
Learn from Mencius to see the faces, see the eyes!

author:Teacher He spoke

Mencius was a master of physiognomy.

Learn from Mencius to see the faces, see the eyes!

It is recorded in the first chapter of "King Hui of Liang" that when King Hui of Liang died, his son King Xiang of Liang came to power, and Mencius had to leave the Wei state. Because he looked at Queen Liang Xiang, he once said to people: "He doesn't look like a human king", and he doesn't look like a national leader.

As for how it doesn't look like it, "It doesn't look like a human king", probably Mencius looked at his appearance and thought that his eyes were not enough.

Mencius's method of gaining insight into the human heart by observing the eyes is not only an observation technique, but also a philosophical exploration that penetrates into the hearts of the people.

Learn from Mencius to see the faces, see the eyes!

Eyes, as a window to the soul, reveal a person's inner world and true thoughts.

First of all, from a philosophical point of view,

"The machine is in the eye, the machine is in the heart",

It reveals the close connection between the inner world of man and the external manifestation.

As a reflection of the soul, the eyes not only show the emotional state of the person, but also reflect the moral character and ideological realm of the person. By looking into the eyes, we can gain insight into the depths of a person's soul and understand his values, beliefs, and life pursuits.

Learn from Mencius to see the faces, see the eyes!

Secondly, Mencius's "philosophical look" is not only a judgment of personal character and morality, but also a judgment

human nature

A deep understanding. He believes that a person's inner world and his outward performance are interrelated, and that a person's eyes can reveal his

Good, upright, or evil.

This method of observation not only helps us to understand others, but also prompts us to reflect on our own inner world and pursue a higher moral realm.

The changes in nature are wonderfully in tune with the inner world of man. When a person's heart is filled with good thoughts, it is like a sunny day


And when evil thoughts arise, it is like rain


This symbolic metaphor reveals the inner connection between man and nature, and also reminds us to maintain the goodness and purity of our hearts.

Mencius's thinking on "philosophical physiognomy" is of great guiding significance for us to improve our self-cultivation, establish harmonious interpersonal relationships, and pursue a higher state of life.

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