
丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香

author:Xicheng, Beijing

Appreciate the lilacs with flowers

Poetry to meet friends


The "Five-Petal Lilac Hunt" campaign was launched

It has received wide attention on major platforms

The majority of netizens responded positively

Participated in the topic check-in


Let's take a look

How netizens are looking for five-petal lilacs

丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香
丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香

Suddenly, I saw the lilac flowers blooming with a smile

Downstairs, at the entrance of the community, on both sides of the road

There is a faint fragrance everywhere

丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香

Spring and Autumn and I walked to find five-petal lilacs


The five-petal lilac symbolizes tranquility, luck, elegance and beauty

Let's look for it little by little

Admiring the three-petaled flowers, four-petaled flowers, and looking forward to the five-petaled lilacs

丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香

Be attentive and patient

And with the mentality that you can meet but not seek

Quietly observe each lilac

The flowers are blooming too delicately, too seriously

Each one spares no effort to bloom

Each one lives up to this beautiful spring time

Each one lives up to the title of flower

Each one embodies inclusiveness and atmosphere in the finesse

Each one blooms in its own way

We gently stroked the petals

Sensitivity Warm Harmony Friendship

Feel the love given by spring

Most cloves are four-petaled

But we are not discouraged

Because I know

Every lilac has the potential to be the one to look for

Man, when he has hope, is the happiest time

We searched as we went

Every step is filled with hope and longing

It's like going back to childhood

丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香


In a casual moment

We found two five-petal cloves

Quietly, generously

He did not boast of being high

Qingli faced us

As if a serene greeting

丁香诗会 | 寻找五瓣丁香

Five-petal lilac is not just a flower

It's a symbol

A yearning and pursuit of a better life

Send it out and share it with people of kindness and love

A thank you for spring

May everyone I meet be happy, beautiful and happy

See here

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Click ↓ to view the detailed event rules

Lilac Poetry Club丨Set off now to find your own "five-petal lilac" (with strategy)

Author: Gao Yanwei

Source: People's Daily new media platform "People's Account"

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