
7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

author:The Blood Feather Swordsman said anime

In Naruto, ninjas need to encounter a variety of situations, among which there are naturally some very ruining images. Below, let's talk about the screenshots in Naruto that ruin the image of ninjas!


7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

We all know that with the help of the Yin Sealing Baihao technique, Tsunade can keep himself young by micro-adjusting the output of the chakra. And once the chakra is consumed too much and the Yin Seal cannot be maintained, Tsunade will naturally show his original appearance, and because the technique of creating a regeneration Baihao has increased the speed of cell metabolism, Tsunade's original appearance is older than his peers. And such an old and frail appearance, Tsunade has appeared a total of twice. One time was during Payne's invasion of Konoha in battle, in order to protect the villagers, Tsunade showed his powerful auxiliary ability to heal a village by himself, but also exhausted his chakra.

7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

Another time was in the battle between the Five Shadows and Madara Uchiha, Tsunade even had his body cut into two pieces, and he had to control the slug to maintain the life of the other four shadows, and it was naturally difficult for him to maintain his own state. If Orochimaru hadn't arrived in time and asked Xiang Phosphorus to help Tsunade recover, maybe Tsunade would have been sacrificed.

Sasuke Uchiba

7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

Sasuke and Naruto have had many battles, and of course screenshots of the image were inevitably unavoidable. No, Sasuke directly made Naruto roll his eyes, and if Sakura saw it, he would definitely have to swing his fist at Naruto again.


7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

Speaking of screenshots of the ruined image in Naruto, the battle between Payne and Naruto is definitely not to be missed! Tiandao Payne used his expression to tell us vividly and vividly, what is called my pain above you!


7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

Not to mention that it is a brother, not only Sasuke was punched by Naruto, but Itachi was directly punched in the face, and his whole face was directly distorted. This is in the original plot of the anime of Itachi's true biography.,Itachi killed the senior senior who bullied his classmates in three or two clicks.,And then when the senior brought a friend to retaliate.,Itachi got a punch in the face.。 However, at this time, Itachi's body was still cultivating with Shisui, and it was actually Uchiha Itachi's shadow clone that was beaten. And it was precisely because of this punch that the matter of Itachi's use of shadow to learn was exposed, and then he graduated early.

Naruto Uzumaki

7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

Compared to the screenshot that just appeared at the moment of battle, Naruto Uzumaki was miserable. It was only after Sasuke joined the Akatsuki organization to attack the Eight-Tails Pillar Rabbi that Samui's team went to Konoha Village to deliver a letter from the four generations of Thunderkage to the Hokage. Because Karui was worried about his master Kirabi, he asked Naruto and others he met by chance about Sasuke's information, and Naruto certainly wouldn't betray Sasuke's information. So, in order to let Karui vent his anger, Naruto let her beat herself casually. Then Karui beat Naruto to the point that his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and this very discrediting screenshot appeared. In other words, when Karui Storm was fighting Naruto Uzumaki, he would never have thought that he would marry in Konoha Village in the future, and Naruto Uzumaki actually became the seventh generation Hokage!


7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

During the Konoha Village Shinobi Exam, Mitarai Red Bean tracked down Orochimaru in the Forest of Death, and used the forbidden technique to kill the two snakes to kill each other and want to die with Orochimaru. At this time, the technique of eliminating the face on Orochimaru's face failed, and the face of the ninja of the Grass Hidden Village who was stuck to his face was cracked and wrinkled, and it looked very terrifying. And at this time, Orochimaru doesn't just have a two-skin face, you must know that under Orochimaru's original appearance, there is also a face of a female ninja who was taken away by him with the technique of immortal reincarnation!

7 screenshots of Naruto's very ruined image: Uncle Snake staged a three-skin face, and Itachi God's face was distorted

Do you know what other screenshots in Naruto are particularly image-ruining?

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