
The heart is quiet, and the heart has to be quiet

author:Insight reading

Mr. Bingxin said:

"The lamp of the soul, bright in silence, extinguished in the bustle. ”

Only in the realm of tranquility can a person see the world more clearly and clearly.

If the mind is too impetuous and too anxious, people will not be able to experience the world well, let alone treat themselves well.

It can be said that when people are quiet, the world is real, the mood is happy, and life is full of hope and longing.

Zhou Guoping said:

"The best state of life is abundant quiet. ”

Let your heart calm down, continue to calm down, and slowly you will find that your life has stabilized and improved.

As a result, my mood has also improved, I have more expectations and expectations for the future, and I feel more down-to-earth about my current life.

The heart is quiet, and the heart has to be quiet

Tranquility, Mindfulness

When our minds are calm, in fact, our hearts will feel more peaceful and calm.

Then, one instinctively reconciles oneself.

In this process of reconciliation, in fact, it is also a process of knowing and understanding oneself more and more.

Even if there will be restlessness, even manic impulses and troubles, but as long as you calm down, you will persevere.

Then your whole state and mentality will become more calm and comfortable.

Life is nothing more than a process of continuous cultivation and continuous harvest.

But in this process, too many people, obviously not working, or even not working much, but they just want to reap the results quickly.

In this way, when there is a certain gap between the ideal and the reality, you will become more confused, and even feel anxious and painful because you can't find a way out of life.

The writer Yishu once said:

"Be a man and be quiet in everything. Come quietly, go quietly, work quietly, harvest quietly, and don't make noise. ”

In fact, when a person is alive, the greatest sobriety is that he is willing to live for himself and his life.

So, quietly work hard, quietly harvest, and finally be able to get a beautiful life of your own.

Mr. Nan Huaijin wrote in the book:

"True practice is not in the mountains, not in the temple, but in society.

Each of us lives and practices in our practice. ”

The real strength lies in a person's ability to take out a normal heart and a pure heart to approach life.

In this way, you will be able to cultivate your mind and practice slowly in your life.

In the end, you will achieve your own success and get your own sense of happiness.

The heart is quiet, and the heart has to be quiet

Tranquility, state of mind

When a person's mind is calm, he will look at everything more brightly and clearly.

It can be said that at such a time, a person's state of mind can become strong and upgraded.

The more critical the moment, the more important it is to ensure that your inner world is quiet enough.

At this time, a person can become more transparent and live more soberly.

It is also in this process that we are able to create a strong and wise state of mind.

Finally, as a sentence in "Zhaode New Edition":

"The image of the water is bright, and the heart is quiet, and the wisdom is born. ”

Only when a person matures mentally and becomes calm enough can he truly exercise his mind and reap success.

Therefore, everyone should maintain inner peace and let their daily life be more calm and calm.

It is precisely because of this that a person can truly rely on everyone's efforts and growth, and slowly reach their own success.

Dale Carnegie put it in his book The Power of Tranquility:

"People spend a lot of time getting fit, but very few people are willing to calm down and exercise their minds. ”

The best state in life is actually quiet enough to be able to find the most authentic self in the cold and lonely life.

In this way, in his own small world, he can also live a prosperous life and stay away from impetuousness.

In the end, the more calm and calm and down-to-earth a person is, the more a person will be able to achieve a good life of his own.

The heart is quiet, and the heart has to be quiet

Shinsei, Fukurai

I like what Lin Qingxuan said:

"When our hearts are still, our troubles are noisy, like the sludge of life.

But we are also waiting, or there will be a lotus flower, some pure wisdom, from the corner of ignorance, the unnamed, from the corner of ignorance. ”

When a person's heart is calm, in fact, the heart is more peaceful, and the soul is also rested and recuperated.

In this way, every day is calm, comfortable, quiet and calm enough.

It can even be said that every day will keep yourself calm and self-consistent.

At the very least, no matter what changes you encounter in your daily life, what kind of impermanence you will encounter in your life.

His heart is quiet, calm, and down-to-earth and brave.

In this way, you can rely on your own ability and growth, step by step to grow into an excellent person, a strong person.

Such a self will sooner or later make his life reborn and usher in a world that is sharp.