
The "healthy" diet recommended by Internet celebrities is actually a booster of inflammation and heart problems!

author:Captain FE Soso

There will always be a saying on the Internet: xx burger only has xx calories, so xx burger is a diet food.

If it is exaggerated, it will also be accompanied by comparisons, such as "xx burger is more weight loss than xx healthy meal" and the like.

The "healthy" diet recommended by Internet celebrities is actually a booster of inflammation and heart problems!

Such low-quality, stupid, and caloric rumors made the Suo team want to vomit.

While it is theoretically true that calorie control can lead to weight loss, this perspective ignores nutritional quality, potential health impacts, and the importance of long-term health maintenance.

And, even if you really believe in "caloric theory", you still can't lose weight in a healthy way. But for Internet celebrities, they just need to open their mouths and brag blindly.

Of course, they may say that "meal replacements occasionally, but not every day" are stupid and stupid.


The content of this article represents the views of the author only and has nothing to do with the position of the company. The article is only used to communicate with readers and popularize knowledge. Some professional terms are only quotations of professional knowledge, and the pictures are from the Internet, which is invaded and deleted.

1. Nutrient deficiencies

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the intake of highly processed foods is associated with increased rates of obesity.

Added sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats in refined foods, even if the total calories are not high, can lead to weight gain and obesity.

The "healthy" diet recommended by Internet celebrities is actually a booster of inflammation and heart problems!

In addition, the general refined food is only nutritious and lacks the necessary micronutrients, which is also bad for health.

This type of nutrition refers not only to those that are stated on the ingredient list, but also to ingredients such as flavonoids found in natural foods.

2. Obesity and inflammation

According to a study in the journal PLoS Medicine, processed foods, even if not high in calories, have been linked to a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

At the same time, they can also cause more body inflammation due to food additives, such as decreased intestinal shielding function and immune system function.

The "healthy" diet recommended by Internet celebrities is actually a booster of inflammation and heart problems!

"Caloremia" withholds this information and tells you only about calories.

3. The problem of saturated fats and trans fats

Saturated fats and trans fats, which are commonly found in processed foods, are extremely bad for heart health.

According to the Journal of the American Heart Association, these unhealthy fats raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Even under calorie control, unhealthy fats can take a toll on cardiovascular health.

4. Neglect of satiety and long-term dietary hygiene

There is also one point that you must pay attention to: dietary fiber intake, especially natural dietary fiber.

Many processed foods usually lose 90% of their fiber, which inhibits satiety.

The "healthy" diet recommended by Internet celebrities is actually a booster of inflammation and heart problems!

Studies have shown that excellent dietary fiber and protein are more effective in prolonging satiety, and can also protect intestinal and muscle health.

Team So's article today is not trying to sell anxiety to everyone.

It's those Internet celebrities who are selling you anxiety and inconsistencies.

You always have to remember that it's not easy to get good results, especially if you know it's difficult.

The ultimate goal of the Soo team: to let 1 million Chinese learn to "balance life"!

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The "healthy" diet recommended by Internet celebrities is actually a booster of inflammation and heart problems!