
The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings


Since ancient times, there have been stories between brother-in-law and sister-in-law, and there don't seem to have many good endings. As we all know, when Li Yu was seriously ill with Zhou Ehuang, Zhou Ehuang's sister Xiao Zhou Hou hooked up together, and the two of them left the patient and did not take care of it, and went to the south side of the painting hall to go on a date.

Let's go on a date, Li Yu also wrote a poem:

Socks step incense steps, hand gold thread shoes...... It's hard to come out, and teach the king to be merciful.

I have to praise that Li Yu's literary level is really good, and he actually wrote "sneaky" to the extreme, and after reading this poem, the picture sense came out for me.

The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings

It's no wonder that Emperor Zhou E turned over and faced the wall, and he didn't look back until he died.

Maybe if these two people don't come to take care of them, Zhou Ehuang's illness will be cured sooner.

Later, after the death of Emperor Zhou E, Li Yu married Xiao Zhou a few years later. Later, the Southern Tang Dynasty was destroyed by the Northern Song Dynasty, and Li Yu and Xiao Zhou were pressed to the capital of the Song Dynasty.

Xiao Zhou was bullied by Zhao Guangyi for changing the law, and Xiao Zhou was so angry that he scolded Li Yu, and finally Li Yu with hatred and regret, missed the "carved fence and jade masonry" of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and was finally poisoned by the cautious Zhao Guangyi.

Xiao Zhouhou also went with Li Yu shortly after his death, leaving behind endless sighs in the world.

And when the time came to the Qing Dynasty again, it was a similar story, and this time, Pu Yi, who was the brother-in-law, did not agree.

The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings

This beautiful late Qing Gege is a man with a yellow flag in the Manchu Army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and is the daughter of Wanyan Lixian, named Wanyan Litongji. The ancestor on his father's side is the Minister of Military Aircraft, Wan Yan Chonghou, and his mother is Qianlong's direct granddaughter.

Purely in terms of identity background, at the proper social elite level at that time, and Wanyan Litong was smart and sweet since he was a child, and was even once called "the most beautiful character in the late Qing Dynasty".

Such a person must have a pretty good home, but she never married in her life, and was choked to death eating dumplings in a nursing home in her later years. It is no exaggeration to say that Wanyan Litong Ji played a good hand of cards to pieces.

Why is this so, all of this has to start with her outlook on life and marriage.

Wanyan Litong Ji grew up in the palm of his hand since he was a child, with good living conditions, fine clothes and food. Wanrong is her cousin, and the two were playmates when they were children.

Later, Wanrong married into the royal family and became Pu Yi's queen, and Pu Yi also became her cousin-in-law. To a certain extent, this has also had an impact on Wanyan Litongji's outlook on life and values.

The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings

The playmates of the children together, how can there be no reason not to compare, besides, Wanyan Litong Ji is not inferior at all in terms of appearance and conditions.

This may also make Wanyan Litong Ji feel that his cousin can do it, and he can do it himself, and he deeply feels that Pu Yi is his true destiny.

Later, when she was 17 years old, Wanyan Litong Ji was still married by her parents to other boys of the Aixin Jueluo family, anyway, the children of the Aixin Jueluo family will not be worse in status and status, this can't be a royal concubine, and it is reasonable to marry the royal family.

Later, they were successfully engaged, but just before they got married, they found out that the boy was not serious, and he was not clear with the play.

Wanyan Litongji's mother was worried that she would be angry when she got married, so she dissolved the marriage contract in the name of this.

The imperfect marriage road that Wanyan Litong remembered before made her lose interest in her relationship, and after moving to the capital, she mixed with Meng Xiaodong and them, leaving the marriage event behind.

The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings

Later, Wanyan Litong almost married Pu Yi's younger brother Pu Jie, but due to the intervention of the Japanese, this matter came to naught. The marriage event of Wanyan Litong's record was put on hold again.

In the turbulent late Qing Dynasty, this group of royal families was quite humble, Pu Yi was driven out of the Forbidden City, and later was arrested in the northeast as a puppet Manchu emperor, and later imprisoned by the Japanese.

After that, Pu Yi's life was also quite sad, Wanrong died in Yanji, Wen Xiu couldn't stand it early and chose to divorce, and later Pu Yi was arrested and reformed.

In the end, Li Yuqin and Pu Yi also divorced. After Pu Yi returned home after the amnesty, Pu Yi became the fifth king of diamonds, a bachelor with eight years.

Wanyan Litong has been single for so many years, and when he saw Pu Yi being single again, he revealed to Pu Yi that he was willing to spend the rest of his life with him.

However, Pu Yi rejected her directly, which made her heartbroken for a while.

The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings

Pu Yi rejected the most beautiful personality and chose a second-married nurse Li Shuxian. This time it was a big blow to Wanyan Litongji, firstly because he was rejected by Puyi, and secondly, Wanyan Litongji couldn't figure out how worse he was than the second-married nurse Li Shuxian.

Later, Pu Yi fell ill and was hospitalized, and Wanyan Litong Ji often visited the hospital, staying for half a day, until Pu Yi was angry and she didn't leave.

Wan Yan Litong Ji never married the person he liked in his life, and in the loneliness and loneliness, his spirit almost collapsed. Because he had no children and no daughters, he had to live in a nursing home in his later years, but at the age of 90, he choked to death because he didn't swallow the dumplings.

Just like the story of Li Yu and Xiao Zhouhou mentioned at the beginning, even if Pu Yi marries Wanyan Litongji, he will not encounter moral pressure.

It's just that for Pu Yi, he doesn't want to harm Yan Litong because of himself.

Although he is a deposed emperor, for him, I don't know what treatment he will suffer. Including the women who were with Pu Yi before, they either divorced him or lost their lives.

Wanyan Litong Ji is considered his own relative, and he can't bear to follow him to suffer such a hardship after Wanyan Litongji, so he will decisively refuse.

The most beautiful late Qing Gege, who fell in love with his brother-in-law and never married, lived to be 90 years old and choked to death eating dumplings

Moreover, Pu Yi's own body knows that his needs for the other half may only be a person who can take care of his food, clothing and daily life.

Wanyan Litong remembered that she loved Pu Yi deeply, and once the two got married, it would inevitably make her fall too far behind, which was also quite a stressful thing for Pu Yi.

In order not to hurt each other, it is reasonable for Pu Yi to decisively reject Wanyan Litongji.

The reason why Wanyan Litongji is bleak is more because of her obsession with marrying into the royal family. Perhaps since she was a child, she fantasized that she could marry into the royal family, even when Pu Yi had nothing, she did not change her original intention.

Of course, it cannot be denied that Wanyan Litongji has true feelings for Puyi, whether it is because of obsession or because of feelings, perhaps only Wanyan Litongji himself knows.

But in any case, the life of Wanyan Litong is indeed not well managed, and it also reminds us that we should look at everything in the long run, and if we go to the dark, we will make the evening bleak if we don't do it well.

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