
What is the best medicine to treat goose plague? The prevention and control measures of goose plague should be collected as soon as possible

author:Wow Sai veterinarian

For the treatment of goose plague, we use: Qingjie Swordsman + Jiang'an Swordsman, which has a very good effect on goose plague. Goose plague has always been one of the most harmful poultry diseases in our farms. Today we will talk about the symptoms of goose plague and the feeding management measures that need to be taken.

What is the best medicine to treat goose plague? The prevention and control measures of goose plague should be collected as soon as possible

1. Treatment measures.

1. Do a good job of isolation. First of all, the sick goose must be isolated immediately to prevent further spread of the virus. Moving sick geese to a separate, clean and uncontaminated place can help control the spread of the epidemic.

2. Strengthen disinfection. Secondly, it is necessary to strengthen the disinfection work. Use effective disinfectants to thoroughly clean and disinfect the goose house, utensils and surrounding environment to ensure that the virus is effectively removed. This includes soaking and disinfecting the feeder pan and drinker every day for 4~5 consecutive days.

3. Supplement nutrition. In terms of feed and drinking water, the provision of clean drinking water and high-quality, nutritious feed should be ensured. This helps to strengthen the geese's physique, improve its resistance, and thus better cope with diseases. We can use water or mixing for ducks: Wei Mine Swordsman, which can supplement vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in an all-round way.

What is the best medicine to treat goose plague? The prevention and control measures of goose plague should be collected as soon as possible

2. Onset symptoms.

1. The most acute type: the goslings may die suddenly, without obvious external symptoms, which mostly occurs in the goslings within 1 week of age.

Acute type: The goslings will have mental malaise, waste food (i.e., stop eating), severe diarrhea (i.e., severe diarrhea), and yellow-white or yellow-green stools. The course of the disease is usually 2, 1~2 days, and there may be neurological symptoms before death, such as neck torsion, general convulsions or paralysis. This type mostly occurs in 1~2 weeks old goslings.

3. Subacute type: It mostly occurs in geese flocks that are more than 2 weeks old, and is manifested as poor spirit, not eating, diarrhea and stool. Some geese may heal on their own.

In addition, all of the diseased goslings may have severe diarrhea later in the course of the disease, excreting grayish-white or yellow, cloudy, loose feces with bubbles or pseudomembranes. If there is a problem with diarrhea, we can use: Likang Swordsman, which has a better effect on all kinds of diarrhea problems of ducks.

What is the best medicine to treat goose plague? The prevention and control measures of goose plague should be collected as soon as possible

In summary, after geese have goblet plague, comprehensive feeding and management measures should be taken, including isolating sick geese, strengthening disinfection, providing high-quality feed and drinking water, treatment and harmless treatment, etc., in order to control the epidemic to the greatest extent and protect the health of the goose flock.

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