
How to make crispy tofu delicious

author:Specialty Gang

Crispy tofu is a delicious and nutritious traditional snack that is loved for its crispy crust and tender tofu filling. Below, I'll show you how to make a delicious crispy tofu dish.

How to make crispy tofu delicious

**I. Material Preparation**

To make crispy tofu, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

1. Tofu: Choose fresh, tender tofu and cut it into slices about 1 cm thick.

2. Flour: Used to make the batter and make the tofu crispy on the outside.

3. Starch: Increases the viscosity of the batter and makes the tofu crust more crispy.

4. Salt: Season to make the tofu taste more delicious.

5. Eggs: Provides rich protein and makes tofu more tender.

6. Cooking oil: Used to fry tofu to make it crispy on the outside.

How to make crispy tofu delicious

**Second, the production steps**

1. **Making batter**: Take a bowl, add flour and starch in a ratio of 3:1, add an appropriate amount of salt, and stir well. Then, crack in an egg and continue stirring until the batter becomes sticky.

2. **Batter**: Place the sliced tofu into the batter, making sure that each slice of tofu is evenly coated with a layer of batter.

3. **Fried tofu**: Take a pot, pour in enough cooking oil, and cook until it is six or seven hot. Put the battered tofu slices into the pan one by one and fry them over medium-low heat. During the frying process, the tofu needs to be constantly turned so that it is evenly heated. When the skin of the tofu becomes golden brown and crispy, remove and drain the oil.

4. **Plating**: Put the fried crispy tofu on a plate, and sprinkle with an appropriate amount of chili powder, cumin powder and other seasonings according to personal taste.

**3. Tips**

How to make crispy tofu delicious

1. **Choose tofu**: When making crispy tofu, you should choose tender tofu, so that the fried tofu tastes better.

2. **Control the oil temperature**: When frying tofu, the oil temperature should not be too high to avoid scorching. Frying over medium-low heat can make the tofu crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

3. **Flip the tofu**: During the frying process, you need to constantly turn the tofu to make it evenly heated and avoid scorching.

4. **Drain the oil**: After the fried crispy tofu is removed, drain the oil to avoid being too greasy.

How to make crispy tofu delicious

**Fourth, nutritional value**

Crispy tofu is not only delicious but also rich in nutritional value. As a source of high-quality protein, tofu contains a variety of amino acids, which is of great significance for maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body. In addition, tofu is also rich in minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are beneficial for bone health. Crispy tofu has a crispy outer skin, a tender filling inside, and a rich layered taste, making it a nutritious delicacy.

How to make crispy tofu delicious

**5. Creative Change**

There are many ways to prepare crispy tofu, which can be creatively varied according to individual tastes. For example, you can add seasonings such as chopped green onions and sesame seeds to the batter to add flavor, or you can drizzle a special sauce over fried tofu to make it more unique. In addition, you can also try pairing crispy tofu with other ingredients such as vegetables, meat, etc., to make more delicious dishes.

How to make crispy tofu delicious

In conclusion, crispy tofu is a delicious and nutritious traditional snack. By mastering the production skills and tips, we can easily make delicious crispy tofu at home. At the same time, make creative changes according to personal tastes to make the dish more in line with your preferences. Let's enjoy making and tasting crispy tofu together!