
Weekly Horoscope: Chris April 16 - April 22, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

author:Angel Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Chris April 16 - April 22, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope: Chris April 16 - April 22, 2024 Zodiac Horoscope


On April 20, Uranus and Jupiter meet in Taurus. Uranus is the planet that represents revolution and change. Its job is to kick over the game board and make all the pieces fly. It delights in having everyone spinning wildly on the wheel of fortune. Jupiter is the planet that represents astrological beliefs and is also a planet with higher goals. Jupiter's job is to understand all of Uranus's crazy behavior and extract a divine plan out of all the chaos. For some, this combination can prove disastrous. They don't want to see their elaborate plans upended, or their belief systems exposed as false security, when for others, the combination will prove both rewarding and fulfilling. In return, they have paid their fair share to be self-reliant and gain a sense of accomplishment because, after years of hard work, they can now buy the destiny they fought for.

Leo (July 22 - August 21)

The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20 marks a breakdown or breakout, but with the Sun/Pluto square on April 21, it's hard to say which one. Someone has been left behind. If it's you who leave, take responsibility for upsetting someone else's life (even if it's not your fault). You are the one who is moving in a better direction, and the other person is not. What if you're abandoned? Allow yourself to feel angry and hurt, because that anger will get you back on your feet faster than blaming yourself. Over time, you will find that this is the best outcome after all.

Aries (March 19 - April 18)

As an Aries, you expect a lot from yourself. You insist on being prepared, grasping quickly, and staying one step ahead of your competitors. Unfortunately, a recent mistake cost you the lead, and you've been blaming yourself ever since. Thankfully, the double sextile Mars to Jupiter and Uranus on April 19 shows that you make up for the loss. Not only that, but it also gives you an advantage that you didn't have before. Don't rush to give up on yourself next time – especially if an unexpected mistake opens up a path you wouldn't have pursued in the first place.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)

The rare Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on April 20 is sure to disrupt your daily routine. You won't like it because you're used to a certain way of life, but at the same time it removes your blindness and pushes you to ask an important question. When do you start to settle for liking your life instead of living what you love? Obviously, you can't give up your obligations and responsibilities, but who can say you can't make a living by doing what you love? It's much easier to follow your heart's desires when you're no longer putting the cart before the horse

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

There are very few things in life that come together perfectly, and this week is one of them. However, the debris falling into place is not the result of the way they were all put together in the end, but the result of this unique planetary arrangement at the right time and place. In fact, there's a sense of inevitability to all of this, and you can't help but feel more like a spectator than a player. Maybe you are. In any case, you have enough experience not to interject and enough wisdom to take a step back and let the universe work its magic.

Taurus (April 19 - May 19)

The auspicious Martian sextile to the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus will bring a host of benefits and blessings on April 20. Think of it like a cosmic piñata! Yes, you'll need some crazy spins and blind swings to connect to your riches, but now that you've hit your target, you can enjoy all the rewards. Jupiter and Uranus in your sign promise to bring you strengths, recognition, and opportunities. Your success may seem like a bolt from the blue, but you know – like anyone who works hard and sacrifices – that overnight sensations build up over the years.

Virgo (August 22 - September 21)

It doesn't hurt to take a look. When the world is going through a sea change, tentative and exploring options is what you should be doing right now. Standing still and waiting for the storm to pass doesn't mean you have to put your life on hold. If anything, it's that now is the perfect time to step outside your routine and research your market value, competitors' finances, and perhaps even a career change. Don't waste time for the sake of wasting time – especially if you can put it to good use to plan a new, different route for the future.

Libra (September 22 - October 21)

To talk to someone you despise, you need to try a few times. The first time didn't go well, and subsequent attempts failed just as well, because what you practice in front of the bathroom mirror rarely translates into face-to-face conversations. Still, the retrograde conjunction of Mercury/Venus on April 19 will make you try again. Don't expect a burned bridge to be rebuilt overnight. Mercury is still in regression and Venus is at a disadvantage in Aries, however, if you think of physiotherapy, slowly improving on the previous one each time, then you'll see how you're making progress towards a future truce – and that should be sometime around May 1st.

Gemini (May 20 - June 19)

Retrograde Mercury and Venus on April 19 make for a whole new experience, if you will. When Mercury first comes (March 20), you don't have a good relationship with someone. Their message was unexpected and touched people's sore spots. Your reaction – like anyone in a similar situation – is both hurt and angry. The wonderful thing about Mercury retrograde is that it allows us to relive things that didn't go well the first time, and now that you've had some time to absorb what was said earlier, you're bound to find better ways to solve the problems that still need to be addressed.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

If someone told you in 2021 that everything would work out eventually, you would never believe them. You've gone through so many crazy twists and turns that it's still hard to tell the difference between up and down, and yet, subverting their expectations is intrinsic to your ruling planet, Uranus. Sometimes it feels like Uranus is freeing you from the thoughts that are holding you back, and sometimes it feels like the planets representing revolution and change are pulling the rug out from under your feet, but on April 20, it looks like you'll get to where you long.

Pisces (February 18 - March 18)

Not many people want to have a lot of people standing next to them while gazing into the abyss, and Pisces is one of them. You may not be there doing everyday things – like chores that need to be done, bills that need to be paid, or needing to wipe your baby's butt – but you'll definitely be there doing big things. The Mars/Jupiter and Mars/Uranus sexfields on April 19 indicate that you will treat someone in a way you never thought possible. This will answer any questions you – or this person – may have about your existence and reliability.

Cancer (June 20 - July 21)

The greatest gift of the water sign is that you can take strength and comfort from yourself when the world around you goes off the rails. Let others track the rise and fall of their hopes and prospects from day to day, and you'll rely on your own inner gyroscope to navigate. Rituals, routines, and exercises are all centered around you. They provide a continuous line through which they are connected. They also help to create peace and calm. You may not know the answers to the big questions surrounding you, but when they appear, you'll be calm and recognize them.

Scorpio (October 22 - November 20)

When ruling Mars on April 19 forms the rare sextile Jupiter and Uranus, the heart is no longer a lonely hunter. This can lead to an unexpected romantic confession, an unlikely reunion, or a new member of the family (two- or four-legged). Either way, this time you'll feel like you're really falling in love. Scorpios are not as carried away as Scorpios, but there is no denying the power of the planets in question. It would be great if you could give without hesitation. It's been a long time since you've done anything like this.

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