
I don't want to get old and have brittle bones and short height! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly, and it's still too late

author:There is a doctor

Mr. Han, 52 years old, went to the hospital for treatment with chest, waist and back pain accompanied by limited movement for half a year and aggravation for one month.

At the time of presentation, the doctor performed a physical examination and showed that the blood pressure was slightly higher by 150/100mmHg, the physical examination showed tenderness in the subscapular area of both sides, no percussion pain, extensive tenderness and percussion pain in the thoracolower back and back, no radiating pain in both lower limbs, normal motor sensation in both lower limbs, negative bilateral straight leg raise test, bilateral knee tendon reflex and Achilles tendon reflex, negative Pap sign, thoracic CT examination showed the possibility of T4 vertebral hemangioma, mild wedge deformation of T7 and T11 vertebrae, T9/ 10 horizontal neuraxial calcification, so osteoporosis is the main diagnosis, there may be osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture, T4 vertebral hemangioma, it is recommended to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

After being admitted to the hospital, the doctor communicated with Mr. Han based on his symptoms and the results of a comprehensive physical examination and imaging examination, and communicated with him about his condition and diagnosis and treatment plan, because he currently has osteoporosis and may have vertebral compression fractures, he needs to take medication to supplement calcium, inhibit bone destruction and bone resorption, and combine pulse ultrasound therapy, Mr. Han agreed after understanding.

After 7 days of hospitalization, his waist mobility improved slightly, and the doctor approved him to be discharged.

Half a month later, Mr. Han complained of mild pain in the chest, waist and back, and could move normally, and the CT examination of the thoracic spine showed that the calcification in the neuraxial canal was reduced.

The doctor reminds that osteoporosis is a degenerative change of the bones, which will occur silently, and bone pain can occur without any warning, especially in the back, which is manifested as spinal back pain during turning over, lying in bed or getting up, and in severe cases, it may also have difficulty sitting or walking, and limited spinal movement.

When people are older, especially the middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old are more likely to have osteoporosis, fragile bones, and fractures are prone to occur under the action of external forces.

I don't want to get old and have brittle bones and short height! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly, and it's still too late

Osteoporosis is no stranger to everyone, as the name suggests, the texture of the bone becomes sparse and loose.

For example, if healthy bones are as hard as walls, the bones of a person with severe osteoporosis may be as soft as sand.

When people reach old age, the functions of various organs in the body will deteriorate, and osteoporosis will also occur quietly.

There are many elderly people who will have a "shrinkage" in height, and their total height is shorter than when they were younger, and the main culprit of this shortening is osteoporosis.

According to statistics, the incidence of osteoporosis in women over 50 years old can reach 50%, the incidence rate in men over 70 years old is more than 20%, and 90% of the elderly over 80 years old suffer from osteoporosis.

When the height of the elderly is 2 cm lower than that of the previous year, or 3~5 cm lower than when they were young, they need to be alert to whether they have osteoporosis.

Why does osteoporosis cause people to become shorter?

The human torso is supported by the spine, and the vertebral bones are mainly composed of cancellous bone, and osteoporosis is also most likely to occur in cancellous bone.

When the trabeculae in the cancellous bone become thinner, reduced, disappear or even form a cavity, the strength and compression resistance of the bone are greatly reduced, and the weight-bearing function of the vertebral bone will be reduced.

At this time, if some minor fractures occur inadvertently, such as the elderly suddenly feel low back pain when doing some actions such as twisting the body and bending over to hold objects, a compression fracture of the spine may occur, and even their own weight may make the vertebral body compressed, deformed, and shortened, thus affecting the height.

In addition, as we age, the water content of the intervertebral disc connecting the vertebral body will gradually decrease due to aging, which makes the intervertebral disc thinner and the space between the vertebrae narrows, resulting in a shorter length of the spine and a shorter height.

Due to the thinning of the intervertebral disc and the weakening of the compression resistance, the vertebral body is prone to fracture when it is subjected to even a slight external force, so that the vertebral body can be further shortened, and if the fracture occurs repeatedly on multiple vertebral bodies, the person's height can be shortened by about 5 cm.

I don't want to get old and have brittle bones and short height! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly, and it's still too late

I don't want to get old, my bones are brittle, and my height is short! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly

The occurrence of osteoporosis is not formed overnight, it is accumulated over many years, and the prevention of osteoporosis is not a "patent" for the elderly, and people of every age should do it.

If you don't want to get old, your bones are brittle, and your height is short, these habits should be changed as soon as possible, and it's too late to change them!



Exercise is the key to maintaining bone health, as the human skeleton is in a dynamic metabolic process, and stimuli such as exercise will accelerate bone rebuilding and enhance the utilization of calcium.

In particular, appropriate force-bearing and weight-bearing exercises can be beneficial to bone reconstruction, modify bone micro-injury, and avoid micro-injury and fracture involvement.

If you live a sedentary lifestyle for a long time without stress, calcium in the blood will not enter the bones, and on the contrary, the bones will release calcium, which will lead to a decrease in bone density, which in turn increases the risk of fractures.

Recommended weight-bearing exercises include running, various ball games, etc., and it is recommended to exercise for 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, 5 days a week.

I don't want to get old and have brittle bones and short height! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly, and it's still too late


A high-salt diet

Long-term high-salt diet may lead to an increase in sodium ion content in the body, and when the renal tubules are reabsorbed, the sodium ion reabsorption content increases, which may increase the loss of calcium ions and reduce the calcium ion content in the body, which may cause osteoporosis, especially in middle-aged and elderly people.

Studies have found that too much salt will affect the body's full absorption of calcium from food, and a high-salt diet will lead to more loss of calcium in human bones, and osteoporosis, bone atrophy and fractures that women are prone to are all related to too much salt.


Picky eaters

If you like to be picky in your diet, such as not eating calcium-rich foods such as milk, shrimp, and green leafy vegetables, it may lead to less calcium absorption, which may lead to osteoporosis in the long run.

To prevent osteoporosis, it is recommended that adults ensure that the intake of milk and dairy products is not less than 300 grams per day, ensure that green leafy vegetables are 150~250 grams per day, and eat more foods rich in vitamin D, such as deep-sea fish, egg yolks, mushrooms, etc., and can also appropriately supplement protein, but pay attention to the intake of meat, you can eat 40~75 grams of aquatic products per day, 40~75 grams of livestock and poultry meat, and 40~50 grams of eggs.


He loves carbonated drinks, coffee and strong tea

Carbonated drinks contain a large amount of carbonated drinks, which will affect the body's absorption of calcium, and if you drink a lot of carbonated drinks regularly, you may develop osteoporosis.

Coffee contains caffeine, which can affect calcium absorption and bone calcium deposition, while coffee has diuretic function, which can accelerate calcium metabolism and easily form a negative calcium balance, so it is recommended that the daily caffeine intake should not exceed 300 mg.

Drinking a large amount of strong tea can increase the excretion of urinary calcium, increase the excretion of urinary calcium, and the accumulation of time can lead to a decrease in the mineral content in the bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.

I don't want to get old and have brittle bones and short height! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly, and it's still too late


Smoking and drinking

The nicotine contained in tobacco can reduce the contraction of the nourishing blood vessels of the bones, and the blood circulation of the bones will cause the reduction of new bones after ischemia, which can induce osteoporosis, and the nicotine can affect the absorption of calcium in the stomach and intestines.

Long-term heavy alcohol consumption will lead to calcium loss, and may also significantly affect the absorption and synthesis of vitamin D, thereby hindering the absorption and utilization of calcium, and easily inducing osteoporosis.



Adequate sleep is important for bone health as it is an important period for bone tissue repair and regeneration, and poor sleep quality may affect bone metabolism and bone density.

If you stay up late for a long time and lack of sleep, it is easy to lead to endocrine dysfunction, and the imbalance of calcium regulatory hormone secretion can lead to bone metabolism disorders, triggering osteopenia, thereby increasing the risk of osteoporosis.


Hardly any sun exposure

Vitamin D is one of the important elements in the prevention of osteoporosis, and the human body itself secretes this ingredient, mainly through light to absorb ultraviolet rays, and convert 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin into vitamin D, which plays a role in helping calcium absorption.

If you don't get enough sun and don't get enough vitamin D in your diet, it can affect calcium absorption, which can lead to osteoporosis.

It is recommended that normal people should not spend more than 30 minutes in the sun every day, not that the longer the time, the better the effect, and for patients with severe osteoporosis, it is recommended that the daily sunshine should not exceed 1 hour.

I don't want to get old and have brittle bones and short height! These habits advise you to get rid of them quickly, and it's still too late


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#骨质疏松 ##老年人如何预防骨质疏松#

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