
The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

author:Cheerful magpie

In the vast world of the workplace, Vice President Lin was forced to leave his post because he was not good at human affairs, and many years later, he returned to his original unit, and the first thing he asked about was my father's recent situation.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

Vice Lin is always the typical science and engineering man, his mind is full of various techniques and formulas, but he knows little about the complex interpersonal relationships in the workplace. His technical skills are outstanding, which is why he has a place in the group. Originally, he was just an ordinary technical cadre, but Vice President Lin was unusually promoted to Vice President because he was valued by the boss of the group. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for him.

After Vice President Lin took office, he was not busy trying to win over relationships like other leaders, but began to promote technological innovation in a big way. His efforts soon paid off, with the company's performance continuing to rise and many old problems being resolved. Such a change did not win him the support of more of his colleagues, but instead aroused the jealousy and resentment of some people.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

Especially General Manager Zhang, his relationship with Vice President Lin is like two heavens of ice and fire. General Manager Zhang has a great influence in the group, and he has a strong network behind him. Vice President Lin's outstanding performance made Mr. Zhang feel threatened, and this sense of threat made him start to plan how to squeeze out Vice President Lin.

When the CEO of the group retired, General Manager Zhang's influence reached its peak. He began to suppress Vice President Lin more blatantly, and even openly questioned Vice President Lin's decision-making at the meeting. Vice President Lin still went his own way, focusing on his technological reform and project promotion, and seemed to be unaware of Mr. Zhang's exclusion.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

A storm about job transfers was quietly detonated. Vice President Lin was suddenly notified that he would be transferred to a subsidiary in a remote area to take up a deputy position. Such a transfer seems to outsiders to be almost equivalent to the end of a career. The news of the transfer caused a small shock within the company, but soon the waves were suppressed.

Vice President Lin's departure did not cause much turmoil. Except for me, almost no one went to the airport to see him off. At that time, I was just a young man who didn't understand the world, and I was deeply impressed by Mr. Lin's technical talent and behavior.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

On the way to the airport, he told me a lot, including his views on the workplace and what he thought was lacking. He said that a truly good leader must have talent, but also know how to be kind to others and how to unite the people around him.

We had a hurried bowl of noodles at the airport, and that was our farewell party. After Vice President Lin left, my life and work gradually got on the right track, but his influence on me will never be forgotten.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

Time flies like a white horse, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. One day, I was in the office doing some daily business, and suddenly I received a call from the front desk, saying that someone was looking for me, saying that it was my old friend. I walked to the front desk and immediately recognized the person standing there -- it was Vice President Lin! He looked much more mature than he had been a few years ago, but his bookish anger was still the same.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

I scrambled to welcome him into my office. After a brief greeting, Vice President Lin's first sentence surprised me a little: "Is your father okay?" This sudden inquiry made me stunned for a moment, but soon I understood that this was the warm side of Vice President Lin's human nature. My father gave him a lot of care and help during his most difficult times.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

I told him that my father was retired and in good health, and he often asked about his old friends at school. Vice President Lin was very relieved to hear this, and he told me that although he was transferred from his original position, he did not give up. In that remote subsidiary, he still used his technical expertise, and even led the team to develop a new product line, which made the subsidiary's performance improve rapidly.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

I was very struck by his words. Under such unfavorable conditions, Vice President Lin not only was not defeated, but created one miracle after another. His experience once again proved his ability and resilience, and it also gave me a deeper understanding of the many injustices in the workplace.

The leader was excluded and transferred, I invited him to eat noodles, and many years later he returned to the unit and asked me: My father is okay

We talked a lot, from technology to management, from the workplace to life. Every word of Vice President Lin reveals his deep understanding of life and his bright expectations for the future. When I asked him about the purpose of his trip, he smiled and said that he had come to see me and ask about my father, and that he was hoping to find new opportunities to work with him.

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