
If you have a blocked view when driving at night, how to drive safely, you can try this trick not afraid of high beams

author:Morning capitalization

Driving at night is a challenge that requires greater skill and experience, especially when vision is obstructed. I once had an experience of driving at night in the mountains, when the roads were narrow, the street lights were scarce, and there was a mist that made the visibility worse. In this case, driving safely is a key challenge.

If you have a blocked view when driving at night, how to drive safely, you can try this trick not afraid of high beams

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the vehicle's lighting system is in the best condition. After my many night driving experiences, I have found that it is crucial to clean the lights frequently, adjust the light height, and keep the bulbs clean. Once, I didn't clean my headlights in time, and when I was driving on a narrow mountain road, the high beams of the oncoming car almost made me completely blind to the road ahead, but luckily there was no danger. Therefore, keeping the light system clean and working properly is essential for driving at night.

Secondly, we must learn to make reasonable use of the auxiliary equipment in the car. For example, the car I drive is equipped with a night vision system that helps me see obstacles and pedestrians on the road at night. Such a system can greatly improve the safety of driving at night, especially when the line of sight is obstructed. For novice drivers, it is recommended to choose a model equipped with a night vision system or other auxiliary equipment, which can effectively improve driving safety.

If you have a blocked view when driving at night, how to drive safely, you can try this trick not afraid of high beams

Also, pay attention to adjusting your driving habits and skills. When driving at night, I stay more alert and focused, reducing unnecessary turns and sudden lane changes. Especially in the case of obstructed vision, it is necessary to observe the road conditions in advance, reasonably plan the driving route, and avoid emergencies. In addition, don't be greedy for speed, and control the speed reasonably according to the road conditions and visibility to ensure safe driving.

Finally, use high beams in moderation and correctly. Don't blindly react to turn off your high beams when you're exposed to high beams, which may reduce your visibility. Instead, you can adjust the mirrors or keep your eyes on the right edge of the lane and avoid direct exposure to the high beams to reduce the distraction from your vision.

If you have a blocked view when driving at night, how to drive safely, you can try this trick not afraid of high beams

In general, when driving at night with obstructed vision, it is important to keep the light system in good condition, make reasonable use of auxiliary equipment, adjust driving habits and skills, and use high beams correctly. With these methods, we can be safer and more secure when driving at night. I hope my experience and story can inspire and help you!

If you have a blocked view when driving at night, how to drive safely, you can try this trick not afraid of high beams

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