
27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

author:Cruise through a world of wonders

01: This kid is twisting his ears and doesn't listen to me......

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

02: I've seen a black pot, but I haven't seen it, the pot can carry the black pot...... Have you seen it?

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

03: A fish scared my dog into a stupid .....look!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

04: If you don't go to the psychiatric department, who will?

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

05: I'm about to become a coward, why are you still chasing after me!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

06: The trouble of restoring the surname..... , why is it so difficult to call the correct surname!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

07: Seeing this conversation, netizens said that they had fainted in the toilet with laughter......

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

08: Merchant, take a good look at the mosquito repellent liquid produced by your family....... It's 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, and I haven't fallen asleep yet!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

09: Comments are welcome, come on, come on, tell me how long it took you to find that missing number.

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

10: I always thought that I would not raise more succulents, after raising 1 year has not been big, I thought that the pot was too small to grow, one day I changed a large pot to my family's succulent, but when transplanting I found that it was actually a fake succulent......!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!
27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

11: There is no longer a time when I picked up a penny on the road, the price of everything has risen, and now even the price of nursery rhymes has gone up.....

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

12: It's really not easy for my little bread, things like spray painting can be its turn, and scumbags don't drive such cars...... The scumbag forgot it, and found that he sprayed it wrong, and he sprayed the words "spray wrong" again!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

13: When I came home from work, I saw the express delivery that my daughter-in-law had just opened on the coffee table..... This gives me a little chill down my back!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

14: This makes me a little bad all of a sudden, am I going home or not going home!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

15: I'll make you happy first, if you can't see clearly, that's your problem!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

16: After reading this table, I realized that I couldn't even occupy the edge of the cold door, let alone the common people and cloth clothes!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

17: Dude, do you want to see it again, I'll scare him twice, you see how fast he rides!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

18: Boss with a confused face.....

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

19: A dog at a driving school that will tell you where to go.....

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

20: My face is almost as long as my wife's legs, just see what's going on..... She's really tall and skinny!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

21: Is this bear thing my son, my brain is not enough!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

22: I feel that the hotel I live in is too tricky, and the quilt can't cover my body even if it's small!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

23: Uncle: I let you know the price of bragging!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

24: You're not a potato-eater, I've already seen it, let yourself go, buddy!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

25: Come on, come on, take a seat!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

26: I'm too hard, is this finding a boyfriend with a brain problem?

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

27: I've seen talents, but you've never seen such talents!

27 funny pictures that will make you laugh for 1 hour!

The above pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete!

The above pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete!