
As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

author:Xiaohu is popularizing science
As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

In this world, there are many sayings that have been passed down for thousands of years, which may seem simple, but contain profound life philosophy. One of them is "neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", this sentence may seem a bit old in modern society, but the deep meaning behind it is unfathomable.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

The protagonist of the story is a girl named Xiaoyu, who lives in a bustling city and has the warmth and happiness of an ordinary family. Xiaoyu is a cheerful and kind girl who has a good relationship with her neighbors and is very close to her relatives. However, the tricks of fate are always unexpected.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

Xiaoyu's neighbor is a middle-aged woman named Aunt Wang, who is an introverted and old-fashioned person who always locks herself in her home and rarely communicates with people. Xiaoyu has tried to date her many times, but always breaks up. Aunt Wang's family life seems to be harmonious, but in fact, there are many unknown contradictions and disputes.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

On the other hand, Xiaoyu's kinship is not all smooth sailing. Her uncle's family often came and went, but they always caused unnecessary trouble for the family. Not only do they often borrow money from Xiaoyu's family and don't pay it back, but they also often cause trouble at family gatherings, bringing an unpleasant atmosphere to everyone.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

Xiaoyu grew up in such an environment, and she gradually understood the meaning of the saying "neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave". She realized that there are people who live around us but are not necessarily our true friends, and there are people who are related to us but are not necessarily worthy of our trust and dependence.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

As time passed, Xiaoyu slowly grew up, and she began to learn to keep her distance and no longer trust others easily. She understands that estrangement between people is not necessarily a bad thing, and sometimes, keeping a certain distance can protect herself from unnecessary disputes and injuries.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

However, just when Xiaoyu thinks she has learned how to get along with her neighbors and relatives, fate once again plays a dramatic turn for her. One day, Aunt Wang suddenly fell ill, and there was no one at home to take care of her, and she was lying alone in bed, helpless and lonely. After Xiaoyu learned the news, she felt a wave of sadness and guilt in her heart, and she realized that although she was not close to Aunt Wang, as a neighbor, she should also lend a hand.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

So, Xiaoyu walked into Aunt Wang's house without hesitation, took care of her, accompanied her, and sent her warmth and care. In this process, the relationship between the two gradually became intimate, and Aunt Wang gradually opened her heart and confided her distress and troubles to Xiaoyu.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

Through this relationship, Xiaoyu deeply realized the true meaning of the saying "neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave". She understands that relationships between people are not static, and sometimes, as long as we manage them with our hearts, even if the initial relationship is weak, it is possible to slowly become intimate.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

Eventually, Aunt Wang recovered, and a true friendship was established between the two. And Xiaoyu has also grown a lot in the process, she has learned how to get along with people, how to keep a proper distance in interpersonal relationships, and how to give help and care to others when needed.

As the saying goes: "Neighbors don't make friends, relatives don't leave", it's really not superstition, don't take it seriously!

This story tells us that the relationship between people is complex and changeable, sometimes, we need to learn to keep our distance and not trust others easily, but sometimes, we also need to learn to give help and care to others, because only in giving and understanding, we can truly feel the beauty and warmth of human nature.