
The weather is getting hotter, can you drink baijiu after chilling?

author:Sauce Xiang Yan Sake Brewery

No, for three reasons:

>> Chilled liquor loses its original aroma and taste

The aroma and taste of baijiu are the result of the combined action of a variety of compounds in the liquor, which will behave differently at different temperatures. When chilled, the balance of these compounds is disrupted, resulting in a thin flavor that loses its original layering.

The weather is getting hotter, can you drink baijiu after chilling?

>> Chilled liquor can easily cause gastrointestinal upset

Chilled liquor can irritate the gastrointestinal tract due to its low temperature, which can easily cause gastrointestinal discomfort and even lead to diarrhea. At the same time, it accelerates the entry of alcohol into the bloodstream, aggravates the degree of drunkenness, and the damage to the body also increases.

The weather is getting hotter, can you drink baijiu after chilling?

>> Chilled liquor can cause excessive cold in the body

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, baijiu is inherently warm, and drinking it after chilling will increase the cold in the body and affect health. Especially in cold weather, chilled liquor is more likely to exacerbate the cold feeling of the body, which is not conducive to the growth of yang energy.

The weather is getting hotter, can you drink baijiu after chilling?

Therefore, for the sake of our health and taste, it is best to avoid iced liquor, although it may bring a short-term comfort.