
mbti, analysis of psychological problems of ESFP-type personality


What is ESFP personality?

ESFP represents extroversion, realism, emotion and dependence, ESFP personality is a lively and cheerful personality, compassionate personality, people with this personality in daily life, social skills are very prominent, lively and cheerful, is a group of people in the pistachio, in the artistic performance ability is outstanding, as if born performers.

ESFP personality, also known as performer personality, is one of the MBTI personality types, this type of person is extroverted, good at perceiving the present, relying on emotional decision-making, flexible and free preferences, they are good at social interaction, energetic, love life, good at creating a cheerful atmosphere, enjoy getting along with people and experiencing new things, are natural entertainers and pistachios in the team.

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mbti, analysis of psychological problems of ESFP-type personality

Advantages and disadvantages of ESFP type personality

1. Advantages

ESFP is a relatively extroverted personality, people with this kind of personality, gentle personality, almost no temper, adaptability is relatively strong, can be comfortable in a variety of environments, in addition, but also pay great attention to various details in life, often can notice things that others are not easy to pay attention to.

2. Disadvantages

Although ESFP people are generally a cheerful and gentle person, they attach great importance to the evaluation of others, are most afraid of others criticizing themselves, and are always obsessed with some words from others.

Possible psychological problems with ESFP personality

1. Psychological problems

Mood swings

ESFP people may be very calm in the first second, but if others tell him any news in the next second, or if the environment changes, their emotions will also change visibly, so ESFP people are likely to have emotional fluctuations and difficult to control their emotions.

Lack of self-control

ESFP people do not pay enough attention to themselves, their positions are always wavering, and their emotions are always instigated because of the words of others, and their emotions and behaviors often become extremely impulsive, and this is also a manifestation of their lack of self-control, and therefore, ESFP people may have psychological problems of lack of self-control.

For mental health testing, you can also refer to the SCL-90 scale, for the detection of mental illness, you can refer to the MMPI Minnesota Multiple Personality Test, and for the detection of personality disorders, you can use the PDQ-4+ scale.

SCL-90 scale


MMPI scale


Personality Disorder Test


mbti, analysis of psychological problems of ESFP-type personality

Focus only on the present

ESFP has a wide range of interests and hobbies, as if they are interested in everything, but this interest does not last long, because they are always repeating "looking at things", doing things and making plans, and often lack long-term vision and in-depth thinking, so ESFP people may be short-sighted and focus only on immediate problems.

Excessive focus on form

ESFP people love to socialize, have a wide range of interests, and always do not refuse to express themselves in front of others, which indirectly leads them to pay great attention to appearance and appearance, for fear that they will not be good enough in any aspect, and therefore, they may have the problem of paying too much attention to the surface form.

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mbti, analysis of psychological problems of ESFP-type personality

2. Solution

Take a long-term view

In life, some people hurriedly choose options when they encounter something, without thinking, and some people are far-sighted and have a very long-term vision, and this also determines a person's upper limit, and this also tells us a truth, at any time do not only think about immediate interests, but look at the long-term.

Learn to control yourself

Whether it is emotions or behavior, in some specific situations, there may be sudden changes, and people who cannot control it well often have excesses, and if we want to control ourselves, we must learn to remind ourselves at all times, calm and calm, and do not let emotions be stirred up all at once.

Learn to think deeply

In daily life, when encountering an emergency, there are very few people who can immediately respond correctly, and the people who make the correct response are often the habit of deep thinking, and this also requires us not to think too simple about the problem at any time, but to learn to think deeply.