
Why are people more susceptible to cancer when they get older?

author:Song Pharmacist

#为什么人年老了就容易得癌症呢?##春日生活打卡季#随着全球人口平均寿命的增长, cancer has become one of the prevalent health problems among the elderly. In fact, age is the single biggest risk factor for the onset of cancer. This article will explore why people have a significantly higher risk of developing cancer as they age.

Why are people more susceptible to cancer when they get older?

The relationship between cancer and age

Cancer is caused by genetic mutations in the body's cells that cause the process of cell growth and division to get out of control. While cancer can occur at any age, most types of cancer are more common in older adults.

According to statistics, the incidence of cancer is significantly higher in people over 65 years of age than in other age groups.

Why are people more susceptible to cancer when they get older?

Factors that contribute to an increased risk of cancer

  1. Cell aging: As we age, cells go through more divisional cycles, accumulating more genetic mutations that can lead to cancer. The repair mechanisms of aged cells may also become less effective due to age.
  2. Weakened immune system: Older people tend to have less functional immune systems than younger people. The immune system plays a key role in monitoring and destroying abnormal cells, and weakened immunity may make it easier for cancer cells to survive and multiply.
  3. Chronic inflammation: As we age, there may be a persistent state of low-grade inflammation in the body, which has been shown to be associated with the development of several types of cancer.
  4. Environmental and lifestyle factors: The cumulative effects of long-term environmental exposures (e.g., smoking, occupational exposure, sun exposure, etc.) and unhealthy lifestyle choices (e.g., poor dietary habits, lack of exercise) increase the risk of cancer in older adults.
  5. Genetic factors: Some older cancer patients may have a genetic predisposition, which makes them more susceptible to developing certain types of cancer later in life.
Why are people more susceptible to cancer when they get older?

Prevention strategies

Although age is an uncontrollable risk factor, the risk of cancer can be significantly reduced by taking some preventive measures, such as:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • Regular check-ups, especially for cancer screenings.
  • Avoid known cancer risk factors, such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • Manage chronic diseases and inflammatory conditions.
Why are people more susceptible to cancer when they get older?

Understanding how age affects cancer risk is critical for older adults to maintain their health. While we can't stop the passage of time, there are steps we can take to reduce the risks that come with age and support healthy ageing through active lifestyles and prevention strategies.