
"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

author:Senior science popularizer


At present, with the continuous development of society and the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, green burial has gradually become a hot topic of concern. Traditional burial and cremation methods have a certain impact on the environment, which is not conducive to the protection and sustainable development of the environment. The launch of the green funeral project has provided people with more environmentally friendly funeral options, such as mushroom funeral kits and human composting projects, which have attracted more and more people's attention and love. Green burial projects can not only effectively reduce the occupation of land and resources, but also transform the human body into organic soil, bringing vitality and vitality to nature. In the face of the current ecological and environmental problems, it has become the responsibility and obligation of each of us to promote the development of green funeral industry. Through the introduction and analysis of this article, let's have an in-depth understanding of the meaning and value of green burial, care for the earth's homeland, and contribute to environmental protection.

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

1. Innovative measures for green funeral projects

In recent years, with the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, green burial has gradually attracted the attention and attention of the public. Compared with traditional burial and cremation methods, green burial projects have significant advantages and characteristics in reducing the impact on the environment. At the same time, the green funeral project also provides people with more diversified and personalized funeral options, so that people can better express their grief and remembrance when facing the death of their loved ones. In the process of the development of green funeral, various innovative measures and projects continue to emerge, injecting unique vitality and impetus into the development of green funeral.

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

(1) Mushroom funeral set

As an innovative choice for green funeral projects, the launch of the mushroom funeral set has brought people a new shock and inspiration. The mushroom funeral set is inspired by nature's cycles, which transform nutrients from the human body into vibrant mushrooms, and gradually degrade the body naturally, completing the organic cycle with the soil and plants. Family members can participate in the mushroom burial process, planting mushrooms with their own hands, in this unique way, to remember the deceased loved ones and contribute to the restoration and protection of nature.

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

(2) Human composting project

In addition to mushroom burials, the human composting project has also become a major innovation in the field of green burial. Through the scientific treatment and transformation process, the human body composting project converts the organic matter in the human body into high-quality organic soil, which adds a valuable nutrition and resources to the ecological balance of nature without harming the environment. The human composting project can not only effectively reduce the occupation and waste of land, but also provide strong support and guarantee for the improvement of the environment and the restoration of vegetation.

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

Second, the environmental significance of green burial

The launch of the green funeral project not only provides people with novel and unique choices in the field of funeral, but more importantly, it reflects people's respect for life and nature, as well as a deep understanding and practice of environmental protection. The development of green funeral is of great and far-reaching significance for the current ecological environmental protection and sustainable development.

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

(1) Environmental protection and resource recycling

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

Traditional burial and cremation methods often cause pollution and damage to land resources and groundwater quality. Especially with the acceleration of urbanization, the scarcity and preciousness of land resources have become more and more prominent, and how to rationally use and protect every inch of land has become a practical problem that needs to be solved urgently. The promotion and application of the green funeral project is precisely in line with people's urgent need for environmental protection, which transforms the human body into organic soil, echoes the ecological cycle of nature, injects a steady stream of vitality and nutrition into the fertility of the land and the growth of vegetation, realizes the sustainable use of resources and recycling benefits, and plays a positive role in promoting the protection and restoration of the ecological environment.

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

(2) Carbon sequestration and climate change

"Human composting" is legal next year, the last dedication of mankind to the earth, are you willing to try?

In the context of global climate change, human society urgently needs to take effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cope with the challenges and impacts brought about by climate warming and extreme weather events. The human composting process in the green funeral project is actually a process of carbon sequestration. Through the transformation of organic matter in the human body, a large amount of carbon can be sequestered in the soil, effectively reducing the release of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and providing new ideas and solutions for coping with climate change. Compared with traditional cremation methods, human composting projects not only do not produce harmful gases such as carbon dioxide, but can convert carbon into organic matter, making a tangible contribution to soil fertility and vegetation growth. It can be said that the green funeral project not only has outstanding performance in the field of environmental protection, but also has an important significance and role in the promotion of global climate governance and sustainable development agenda.

(3) Respect for life and continuation of feelings

In addition to its importance in the field of environmental protection, the Green Burial Project embodies respect for life and emotion, as well as the continuation of family and social ties. In the green funeral project, family members can participate in the whole process and bid farewell to the deceased, which can effectively release grief and make the departure of loved ones an eternal scenery in the hearts of family members. In addition, in the human composting project, it is also advocated to bring organic soil home, so that a part of the deceased can continue to participate in the life of the family, this unique way of commemoration, undoubtedly injects new vitality and possibility of continuity into the emotional connection between family members and relatives and friends.

Through the selection and practice of green funeral projects, people can have a deeper understanding of the cycle and continuation of life, understand the true meaning of life returning to nature after all, and realize the importance of cherishing the present, respecting life and caring for relatives. In this process, people's awareness of environmental protection has been further awakened and practiced, the dignity and value of life has also been vigorously highlighted and disseminated, it can be said that the choice of green funeral project is not only a kind of respect and nostalgia for the deceased, but also a good wish for future life and the earth, is a deep thinking and continuation of the value of life.

3. Challenges and prospects of green funeral industry

Although the green funeral project has obvious environmental significance and rich cultural connotation in many aspects, in order to truly promote the development of green funeral and achieve an effective combination of concept and practice, there are many difficulties and challenges that need to be overcome.

(1) Traditional concepts and cultural barriers

From the perspective of long-term historical and cultural traditions, people often have strong religious feelings and supernatural concepts for funerals and funeral rites, and burials, sacrifices, etc., condense people's deep thoughts and prayers for the deceased, and have special cultural significance and spiritual sustenance. The promotion of green funeral projects requires people to make certain adjustments and changes to traditional concepts and cultural customs, and accept a new concept of life and death and funeral concepts, which is undoubtedly an arduous and complex project. On the premise of respecting tradition, how to pay attention to the popularization and guidance of the public, so that more people can understand and recognize the meaning of green funeral, requires all sectors of society to work together to promote and do a good job in ideological work.

(2) Institutional and legal constraints

In addition, the development of green funeral industry is also facing certain constraints and norms of systems and laws. In the relevant laws and regulations of the mainland, the specific regulations and management measures for green funeral projects are still relatively vague and imperfect, and the funeral management in some areas is still stuck in the traditional cognition and operation mode, which is difficult to adapt to the innovation and development needs of green funeral industry. In order to truly promote the healthy development of green funeral, it is necessary for relevant departments to actively follow up, improve relevant policies and measures, provide more support and guarantee for the promotion and practice of green funeral, and build a good policy environment and social atmosphere.

Nevertheless, I firmly believe that with the joint efforts and support of the general public and all walks of life, the green funeral industry will be able to usher in a broader development prospect. We can see from some examples around us that more and more people have begun to pay attention to and choose green funeral projects, they interpret the care for the environment with practical actions, and influence and inspire more people through their own choices and efforts, so that the concept of green funeral starts from bit by bit and gradually penetrates into all corners of society.


The cycle of life and death, the vicissitudes of life, the deceased are like this, why should the living be necessary. In the face of the impermanence of life and the sadness of parting, everyone will have their own unique perception and understanding. The new concept and rich connotation of the green funeral project provide people with a more diverse and beneficial way of thinking in the face of death and parting, which is not only a kind of care and feedback to the environment, but also a deep thinking and continuation of the value of life. It is believed that with the continuous progress and development of society, the concept of green burial will be more widely recognized and applied, and the profound emotions and values it contains will inject a fresh and profound force into the sustainable development of human society, and continue to write a unique and moving chapter for the better future of mankind.

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