears

Xixia County four elementary school 5.9 class Wu Shengya

All the while, I was very scared to walk alone at night.

It was a winter evening, and my parents had returned to their hometown early, leaving me alone to run to my uncle's house. It gets dark early in the winter, and by the time I get out of school, it's starting to get dark, and by the time I'm done with my homework, it's completely dark.

There was a small road in front of my uncle's house, and it was the only way to get to my uncle's house. I was scared and wanted to buy a flashlight, but I didn't have the money, so I had to give up. Finally, I came to this path where I couldn't see my fingers, and I walked in, and the more I went, the more scared I became. Slowly, cold sweat oozed from my head, and those terrifying pictures in my mind kept reflecting, and I felt that a ghost would soon jump out of the darkness next to me and grab me. I gritted my teeth, but my heart retreated, "What should I do? It's so dark, why don't you go to another distant relative's house for the night? There's still a long way to go!" But his hand still shook uncontrollably. Finally, with a crossed heart, I spread my legs and ran, and after running for a while, I finally saw the door of my uncle's house.

On that day, I was afraid, but I conquered my fear.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered timidity

Xixia County four elementary school 5.9 class Li with one

I'm a girl, very timid, but this time, I finally got over it.

It was a sunny night, my parents went out and left me alone at home, I thought to myself: "Today my parents are out, no one cares about me, so I am alone at home to play whatever I want, how to play how I want?" But the good times didn't last long, I watched TV for a while, and suddenly heard a rustling sound outside the window, I was startled, squinted my eyes and cautiously walked to the window to see what it was, but I only saw the branches outside the window shaking, like a person floating in the air, and nothing else.

I turned up the sound of the TV to the maximum, and I heard the cries of rats in my ears, and then I remembered my parents and how nice it would be if adults were at home.

My heart was scared to the extreme, I rushed into the bedroom at a speed of 100 meters sprint, wrapped myself tightly with the quilt, and after a while, but because of the hot weather, I was covered in sweat by the quilt; there was no way I could only slowly leak my head out; I remembered that I was afraid of light, so I wrapped the quilt and turned on all the lights in the room, and when I was struggling with fear, my father and mother came back together; when my parents saw my appearance, they probably already knew what the situation was, and my mother gave me a hug, and my father smiled and said to me: "Baby, are you scared?" I blushed and told my parents what was going on, and my father smiled after hearing this, took out the strong flashlight at home, opened the window and shone on the trees outside the window, I saw swaying branches and a few little squirrels, and then my mother laughed, my father laughed, and I laughed embarrassedly.

Since then, I have never been afraid of the so-called "ghosts" anymore, because what does not exist is what I imagined to scare myself. I finally conquered my timidity and was no longer afraid.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered timidity

Wang Yuchen, the fourth elementary school in Xixia County

There are many times in life that you need courage to overcome, such as: learning to ride a bicycle can wrestle, learning to cook can burn, learning to swim will choke on water........ but I overcame timidity and walked a night walk.

It was a dark night, and although there were many people on the main road, and the street lamps and shop lights lit up the night as if it were day, when I saw the alley, I did not hesitate to walk in, because it was the shortest way to my house.

It's so dark in that alley!, I thought as I walked. There were only a few worn-out lights in the alley, and I walked in and regretted it. I was wearing thick clothes and carrying a heavy school bag, and I should have been sweating profusely, but my palms were cold, and I was in a cold sweat. The alley seemed to be getting darker and darker, more and more silent, and the silence was frightening, as if it was isolated from the world, and it seemed that it could not move forward. I struggled to pull myself out of my fear, and as soon as I calmed down for a while, I felt like I wasn't scared, and the unexpected happened. A wind whistled past my ears, and the leaves rustled in the wind. At this moment, my water cup rolled down the side of my school bag, and I thought to myself, "Hey, why did I drop it at this time!" I slowly moved towards the water glass, and at that moment, I picked up the water glass and rushed to the side of the alley as fast as I could, until I saw the light, and then slowly calmed down.

It was my first night walk and I was proud that I had overcome my timidity!

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered my fears

Xixia County four small Zhang Shan

When I think about that night, I feel a sense of pride in my heart......

That night, my mother called me into my room and said solemnly, "Baby, will you sleep by yourself today?"

As soon as I turned off the lights, closed the doors, and pulled the curtains, oh my god! The room was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers, and I was terrified. Grasping the quilt with his hands, he didn't dare to come out, and his body shrunk into a ball. Suddenly, I seemed to see a figure, and I was so frightened that I sat up suddenly, only to find that there was no one at all, but my clothes were shaking, and I was afraid in vain.

The next day, I woke up early and told my mom what had happened last night. "It wasn't a big deal to sleep on your own, it was just a little dark. "yes, there's nothing to be afraid of," my mother said, looking at me reassuringly. I couldn't be happier!

Through this incident, I have learned a truth: as long as you are brave enough to try, there is nothing you can't do. In this process, there may be many failures, but as long as we keep trying, there will be a successful one. For example, when I went to bed this time, I felt my back shiver when I was lying in bed at first, but after I got used to it, it was fine.

I have overcome unnecessary fears in my heart, and I am so proud! There are many, many inner fears in our life path, but as long as we face them bravely, we will definitely be able to overcome them!

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I conquered my fears

Shao Jingwen, Class 4 Primary 59 in Xixia County

When I was a child, I was always afraid to sleep alone. Everything in the darkness terrified me, as if an invisible hand was quietly pulling me behind my back. I tried not to think about the horrible things, but I couldn't help but imagine all kinds of ghosts hovering around me. Until that time......

It was a quiet night, and my parents suddenly said to me, "Youyou, you have grown up, you can no longer sleep with your parents, you have to learn to sleep alone." I hesitated, and thought to myself: Should I agree or not? After a struggle of thoughts, I reluctantly nodded and agreed.

I lay in bed with a nervous heart, and I tried to comfort myself that there was nothing terrible in the world, but my heart was pounding. I started trying to close my eyes, but all kinds of horrible images came to my mind: monsters, ghosts, ghosts...... I can't close my eyes and sleep peacefully. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the clothes on the chair seemed to be a monster, and I felt that there was a human head in the closet and a strange person under the bed...... As if there were monsters all around me, I deliberately shrank my head into the quilt and didn't dare to stick it out. I'm starting to regret why I said yes?

Just as I was about to call out to my mother, I suddenly remembered what my father said to me: "Fear is a state of mind, and only by facing fear bravely can we overcome it." I took a deep breath and tried to calm my emotions.

I try to think of something nice and happy, like a time to play with my friends. Gradually, I stopped being afraid, no longer afraid. I can sleep peacefully, and I know that I have conquered my fears. Since then, I'm no longer afraid of sleeping alone, I'm no longer afraid of the dark.

This experience taught me that there are many difficulties and challenges in life, and we should not back down because of fear. Only by facing it bravely can we overcome difficulties and challenges and become better.

I conquered my fears and learned how to face them. I'm no longer afraid to sleep alone, because I know that in the face of fear, nothing can stop us if we only hold on to our beliefs.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

I beat the nervousness

Xixia County Urban Area 4 Elementary 59 Class: Han Yutong

Offstage, the audience was full; On stage, the dazzling spotlights flickered. Soon it was time for me to recite, and I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm my nervousness.

Time back to two years ago, I was about to have a recitation, because it was the first time to participate in this kind of competition, so for the first two months, I practiced hard movements, intonation, expressions, sometimes my voice was so hard that I couldn't speak, time galloped by like a pony, and the competition came unconsciously.

Walking on the way to the race, I couldn't help but get nervous, and my palms couldn't help but sweat. When I arrived at the venue, it was crowded with people, and the noise was constant. It made me even more nervous, clutched my skirt, and came to the waiting area. The contestants were practicing their lines, and I practiced them in my heart. Suddenly, a shout interrupted my thoughts: "Let's invite the No. 48 player to make a shining appearance!" It was about to be me, and I was cheering for myself in my heart, but I was still nervously walking around. The No. 48 contestant on the stage recited at an unhurried pace and with a lot of emotion, which can be called perfect. I became more and more nervous, and I felt the urge to run out of the arena, but when I saw my family members in the audience who were full of expectations, and thought of the teacher who patiently guided me over and over again, my heart slowly calmed down again.

When I heard the host call me, I walked to the stage with firm steps, and the sound of confident and beautiful recitation spread through the arena. Suddenly, a flash light shone on my body, I was nervous, my brain was blank, I forgot the next lines, my eyes looked around, my hands unconsciously hugged the microphone, my legs trembled uncontrollably, I felt that tears were going to fall at that moment, at this time the audience suddenly remembered the thunderous applause, in everyone's encouragement, I calmed my nervous heart, and recited the following lines completely, although not as skilled as practice, I was still very excited and happy, because I overcame the nervousness just now.

After this competition, I understood that as long as I have the courage to take the first step, there is nothing to be afraid of being nervous, but I am not confident, and I want to be a confident and happy child in the future!

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

I overcame the odds

Xixia County Urban District No. 4 Primary School 59 Class Wang Yuqian

Growing up, we all encounter setbacks, failures, fears, ...... But in one thing, I managed to overcome the odds.

I remember that it was the weekend, the sun was shining on the earth, the willow girl was combing her hair, the flowers and grass were straight, and everywhere was full of life. My dad came up to me and said, "Now that you're nine years old and you can learn to ride a bike, how about we go to the park today to learn how to ride?" Because I've wanted to ride for a long time, and if I learn to ride, I can go anywhere, and it's fun to think about it.

My father found me an open space, and he patiently taught me. When I started to learn step by step, I thought it was too simple, the same as 1+1. Later, when I was about to ride away, my father was in the back to help the car, I rode in front, and after two laps, he asked me to practice by myself, how to ride? There was no one to help, and there was no stand, and I rode like a heavy penguin swaying left and right, or I fell to the ground when I turned, or the handlebars did not obey, and I stomped my feet in anger. I simply found a stone chair and sat down to sulk, I was going to swear I would never ride again, and I just gave up. Until I saw a little girl younger than me, she was practicing skipping rope, and when she was halfway through the jump, her foot had not jumped over the rope, and she fell to the ground. I thought she would cry, but she bravely got up, patted the dust off her body, and continued to practice......

I seem to see a glimmer of light from her, everyone has failures, and they must always eat the sweetest fruit in the world through hard work and summary.

So I regained my spirits and summed up the reason for my failure: it must be that my center of gravity is unstable, my body is tilted, and I don't turn in time when turning. I got on the bike again and started practicing. Wrestling again and again, scratching again and again, summarizing again and again, and ...... again and again Eventually, I learned to ride a bike, and I was so happy! Dad gave me a thumbs up and said, "Baby, you're a really fast learner, Dad couldn't learn it for two days when he was a kid." I laughed.

This incident allowed me to overcome the difficulties.

(Instructor: Yang Chuan)

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

Contributed by Yang Chuan

Editor: Li Junwei

Review: Li Xinke, Li Yong

"Machine Intelligence Saves Life", "I Defeated Drag", "I Defeated ......"

Golden sunshine, let your dreams fly