
肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”

author:Qingdao Haici Medical Group

April 15-21 is the 30th National Cancer Prevention and Treatment Publicity Week, with the theme of "Comprehensive Measures, Scientific Cancer Prevention". The primary malignant tumor of the liver is a malignant tumor with a high degree of malignancy and a mortality rate second only to gastric cancer and esophageal cancer.

Xiao Jun, director of the Cancer Center of Haici Medical Group, said that liver cancer can occur at any age, mostly between 40 and 49 years old. Although morbidity and mortality remain high, early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment can reduce morbidity and mortality.

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”


The evolution of liver cancer has a typical "trilogy": chronic hepatitis→ cirrhosis→ liver cancer.

Viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, aflatoxins, drinking water contamination, and genetics are the most important factors in the development of liver cancer. In addition, diabetes, overweight, hyperlipidemia, obesity, smoking, etc. can also increase the risk of liver cancer.

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”


Diagnosis of liver cancer is mainly based on past medical history, blood tests, imaging tests, and needle biopsy. In terms of pathological types, it is divided into hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocytic hepatocellular carcinoma.

1. Blood test: the characteristic is alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), which continues to rise or exceeds 500ug/L, which requires a high suspicion of liver cancer;

2. Imaging examination: Contrast-enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging are relatively accurate examinations with very clear diagnostic value. Liver cancer can be roughly diagnosed by imaging examination in the early stage;

3. Needle biopsy is a very important diagnostic criterion, and the pathological diagnosis results obtained through needle biopsy are the gold standard for tumor diagnosis and an important basis for formulating treatment plans.

4. A long-term history of chronic viral hepatitis is also a factor in the diagnosis of liver cancer.

The Group's Cancer Center has innovatively explored a new method of integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine to treat tumors, and adopted an individualized and precise comprehensive treatment model.

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”

1. Create a "low-toxicity" ward, advocate the concept of "low-toxicity" treatment of tumors, and win the protracted battle against cancer

On the basis of the conventional use of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, minimally invasive intervention, endocrine, targeted and immunotherapy, the cancer center differentiates the syndrome and treats, and uses a variety of non-drug treatment methods such as internal administration of traditional Chinese medicine, external application of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture cupping, rectal instillation of traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion, etc., to give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in reducing toxicity and increasing efficiency, reduce the toxic side effects of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunity, including nausea, vomiting, damage to liver function, heart function and kidney function, etc., so as to help patients prolong their lives and live better.

It is the basic principle of traditional Chinese medicine to prevent and treat tumors, including Fuzheng and detoxification, Fuzheng and stasis, and Fuzheng and phlegm. The advantages of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can effectively improve the body's immune function, reduce tumor metastasis, and prevent tumor recurrence. The medical team of the cancer center has worked together to continuously optimize the "low-toxicity" treatment plan, so that patients can have a warm, reassuring and comfortable medical experience.

2. Minimally invasive interventional therapy

In the selection of treatment methods, minimally invasive intervention follows the principles of individualized, humanized and rational treatment. Minimally invasive interventional treatment from the radial artery or femoral artery through the size of a needle, using a catheter to guide to the proximal end of the tumor to inject embolic agents directly into the blood supply artery, blocking it, so as to achieve the purpose of "starving" the tumor, or direct perfusion of high-concentration drugs into the tumor supply artery to "poison" the tumor, this treatment is also called TACE. In this way, the toxic side effects on the whole body are much smaller. Transarterial intervention (TACE) is one of the most widely used treatment modalities for primary hepatocellular carcinoma, and with the advancement of interventional technology and the use of emerging drugs, it has achieved good efficacy in the treatment of primary hepatocellular carcinoma and has become the preferred non-surgical treatment method for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. Radiofrequency ablation or cryoablation or radioactive particles can also be used to penetrate the energy conduction needle or radioactive particles into the tumor to release energy, and eventually it can be "roasted to death", "frozen to death" or "roasted to death".

Compared with some traditional diagnosis and treatment measures with complex operation, high risk, many complications and poor effect, these new methods of minimally invasive intervention have made it possible for some patients to treat intractable diseases, incurable diseases and elderly patients, and have fewer complications, less pain and faster recovery.

How can I prevent it in my daily life?

1. Vaccination prophylaxis

To prevent hepatitis, the use of hepatitis vaccine to prevent hepatitis has become one of the most promising ways to prevent liver cancer, and the current hepatitis vaccines mainly include hepatitis A vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis E vaccine, and the main hepatitis B vaccine is currently vaccination.

2. Diet: Eat less "nitro" if you eat "coarse" and "mildew"

Don't eat moldy food: Keep the food at home to prevent mildew, aflatoxins can easily cause liver cancer.

Do not eat more barbecue and pickled foods: Do not eat or eat less foods that contain a lot of nitrosamines, because nitrosamines can induce liver cancer, such as sauerkraut, pickles, salted fish, sausages, barbecue, etc.

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”

3. Quit smoking, stop drinking, and live a healthy life

Quit bad habits such as smoking and drinking. The gastric mucosa has a protective effect on the human body, tobacco and alcohol can damage the gastric mucosa, and the toxic and harmful substances in the food are easy to be absorbed by the stomach, which is easy to cause alcoholic hepatitis, reduce the immune function of the liver and the whole body, and easily lead to alcoholic cirrhosis, so that part of the liver cirrhosis will turn into liver cancer.

4. Exercise more and relax your mind

Regular exercise: Everyone should do physical exercise in a timely manner to effectively improve the immune function of various organs, so as to avoid the cancerous transformation of liver cells and prevent liver cancer.

Spring belongs to wood, and the liver is woody, so spring qi passes through the liver, and the liver mainly discharges the whole body's qi and qi, blood, and fluid, and mainly stores blood, so it is very important to nourish the liver in spring. In spring, the liver qi is vigorous and rising, and people are refreshed. The metabolism of the human body has a great relationship with the liver, and only by maintaining the vigorous physiological function of the liver can we adapt to the vigorous changes in nature. Therefore, in spring, we should pay more attention to nourishing the liver.

A team of experts

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”

Xiao Jun

Chief physician

Director and Director of the First Department of the Cancer Center of the Group, Director of the Interventional Diagnosis and Treatment Department of the Headquarters, Head and Chief Expert of the Oncology Department of the West and North Hospitals, Director and Chief Expert of the Tumor Interventional Center of Pingdu Campus, Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, High-level Introduced Outstanding Talents in Qingdao, Leader of Key Disciplines of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shandong Province, Head of Key Clinical Specialties (Panfeng Disciplines) in Qingdao City, Member of the Expert Advisory Committee of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Shandong Province, and Health Science Popularization Expert in Shandong Province. He is also the vice chairman of the Integrative Medicine Committee of the Rehabilitation Association of the China Anti-Cancer Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the Tumor Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a member of the Standing Committee of the Cancer Drug Research Committee of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, an executive director of the Cancer Palliative Care Committee of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies, the chairman of the Tumor Targeted and Maintenance Therapy Committee of the Shandong Geriatrics Society, the vice chairman of the Tumor Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the vice chairman of the Cancer Rehabilitation Committee of the Shandong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He is the vice chairman of the Oncology Professional Committee of the Shandong Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine, the vice chairman of the Integrative Medicine Branch of the Shandong Anti-Cancer Association, the vice chairman of the Oncology Committee of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Branch of the Shandong Medical Doctor Association, and the chairman of the Oncology Committee of the Qingdao Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine.

Specialty: Comprehensive treatment of lung cancer and digestive tract tumors, giving full play to the advantages of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, improving the effective rate and cure rate of chemotherapy, reducing the toxicity and side effects of internal medicine treatment, making the treatment safer and more effective, and having rich experience in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors with integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”

Zang Jianhua

Deputy Chief Physician

Deputy Director of the First Department of the Group's Cancer Center, Deputy Chief Physician, Doctor of Medicine, Inheritor of National Famous Old Chinese Medicine Experience and Successor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Studio. He is also a member of the Cancer Drug Research Committee of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Precision Medicine Branch of the Shandong Medical Association, and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology Branch of the Shandong Medical Doctor Association.

Specialty: Precision treatment of lung cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, bone metastasis and other tumors, combined with traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

肿瘤防治周 | “炎→硬→癌” 警惕肝癌演变“三部曲”

Sun Cheng

Deputy Chief Physician

He is also a member of the World Chinese Minimally Invasive Interventional Therapy Committee for Oncology, a member of the Minimally Invasive Interventional Tumor Committee of Shandong Medical Doctor Association, a member of the Minimally Invasive Interventional Tumor Committee of Qingdao Anti-Cancer Association, a member of the Cancer Rehabilitation and Palliative Care Special Committee of Qingdao Anti-Cancer Association, and a member of the Youth Committee of Qingdao Anti-Cancer Association.

Specialty: diagnosis and treatment of common malignant tumors, in-depth research on individualized, standardized and comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of tumors, rich clinical work experience, especially good at minimally invasive interventional treatment of common clinical tumors, such as: transcatheter arterial chemoembolization of liver cancer, lung cancer and other tumors, ablation treatment of tumors, percutaneous puncture bile duct drainage and stent therapy, needle biopsy of tumor lesions in various parts, as well as common benign tumors, such as hepatic hemangioma, prostatic hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, Arterial embolization treatment for diseases such as hypersplenism.